

Ask @ugottafriend

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Where is the difference between being confident and being cocky?

Attitude is everything. You can be confident and still present yourself respectfully. Cocky is nothing more than an ego trip.

What is the most useful thing/skill/habit (of any nature, personal or professional) you've learnt/developed in your life?

It's a tie between cooking and budgeting.

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HOw long do you sleep?

I have (clinically diagnosed) sleep deprivation and insomnia, so I don't sleep well. I mostly crash into naps.

What is your favorite thrill ride?

I haven't been able to ride such things since childhood, but I liked the Himalaya, Thunder River, and whatever the Six Flags version of Splash Mountain is (never been to Disney, but SF has the same ride with a different name).

in your opinion, what should a man be like?

I suppose a man can be whoever he wants to be. I can choose to care, or not. I'm no control freak, but it would be nice if all people, regardless of gender, were compassionate, responsible, and respectful.

If you would take a tattoo, what would be on it?

I don't want one, but it would be a sunflower with a nice quote or maybe a psalm from the Bible.

what did you want to be, when you were a child?

I wanted to be a writer, an artist, a foster parent or orphanage patron, and a traveler.

Can some person change your life?

I think a lot of people have changed me in many ways. Human life is complex, and we are always learning from something or someone. I'm willing to welcome change if it is good. I struggle with change when it is bad. I suppose that's normal. I of course do what I can to change myself as I see the need. I always hope to be a better person and have a better life, and I try not to rely on anyone else to make that happen for me, with a few exceptions, of course. I will always love and appreciate those who have made my life better.

Kannst du dir vorstellen einmal eine Weltreise zu unternehmen? 🌎✨

JanRitter’s Profile Photosmokeandmirrors
It would be amazing to travel around the world. It will have to remain a dream for me, but I hope you get to do this if you want to.

What side dish do you like to eat with barbecue?

Squee! I love BBQ! There are so many things that go great with it: potato salad or mashed potatoes, mac n cheese, roasted corn, or BBQ beans!

Have people taken photoshopping too far? What do you think?

Yes, badly. There are countless memes and other photos out there that are absolutely false to an offensive and harmful extent.
- Fabricated, politically-biased memes
- Financial scams
- Exploitation of children and disabled people (type 'Amen" and share BS)
- Fake pornographic photos that influence uneducated, gullible people and put others (mostly women) at risk of harm
- Tabloids and other altered magazine photos such as airbrushed bodies and enlarged muscles
Photoshop has been a curse in many, many ways.

If someone wants to talk to you , what are the steps they should proceed to reach your acceptance of giving them a portion of your time to listen to ?

Hello :) I don't think I'm that difficult to reach. I take frequent breaks from social media and adjust my privacy settings as needed, but I read email at ugottafriend4life@gmail.com pretty regularly. As long as you are respectful or not trying to sell me something, I'm going to at least listen. I might even reply, depending on the subject matter. You'll have to be your authentic self to befriend me, though, meaning none of this anonymous stuff. But if you're genuine and respectful, I'm really not that hard to have a conversation with. Feel free to send an email.

If you could wish for something more important than anything else you could have wished for that you truly desire what would it be???

If you mean a desire for myself, I am in desperate need of relief. I can't bear to think about anything else. I am weak and in severe pain and I will never have a life worth living in this condition.
I have desires for other people too. I want children to be safe and well-raised. I want people with disabilities to be fully respected. I won't name them, but I want specific people in my life to be happy and well to the extent that I believe they deserve.

You are not alone there's always someone you can turn to and talk to about your struggles,problems,pain You're Not Alone Keep your head up & Stay Strong♥

That's sweet, thank you.

What has happened to this society ?

That's a damn good question and I don't have an adequate answer at the moment. I just know I'm not coping with it.

Do you think people who are over-confident, interactive with many acquaintances are shallow?

Nah. There's nothing wrong with feeling confident and having friends. Some people are extroverted like that. I think the only potential issue is the word over-confident because it implies expectations that are too high, or in some cases, narcissism.


Language: English