

Ask @ugottafriend

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What kind of things are you interested in?

art, music, charity, writing, education, psychology, cooking, geography, genealogy, world culture

What a kind of coffee do you like ☕️?

I like frozen coffee (various flavors), cappuccino, and cafe au lait. The stronger it is, the less I like it because I have a bitter palate. I don't care for Starbucks, and I don't like Chicory coffee (not even at Cafe Du Monde).

If you became a teacher tomorrow, what would you teach?

I was a teacher. :(
I taught Bob Ross workshops.
Happy Trees!
But honestly, if I could teach anything in the world to the world, it would be empathy. There is a serious lack of it.

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Would you ever be friends with people who have different views to you?

I absolutely do have friends who have different views, but there is a line to be crossed with me. People have called me evil, insulted me in my own home, told me I had no rights, mocked my disability, would rather me suffer than have medical care, blatantly degraded my friends while insisting they were my only friend, told that nothing I ever say or do will be good enough, made rape jokes while defended Trump, called the me too movement a hoax, sexually exploited me, used the bible to justify their abuse, they're ok with border kids in cages, think they are superior in race, religion, and political party, want to punish women for being independent and using their voices, have no problem with the sudden rise of fascism, refuse to accept facts or education, and want to build a GD racist wall. Those people are absolutely not my friends or family. If the shoe fits, wear it.

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Something that you would like to say those who read you? 😊✌

I know your time is valuable, so I appreciate that you spend a little bit of it reading my thoughts. :-)

If you had a really fluffy Bunny,What would you name it??

I once had a bunny named Benjamin, but my mother sold him behind my back. I guess if I had a new bunny, it would depend on the gender and what it looked like. I'm all over the place with my interest in naming things. It could range anywhere from Miss Fluffy to Sir Elton Alan Patrick Harrison the Great of Flufftown. Welcome to my brain! (Best of luck, little rabbit.)

What do you think it would be like to live life as a bird?

The cuisine wouldn't be very appetizing, but otherwise I'd love to find out as long as it's a flying bird. I want to fly away from here.

What are the childish things you still do as a grown up?

Watch cartoons/anime and occasionally collect plush animals or other collectibles.

¿Eres alérgico a algo?

I am allergic to quite a lot of things, thanks to having an ion channelopathy. It makes life complicated.

What is your favorite source of outdoor entertainment?

This is a hard one! I like sightseeing, fireworks displays (in spite of my startle reflex...weird I know), and festivals if the weather is acceptable. I'm a big fan of architecture, sunsets, sitting at the beach watching the waves roll in, and car shows. I'm probably forgetting some things!
P.S. - Refreshing this question because I forgot sporting events!

What do you think of makeup?

I don't wear it as frequently as I used to, but I do own some. On days I decide to dress up, I use a translucent powder, a little bit of blush, and lipstick. I don't often put anything on my eyes, but I will if I'm cosplaying or attending a nice event of some kind. I might paint my fingernails once a year, and I am against professional manicures and pedicures for me personally. I'm not really into glamour. As for others, it's not my business. I hear guys say sometimes that they don't like a girl with a lot of makeup on, or that a girl doesn't need makeup. So what? It's their body, and they don't require someone else's approval. Leave them alone and let them live as they choose.

What are your further expectations from life , would it be easy or hard ?

I would like, by some miracle, for my life to become easier and less painful as time goes on. I don't see how that's going to happen, but maybe I'll figure it out. As for expectations, I really don't have any. I'm sort of stuck in my circumstances with no reasonable way out, so I'm just here every day trying to make it to tomorrow with my sanity intact.

Do you have weird relatives?

Haha, oh heck yeah. We've got plenty of weirdness going on in this family, but I can't talk because I'm pretty darn quirky myself.

How many hats do you own?

Three: ball cap, bowler hat (used mostly in cosplay), and a reversible fishing hat that's denim on one side and floral print on the other side.

What first comes to your mind with the word 'Marriage'? 🌚

Ugh. No.
It was a miserable time for me, and it's not something I've wanted to do again. I suppose if I was in love I would be far more open to the idea, but to be honest I have special needs due to serious illness so I think a great deal of counseling would be in order before it could even be considered.

Advice for courage to ask someone out?

Please understand I am probably the last person who should be giving advice on this, since I've never asked anyone out. However, what I will say is that perhaps the courage you seek is not in merely approaching the person, but in accepting whatever their response is even if it's not the answer you want. Because honestly, what are they going to say? There are only a few possibilities: yes, no, or maybe another time, and none of those result in the end of the world. Just be your genuine self and start a conversation when the opportunity arises.
I'm sure you're a lovely person! :-) I bet they will appreciate that you thought of them. And maybe they'll say yes! You will never know unless you ask. But before you do, it's not a bad idea to think about what your response will be to their answer, whichever one it may be. (Respect is everything!)
Good luck. :-)

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May I put teapot under my pillow?

I can only imagine a teapot under your pillow would make said pillow uncomfortable to lie on, but I have a feeling there is a significance to this that I am unaware of. Sorry for not understanding your question.

If you had an ability to look into other's past, who would be the first one on which you will use your power?

I suppose if I could change the pasts of other people, I would allow them to submit a request and see if I could help. I wouldn't go around changing other people's pasts without their consent.


Language: English