
Syaza Nazura

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What time do you sleep? How many hours should we sleeo

It's 4am here, and I'm still awake lewls. I sleep at random times of the day (okay, granted I was asleep for most of the day today since I was sick and had a bad headache, but still). People say teenagers/young adults need about 7-8 hours of sleep. I usually get around 4hours on a weekday (possibly more if I skip classes), but yeah, a healthy dose of 6-7 hours of sleep would be great I guess?

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jauh ke beza bahasa yang digunakan dalam SAT dan IELTS ? i means sama tnggi ke taraf dia? ke tnggi lg SAT?

You're comparing apples to oranges here.
SAT is different from IELTS (or TOEFL, or MUET, for that matter).
IETLS (& TOEFL) is an English-proficiency test. The whole point of it is to know if you (as a non-native English speaker) can do well in an English-speaking country/institution like GB or USA. Level of English? Not that high. IELTS is widely used in the UK & Australia (but accepted internationally), while TOEFL is more popular in the States.
On the other hand, SAT (& ACT) is a College Admission exam, mainly used in the USA. So generally, the English used in SAT would be American English, not British English. And it's used to see how good a student is before entering US colleges (ie in Maths & English). That being said, the level of English in SAT is so much more advanced than in IELTS/TOEFL.

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kak syaza, sye budak diploma, n sye target utk amik degr dlm kos yg lain, rgi ke saya kalau macam tu

When has education ever been a waste of time? :)
Ilmu itu bukan satu pembaziran.
Liked by: Ordinary ShuNaim

My sentence for you is: to stand on your own two feet :)

I said no anonymous questions / suggestions lewls okay I'll put that up. :)
Liked by: ShuNaim

I'm challenging myself (again) this November, to write at least one post every day. So help me out, will ya?

syazanazura’s Profile PhotoSyaza Nazura
Tweet me a word / phrase / sentence on Twitter at @nazu2308, or comment on my Facebook status here -> https://www.facebook.com/syazanazura/posts/10207158717382177 and I'll try to make it happen.
(Oh, please don't send the suggestions via anonymous questions on Ask.fm. If you're using your Ask.fm accounts, that's fine, but I wouldn't entertain anonymous suggestions for the November blog challenge, alright?)
Note: And while I don't want to limit what you guys would want me to write, do keep in mind that if I feel I wouldn't be able to write a quick post (in less than an hour) about that topic, I'll keep that in the "things to write about" list for future posts. So please please please keep it short simple and fun [with a cherry on top please]
( p/s I will so regret this in November, but what the heck, let's do this shit )
Thanks in advance.

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Im challenging myself again this November to write at least one post every day

akak ada cg dkt skolah saya from us.. dia dtg mengajar atas ETA FULBRIGHT programme . she just 10 months here. you know what . dia boleh cakap kelantan sikit sikit and bunyinya agak lucu 😂😂😂 . dia dari north carolina 😊

Bestnya ada Fulbright teacher at your school. :) Tak pernah pergi North Carolina lagi xD Hahaha. Say hi to her for me, cakap Wisconsin sejuk! :P

thankyou you'd just helped me boosting my confidence back! 😔 huhuhuhu how bout wisconsin? do they need sat for the application (international)

For freshmen, yes, they require SAT. Not for transfer though. :)

kalau amek SAT 23 jan and application dateline wisconsin 1 feb,mcm mne nk hantar new score kt wisconsin

*application deadline, bukan dateline.
For UW-Madison, typically the application deadline kat website (Nov 2nd, February 1st) tu is the deadline for the ONLINE APPLICATION sahaja. Application materials yang lain (transcripts, SAT/ACT scores, TOEFL/IELTS scores, etc) boleh datang lewat sikit, tapi "WITHIN A REASONABLE AMOUNT OF TIME" (lol sorry that's our favorite phrase kat Admissions Office and I love using that hahahaha). Normally kalau transcripts and test scores sampai at our office within a week or so of the deadline, masih boleh diterima untuk admissions review. Tapi for now, takde tarikh yang dah ditetapkan untuk 'Material Receipt Deadline' lagi (ie takde deadline for the application materials lagi), so we recommend everyone untuk hantar as soon as possible.
Kalau the 23rd January SAT is your ONLY SAT score, I wouldn't recommend it. SAT takes about three weeks untuk tanda and keluarkan results. By then, it'd be wayyyy past the deadline untuk hantar the new score. Tapi if you have another score, and you're only doing the 23rd Jan to increase your score, then I'll recommend hantar your earlier score dulu. It may be lower, but at least you have it in your application file by the deadline. So in the case if the deadline pass, at least ada your old score in, and your application tak kena reject terus because of missing materials (we do automatically cancel applications yang incomplete so don't do this). And then once new SAT score dah keluar, cepat-cepat mintak CollegeBoard hantar the new score to the Admissions Office for review. Ada high possibility yang the counselor akan nampak the new score when they review your application later in the process.
(err faham ke lol)

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basically brapa hari bulan 11 masuk 1st day winter 😂 . kalau belajar geo soltis musim sejuk 22 december . it means 22 december baru trun salji ke? curious.

Emmm. Tak tahu exactly hari apa masuk "1st day winter". Daylight saving time ends November 1st though, so time goes back 1hour then. Mungkin haritu?
Salji turun ikut suka dia. Kadang2 end of October dah turun. Kadang2 mid-November. Tengok mood Mother Nature nak turun bila xD

do you think sat scores affect much for the application? i mean if that uni just regards sat as an option, do u think they actullay lied!!!! (i got bad for sat score 😭😭😭)

Not much. I mean, it depends on the university la. If it's optional, it won't make much of a difference (you can't really put much emphasis on something that some applicants have and some don't, can you?)

nak mintak pendapat and pertolongan sangat-2. Sekarang saya kan ada roomate baru dan dia tu senior saya. Tapi dia selalu stay up sampai pukul berapa saya pun tak tahu. then bila pgi je liat bangun subuh. dan saya perasan memang dia tak bangun untuk solat subuh. dalam pukul 10 lebih macam tu baru

Read below.

bangun subuh. pastu dia qada' kan sahaja. mostly every days buat macam tu dia macam tukar pulak waktu subuh haha. macammana nak nasihat dia pasal menda tu plus saya junior dia.sedih sangat bila jadi macam tu. btw, memang saya dah selalu kejut dia pago-2 just dia je tak nak bangun. help me please :'(

Junior senior tak bermakna apa-apa. Everyone has the responsibility untuk amar makruf nahi mungkar. If you feel comfortable with it, try talking to him/her about it. Don't give up kejut dia pagi-pagi. Dia bangun ke tak, terpulang kat dia. Tapi at least you've tried.
Kalau tak berani or tak selesa or tak yakin nak cakap dengan dia depan-depan, maybe ask someone yang lebih arif? Kawan baik dia? Another senior yang mungkin lagi rapat dengan dia & boleh nasihat dia?
Kalau tak boleh jugak, ingat ni ->
Daripada Abu Sa’id al-Khudri (r.a), beliau mendengar Rasulullah (PBUH) bersabda: “Barangsiapa di kalangan kamu melihat kemungkaran hendaklah mengubah dengan tangannya, jika tidak mampu, maka dengan lidahnya dan jika tidak mampu, maka dengan hatinya dan demikian itu adalah selemah-lemah iman.” (Diriwayatkan oleh Musim: al-Iman, hadis no. 40)
Kalau you've tried your best tapi dia tak nak berubah juga, it's not your fault. I've been through that dulu. Tried everything that I could, but still doesn't work. So, just berdoa la supaya Allah tolong dia. You can't do much if they don't want to open themselves up for it. You can't change someone who doesn't want to be changed.
Hope this helps. :)

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Can spm leavers apply for overseas undergraduate scholarships?

There's two kinds of undergraduate scholarships. One is for SPM-leavers (includes pre-university & undergraduate), and one for STPM-leaver (& setaraf, like A-Levels, IB, etc) (which only covers undergraduate level).
So look at the requirements. If they said it's for SPM-leavers, by all means, go ahead and apply. But if they said it's for STPM-leavers (& setaraf), then probably not.

No worries Kak Nazu, bukan salah akak pun. Saje nak bagitahu since tadi tiba-tiba je teringatkan kad raya tu. Hehe. Emm anyway nama saya Nur Azmieda :]

Hikhik maaf insyaAllah nanti sampai satu poskad from sini ye :)


Language: English