
Syaza Nazura

Ask @syazanazura

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Kak syaza, which one is better: foundation or diploma? Saya nak ambik diploma but my dad doesnt let me. Dia cakap diploma byk subjek & he wants me to go for foundation programme. Pening dah ni :-(

That depends on what you want to do la. Both ada pros and cons. Pergi research balik carefully both sides and find out what's the best choice for you.

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Kalau buat A-levels dia akan sediakan educational loans tak? Kalau buat A-levels & dpt pointer cemerlang mmg terus dapat fly lah kan? Bestnya!

1) Educational 'loans' depend on siapa yang bagi la. Ada sesetengah kolej offer je partial or full scholarships or loans. Ada yang tak.
2) Terus fly tu tak juga. Kalau tak dapat offer from university, gempak mana keputusan pun takleh fly jugak.

HIIIII. hehe thank you for the answer. I hope you're doing well at Wisconsinnn :D

puteriirdina4k’s Profile Photoputeri irdina
You're very much welcome! ;) Ahaha. Alhamdulillah I'm doing well. Where are you now? :)

Hi Syaza, dont know if you remember me, (Puteri from KTJ) I just nak tanya hehe. Right now MARA takes only study loan and at the end they tell you whether you are under scholarship OR its like two different thing at all?

puteriirdina4k’s Profile Photoputeri irdina
Technically MARA is all about pinjaman right now. But it's kind of a convertible loan. For program luar negara (PILN), repayment depends on your final results (as for me and my friends in the US, it's a 10% repayment for CGPA > 3.50) etc. For local programs (PIDN), I've heard that it would be coverted to a scholarship if you get CGPA 3.50 - 4.0, but I'm not too sure on that one.

4. PEREMPUAN, tolong jgn pakai bawal pergi interview. tolong sangatttt2. pakailah shawl kerana psikologinya ia menampakkan anda seorg yg anggun dan RAJIN. -do you agree?

I respect Kak Fatien's opinions, and it may be true to a certain extend.
As for my own opinion, as long as you're well-dressed and proper, I believe it's up to you. Some may look better with a bawal than a shawl, and some may look ridicously horrible with a bawal. Keep in mind that there are different ways of styling one's hijab, be it a bawal or shawl, and if you can make a style that makes you look matured and proper, go ahead. Kalau diri sendiri tak reti pakai shawl and end up nampak buruk, tak guna jugak. Kalau diri sendiri pakai shawl ala2 nak pergi concert ke apa, tak guna jugak.
Liked by: Shila

Akak, saya memang nak apply untuk pinjaman and scholarship semua kalau boleh sebab saya nak sambung degree.. tapi saya selalu takut when it comes to interviews.. terus rasa mcm diri ni tak layak je.. can you give me some motivations, perhaps?

Interview tips: http://ask.fm/syazanazura/answer/109797458258
Part motivation / confidence-wise, cuba scroll down sikit and baca soalan pasal confidence tu. :)
Liked by: Nur Arinna Athirah

Akak,how does a scholarship work? The application process,everything really.How the funds are allocated to the applicant and all.I have never got a scholarship and would like to apply for one for my pre-uni course.

ADAMRR’s Profile PhotoAdam Rosli
The application process for a scholarship differ between each scholarship. Generally, you'd be asked to fill up an online application form. Some may ask for an essay or two, some may ask for soft-copies of your transcripts and certificates. Some may invite you for interviews, other may ask you to take assessment tests.
Scholarships are given to applicants and typically they will cover:
1) Tuition fees to the college / university
2) Monthly allowance (amount differ between scholarship bodies)
3) Book allowance
4) Some scholarships may have computer allowance
5) Flight tickets (depending on where you study and what scholarship you're on)
6) Other academic-related stuff (thesis and research papers and stuff like that).

Wahai Syaza, tolong bagi aku kata-kata semangat sikit. Naik pening aku fikir pasal study loan ni, padahal apply pun belum.

Wahai Anonymous,
Sabar. Chill. Relax.
I'm no good in giving out 'kata-kata semangat', but what I can say is, "Verily, with every hardship comes ease."
Wahai Syaza tolong bagi aku katakata semangat sikit Naik pening aku fikir pasal

i need to build up my confidence level. how meh ? Dia nak tapi confidence tu kkdg ada kkdg takde T.T

Hi Balqis :)
Aku tak sure soalan pasal confidence before ni soalan kau or orang lain, but if kau punya, sorry lambat, tengah fikir jawapan sebenarnya.
I believe that building up confidence would depend on what context you're thinking about, be it in going out and mixing with non-Malaysians, speaking English in public, going up on stage for a presentation, or even to try something new.
But I also believe that confidence comes with practice.
The more you do something, the more confident you will be in it.

And sometimes, you'd just have to force yourself to do something that you're not used to or you're not confident in.
Know and believe that everyone, no matter how good or 'perfect' they seem, will always have some sort of insecurities in them. It's normal to feel scared. It's normal to feel insecure. It's normal to feel terrified of change.
But you know what's not normal? Staying in your small little bubble for the rest of your life.
Life's not fun without a little challenge. Spice it up with something new once in a while. Take a leap of faith, know and believe that you can always be better. Believe that you are worth so much more than you are now, and that you are destined for success. If you're thinking and dreaming of success, or you're envious of someone else who's already successful, then what's stopping you from doing the same thing? What's stopping you from creating your own name, from being successful yourself?
Everyone is unique and have different sets of skills and talents. Know and believe that you will be awesome in everything that you do, because, you know what, you're the best YOU there are out there in the world. No one else in the world have what you have. No one else in the world can be as good and as awesome as you.
So go out there and have faith. Have faith in yourself, in your potential. Everyone is destined for greatness, for success. Carve your own path in life, and build a legacy for yourself. :)

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oooo. and they did AUSMat kt intec jugak la? ok thanks!!

They did the ADFP track to UQ (and one other university, I think). But no, they didn't do AUSMAT. There might be some AUSMAT students who are doing IR but I might not be familiar with them.

selain mara yang sponsor, apa lagi yg you tau hantar students buat IR? yg i tau mara ada hantar gi aussie.. ramai ke kawan you buat course tu?

I'm not too sure. Kawan aku yang buat IR semuanya gi Aussie. Ada a few International Business (not IR) kat US. And all under MARA.

kalau pegi interview scholarships tapi english tak gempak sgt cam mana eh ? ada tips tak kak

Biar la English tak gempak pun. Asalkan berani cuba sudah la.

akak tolong bagi sikit point kepada sya kak... if interviewer tanya 'tell me about yourself ... apa yang kita nak jawab i mean apa point points yang perlu ada . tq

Jawab la anything about yourself. Tak ada specific 'points' or 'information' yang kena ada, it depends on how you want them to remember you.
Kalau aku, dah semestinya aku mention my love for writing at the earliest opportunity I have, 'cause my writing is a big part of my life.
TAPI, make sure apa2 yang kau cakap tu, kau boleh elaborate more on how it help you to learn or improve anything.
For example, kalau kau nak cakap yang kau minat gaming, tapi sebab through gaming la kau belajar how to network with people, kau independently belajar programming sebab nak cuba buat games sendiri ke, boleh la. Tapi kalau kau takat kaki main game and that's it, I wouldn't suggest mentioning that.
Some common stuff yang orang selalu cakap include:
1) Background (nama, sekolah, interests / hobbies, family background)
2) Present (if ada kerja part-time sambil study or sambil tunggu results, volunteer work, etc)
3) Future (apa plan looking ahead, what your options and what you want to achieve, etc)

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Liked by: Nur Arinna Athirah

salam kak syaza, maaf bertanya. Boleh ke kalau kita mohon intec utk 2 programmes. Contohnya, saya nk apply france programme & korea programme for this May intake. Blh ke kak ?

Wa'alaikumsalam. I'm not too sure about that. Probably boleh tanya admin INTEC about it :)

I like drawings and math. Can u suggest any relatable course

That would depend on what type of drawings you like and what kind of maths you're interested in. And also what your strengths and weaknesses are.

Hello kak syaza, regarding the application to u wisconsin madison, kita kena provide our mid year school or mid year adfp punya result? I'm from intec and I thought of flying after adfp.

Hello:) Mid year grades untuk UW-Madison is the first semester grades for ADFP. :)


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