
Syaza Nazura

Ask @syazanazura

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Kalau kita apply scholar mara then dapat mara kasik chance kat kita utk pilih kolej mana la. Like that?

Nope. Masa apply MARA tu, kena pilih program. Ada la dalam seratus (kot, entah, anggaran je sebenarnya) program. Ada ADP kat INTEC la, ADP kat INTI la, kat Taylor's la. Yang ADP Intec pulak, ada Engine la, Econs la, Biotech la, Arts la, and so on and so forth. So pilih sendiri la nak major and negara and kolej mana masa mohon tu. Boleh pilih dua.

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Kalau yang masuk intec secara private tu,nanti fly boleh apply scholarships atau fly pun secara private?

Kalau pandai cari peluang boleh je cari scholarship

what are the differences between uk and us?i'd like to know. teheeee

US - United States of America. One country, 50 states, VERY HUGE.
UK - United Kingdom. Four countries (England, Scotland, Wales and the northern part of Ireland), relatively small as compared to the US.

adfp tu apa kak? dia punya program 1 taun ke 2 tahun? apa beza dgn a levels?

American Degree Foundation Program. Setahun.
Beza dengan A-Levels sebab nama pun American Program en. A-Levels more general. ADFP mostly to US and Canada (and Aussie sikit-sikit la)

susah ke nk masuk vanderbilt kat nashville tu? mana lagi susah dgn yang akak punya uni kat madison?

Tak tahu. Setiap universiti berbeza. Biasanya Malaysians masuk Vandy sebab ikut fast track after SPM.

adfp kat intec tu kita mintak or dia kasik tawaran?

Kalau apply MARA, boleh pilih nak kolej mana.
Kalau privately, apply ah kat INTEC sendiri.

apa beza misi dengan visi?

Misi bermaksud tugas khusus yg dipertanggungjawabkan kpd atau yg akan dilakukan oleh seseorang atau sesuatu kumpulan, seperti Misi organisasi saya ialah mengadakan kemudahan pengangkutan udara dan perhubungan yg paling akrab dgn keperluan negara. Visi bermaksud tanggapan dan pandangan yg jauh dan mendalam, terutamanya yg berkaitan dgn perkembangan masa depan dsb, atau disebut juga sebagai wawasan, contohnya Pemimpin yang mempunyai keperibadian yg utuh serta visi dalam kepimpinan.
[source: http://prpm.dbp.gov.my/Search.aspx?k=misi&d=10]

What makes you want to join the 2013 SPM group?

'Cause I've seen how my friends stumbled around after SPM without any guidance and getting lost in their paths as they searched for information. I didn't want that to happen to anyone else.

I just found your twitter account and it lead me to your blog. You really seem like an amazing person. :) Anw, this question was probably asked before: why did you drop a levels, if u don't mind me asking?

Aww, thank youu :')
I dropped A-Levels because of a couple of reasons:
1) I found it to be boring.
2) I got an offer from MARA to do ADFP in INTEC Shah Alam before heading to the States.
3) Other personal reasons. :)
Liked by: Raziq Khirudin

You took further maths when you did your a levels right? How was it?

I was supposed to, but didn't had the chance to do so as I dropped A-Levels before we began Further Maths

What course are you studying in madison?

I'm currently a pre-business student, still haven't 'declared' my major, but I'm hoping to do Actuarial Science, insyaAllah.

Akak amik A levels ke? And kalau amik akak ambik kat mana?

Ambil, separuh jalan je, from January to June 2012. And ambil kat Kolej Tuanku Ja'afar.

Did u get straight A+ in ur spm? Mind sharing hows your life in madison. :)

Alhamdulillah, yes, I did.
And Alhamdulillah, things have been going on well here in Madison. I'm still getting used to the system, getting used to the different ways of doing things here (ie. no real calculations needed for Calculus, etc) but I'm good. Doing great, living, breathing, eating, surviving. As usual :)

Maksudnya selain subjek bio,you agak yakinlah boleh dapat A untuk spm?

InsyaAllah, boleh je. I wasn't worried much about the core subjects, 'cause they've been fine for me throughout Forms 4 and 5. Add Maths has always been easy for me to understand, so I wasn't worried about that either. Chemistry and Physics, well, I was a bit worried, but not too much. So, yes, Biology was the only one that I was worrying over.

Do you think I can get any scholarship like mara, petronas, bnm etc if I take IGCSE?

They are mostly for post-SPM students. So I would suggest doing pre-university on your own (A-Levels, IB, Asasi, ADP, etc) and apply for post-STPM level (including all pre-u programs) scholarship.


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