
Syaza Nazura

Ask @syazanazura

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hahaha even the malaysians? ada lagi ke yang masih belum sampai?

Yezzah. Most dah sampai, tapi ada lagi malam ni.

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Summer holiday buat apa je?

Awal2 cuti summer haritu, jalan St Louis in Missouri & pergi Midwest in Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Pastu balik Malaysia for two months (makan, tidur, lepak dengan kawan, visit sekolah, bagi talk in INTEC, volunteer dengan Teach for Malaysia, puasa, raya)
Dah balik US for a few weeks now (almost a month?), dok terperuk kat Madison, Wisconsin je la. Pindah rumah baru, kemas rumah, layan juniors baru and stuff.

Hi! I am currently applying for UWM. Nak tanya, dekat bahagian activities tu, should I list only important ones or just letak je semua benda..

Quality >>>>> Quantity.
Liked by: NoreliaHafizah

Salam Kak. Ada certain US unis kan yang mewajibkan on-campus residence for at least one or two years. Mine costs USD14k for one academic year. Dining plain is compulsory too. I've given my MARA officer endless calls and emails tak berbalas. Do you know of anyone yang experience the same thing?

Read below :)
Liked by: NoreliaHafizah

[Continuation] What did they do? Is it possible to "request" for extra allowance? Thank you!!!

Not sure about the 'extra allowance', tapi yang wajib duduk on campus, if I'm not mistaken, MARA bayarkan for the housing fees & allowances dyorang kurang la (since they're not paying for rent). Tapi I'm not too sure so DO DO DO check with MARA.

How do i send an international mail from malaysia to the states? Do i need a specific envelope for airmail? And do I just use stamps and put it in the regular mailbox? Sorry if this is a weird question, but I couldn't find the procedure online and I figured you would have an experience..

You're talking about sending a letter (or postcard) to the States, right? If yes, any envelope would do. Just put the appropriate stamps to pay for postage (refer picture) and drop it at the mailbox AT THE POST OFFICE ('cause I don't know how often they check the mailboxes outside, like the ones in residential places and such). If you're sending a package or parcel, can look on pos.com.my under International Mail. Or just bring it to the Pos Office and ask the clerk to help. 😊
How do i send an international mail from malaysia to the states Do i need a

Assalamualaikum kak. Can you give some tips how to score in exam? Cara belajar akak? Cause im too nervous after getting know ill pursuing my study in foundation in medic. Feuwww! But thats what i want. I want to be a doctor. Akak please please. How can you manage your time wisely too.?

Link 1 -> http://ask.fm/syazanazura/answer/113711934546
Link 2 -> http://ask.fm/syazanazura/answer/123081365330
Link 3 -> http://ask.fm/syazanazura/answer/105489406802
For more info on Medicine-related tips to managing your studies, I suggest asking -> @dyllarezan
What I would suggest is to make a list of priorities. What you need to do, things like that. List them in order of priorities. Spend more time on the subjects you are not that strong in, and less time on subjects you know you can definitely score in (tapi jangan sampai tak study langsung la). Probably like 50% time on your weakest subjects, 30% time on your moderately okay subjects, 20% time on your strong subjects? [ratio given as example, you can break it off any way you like]
Liked by: Farah

it's been a few weeks; almost a month kot. I forgot. but I assume that you're not going to answer my question. (about my degree course that I might get- and I don't like it- scared of my future) but after I reread our conversations before this there's sth that you said which makes myself in ease (1)

Read below. :)

(2) you said that; believe in yourself and believe in your flexibility. this was when I asked you about why actuarial sc since you want to be an educator?. Well thank you so much! albeit that I'm freaking nervous for the upu result in a few weeks from now, but I just have to deal with it. any tips?

Again, I'm sorry it took a while for me to reply. Not that I didn't want to reply. Your question wasn't the only one, I have 20+ that I've been keeping in my inbox.
I hope the previous answer below provided what you wanted, but if not... hmm.
Whatever it is, yes, believe in yourself. Pray to God to help you through it all, no matter where you end up going. Pray that He provides you with the strength to accept whatever future you have and the motivation to move on. Whatever the results is for you, know that it is for the best, and try to make the best out of it.

Hiiii how's life? I don't get the course that I want for my degree program. And I'm lost. I don't know what program should I choose other than that. If private sector, I know my family and I couldn't afford the finance. What should I do. Should I just go whatever course that I get and try to

Life's okay, I guess. Hanging in there. Coping with internal problems but otherwise fine. :)
[read answer below for follow-up]

*****try to accept? Albeit that course is literally not my choice!

I'm sorry I replied this late, have been dealing with some existential depression thingy & not feeling motivated and stuff so I held off on answering questions with super long answers (sebab tu lately jawapan semua pendek-pendek je).
Anyhow. From your follow-up question(s), I believe you have found the answer.
Yes, flexibility is one thing. [to others, we're referring to this -> http://ask.fm/syazanazura/answer/127791176018]
The other thing is: fate.
One of the reasons why you might not get what you wanted might be because Allah knows that you're more suited somewhere else. We might feel like we know ourselves, but trust me, Allah knows us way way more. He knows where our talents are most suitable at, where our deepest and hidden passion lie at, and He will guide us there one way or another.
"But perhaps you hate a thing and it is good for you; and perhaps you love a thing and it is bad for you. And Allah Knows, while you know not." [2:216]
Remember that.
Open up your heart to accept & try something new. If you tell yourself now that you don't like the program you're going into, you're doing yourself a disservice by not giving yourself a chance to try and learn something out of your comfort box. Give yourself a chance to love something, and give the program the chance to show you what it is all about. :)
[hope this helps]

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Liked by: NoreliaHafizah

Akak, I've received your postcard yesterday. Thank you for your words. Best of luck in everything, may god bless :) -Aishah

You're welcome! May Allah bless you too, and good luck kiddo :)

Thanks kak nazu for the kad raya !!! Really love it and appreciate it !!! 😊😊😊😊

You're welcome! :)

Hahaha haah . My mom yg baca . Sbb time card tu sampai i kat campus haha so my mom lah yg baca and ws kat saya hahaha and she really loves your words . Maybe dye pun nk sampaikn bnde yg sama kut:')

Hahahaha lol okay xD I can't recall exactly the words I wrote for you (since I wrote 120 Eid cards), but whatever they were, I'm glad you (and your mum) loved them. Kirim salam to your mum for me! :)
Liked by: ShuNaim

Kak syaza, do you have any friend yg experience some problem about their visa (to study in the US, of course) or you yourself experienced it? Currently I'm at the situation and my flight date is approaching, and I feel really demotivated by that..

Try to find the US Bound Malaysian Students Facebook group & look there. There should be a post thread with common problems & issues regarding visa tu :)


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