
Syaza Nazura

Ask @syazanazura

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Assalamualaikum akak. kalau kita pure science student and would like to pursue in accountancy, finance, banking in ipta, chances nak dapat tu tinggi tak? chances kita sama ke dgn student account? atau student account diberi keutamaan?

I won't know about the specific 'chances' tu, but should be sama je whether or not you come from an accounting background ke tak.
Liked by: Aynawh

Kak syaza, I'm thinking to do FIA dekat TARC then baru buat SAT + TOEFL. what do you think?

(1) I'm guessing you're referring to the Foundation in Arts, no?
(2) "What do you think?" is kind of a too-general of a question to ask, no?
(3) Ultimately, what do you plan to achieve? Do you plan to do a foundation program in TARC, then apply to US universities? This is what I'm assuming, since you mention you plan to take SAT & TOEFL, but correct me if I'm wrong.
(4) If you do indeed plan to apply to US universities, I would highly recommend taking a more general program for US universities [i.e. ADP, A-Levels or IB]. At least with these programs, chances of you transferring your credits are higher, since most US schools are already familiar with these type of international programs than a foundation that is typically specific to a college/university.
(5) But, considering how I don't know anything about the FIA at TARC, I don't know if they've had successful candidates who are able to transfer their credits to US universities in the past. Best if you want to double check with them first.
Hope this helps.
And if it doesn't, please re-clarify your question(s).

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" include any other achievements you're proud of , positions of responsibility that you hold or have held both in and out of school, and attributes that make you interesting and special " - akak sy faham maksud ayat ni tp sy confused apa dia nak . Pencapaian itu membuatkan sy special ke mcm mana?

Dia nak awak tulis apa-apa pencapaian yang awak pernah dapat masa sekolah (i.e. pernah wakil sekolah dalam pertandingan pidato ke, etc), apa-apa jawatan yang awak pernah pegang dalam/luar sekolah (i.e. pengawas sekolah, presiden kelab robotik, etc), dan ciri-ciri yang ada dalam diri awak yang buat awak istimewa & lain daripada orang lain (i.e. awak suka menulis, jadi awak pernah jadi penulis kat surat khabar, or awak seorang yang sukakan cabaran, jadi awak dah pernah lari marathon dua tiga kali, or awak seorang yang suka belajar benda baru, jadi awak pernah ambil kelas komputer / kelas menjahit / kelas melukis masa cuti sekolah, etc).

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Pesanan akak utk pljr lpsan spm dan stpm 2016

No matter what your results are, be proud of it, knowing that you have done the best that you can do and now it is time to move forward.
If you scored well for your SPM/STPM, congratulations! Go out and celebrate, and be happy. Ignore what people say about "Oh, SPM/STPM je, tak bermakna pun nanti bila dah masuk uni, etc". You did good, and you deserve to feel happy and celebrate it.
If you did not score as well as you wanted, don't fret. Be sad if you want to, and cry if you need to, but keep your head up and look to the future. This one moment in your life, it will pass. It will not define who you are, and what you are capable of, so don't let it hold you back.
Ultimately, what matters most is how you move on from this point forward. Find every opportunities that you can get, and make the most out of all the opportunities that you find. Move on forward with fresh hopes, new goals, and strive for a better future.

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Kak , macam mana kita nak yakin dgn diri sendiri ? :')

Well, this all depends on yourself, but some of the things you can do include:
(1) When you wake up in the morning every day, stand in front of a mirror and tell yourself, "You are a strong and amazing person, and you will achieve all your goals today."
The more you repeat this to yourself, the more you'll be more at ease and be more confident in yourself.
(2) Every night before you sleep, make a list of the things you want to achieve every day. Be it small (i.e. wake up before your alarm, eat breakfast, say hi to random strangers, make your bed, eat healthy, drink 8 glasses of water, etc), and check it off your list as you achieve them. Completing smaller goals will help boost your self-confidence and will [hopefully] help you achieve your bigger goals.
(3) Like Nadine said, yes, sometimes you have to fake confidence in order to actually be confident.
(4) Love yourself, with all your flaws and imperfections. Learn to love yourself, your body and all the lemaks / curves / tahi lalat / scars sini sana, and be comfortable with them. You are beautiful, regardless of whatever people say, and you should be proud of your body.
(5) Believe that each and every person is born with their own unique combination of talents, skills and personality, so stop comparing yourself to other people. Stop trying to be someone else, and be the best you that you can be.
Hope this helps.
Also read; https://zenhabits.net/25-killer-actions-to-boost-your-self-confidence/

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Hi, I nak pursue baking and pastry for diploma after spm and kalu result elok nak ke luar negara. Tapi kebanyakannya scholarship takde offer untuk course ni, how 😢

There are various options for pursuing a degree overseas, contohnya:
1) Scholarships from the university itself. Boleh start research into options and universities if you're really interested to pursue that program, and see what financial aids are available.
2) Most typical scholarships in Malaysia are open for the general/typical programs (Economics, Banking, Accounting, Engineering, Law, etc). For the less-typical programs, you'll have to do some digging into it and see if there are any related companies that are willing to help out, in full or in parts.
3) Think about talking to people in the area / program. Cari seniors in the program, or talk to someone who's already working in a position that you are looking forward to. Get their inputs, their advice.
4) Do it locally in Malaysia, but research on options if you can maybe do a semester abroad, or a work experience (i.e. internship, work placement, etc) kat luar negara during your cuti semester or anything.

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Biasiswa tu "bond" . Elok ke bond ni ?

Biasiswa =/= bond.
Biasiswa = Scholarship.
Bond merujuk kepada syarat biasiswa tersebut. Bergantung kepada pemberi biasiswa itu, mungkin ada bond selama 5 tahun lepas habis belajar, or 10 tahun, or 2x tahun yang ditaja. Ikut perjanjian la.
Bond, macam semua benda yang lain, ada baik buruknya.
Contoh baiknya:
1) Ada jaminan kerja lepas graduate.
2) Kebiasaannya kalau nak cari internship masa belajar kat company tu pun senang jugak compared to orang luar nak cari internship kat situ.
3) Tak payah susah2 fikir kalau nak graduate nanti nak cari kerja kat mana, etc.
4) Kau dalam 'cohort' or batch pemegang biasiswa yang sama, dari pre-uni sampai masuk university. So korang akan rapat gila with one another, and then nanti kerja sama-sama.
5) Kadang2 ada activities/events that they do to build your skills, workshops ke apa.
1) Susah nak 'break' the bond. Kalau contohnya kau bonded dengan satu company, tapi kau berminat nak kerja tempat lain. Susah sikit nak break bond tu.
2) Kadang-kadang orang boleh bosan kalau jumpa orang sama je.
3) Syarat biasanya ketat/tinggi (i.e. kena maintain GPA tinggi la, etc).
4) Sometimes, limited opportunities for growth, lagi2 kalau bonded dengan company kecil / mid-sized. Mungkin opportunities dalam company itself limited, mungkin tak, depends la bond tu dengan siapa.
5) Kadang-kadang, ada 'bond' pun tak menjamin kerja, bergantung kepada keadaan ekonomi semasa. Mak aku dulu dapat biasiswa Petronas, tapi masa dia habis belajar, Petronas takde kerja for her, so dia dilepaskan dari bond dia.
Ni just some bits and pieces, and there are definitely tons more to think about. :)

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Okay akak . Bestnya pergi texas . Betul ke texas ni takde winter?

Entah, Texas biasanya panas, tapi masa winter ada la jugak snow depending on where you are semua. Tapi tak sejuk macam Wisconsin/Minnesota/Rochester/Michigan la.

Hi akak! Is it true that in order to pursue actuarial science at wisc-mad, you will need to have a cgpa of 3.5 from now and forth? If not, you will need to take business course? I heard it from the seniors who went to US, 2007. But maybe the condition has changed now?

If you want to do Actuarial Science at Wisconsin-Madison, you will need to take business courses regardless, because A.S. is under the Business School.
I think what you can do is perhaps check the website for the A.S. program in Madison. -> http://bus.wisc.edu/bba/mybiz/academics/majors-specializations-certificates/actuarial-science?_ga=1.257493833.312128925.1471465744

You sent all docs through CA or what ? Or email ?

Please refer to their instructions for any documents, transcripts or other application materials. They do list down how they want things sent.

Akak boleh ke mcm ni , saya apply uni abroad kan . Tapii saya masuk dulu ipta sbb sy xyakin dgn tawaran uni abroad . Ke uni abroad akan tolak tawaran sy sbb sy dah smbung belajar 😭💆

Boleh je. But best to check with the university themselves la sebab polisi universiti berbeza-beza.

Akak , kalau nak jadi pegawai tadbir diplomatik kos yg sesuai ialah sains pentadbiran ke ? Apa beza sains sosial and sains politik . Sains aktuari sains sosial kan?? Aduii pening

Actuarial Science is not social science, it's more of a business/mathematics/insurance program.
Kalau nak jadi pegawai tadbir diplomatik, boleh kot refer to website SPA untuk tahu apa syarat semua tu. Maaf takboleh nak tolong sangat. ._.

Tq akak , mcm mana lah bleh tertypo tinggal (i) . Hurm saya nak mohon biasiswa tpi mereka nak conditional offer letter . Nampaknya xleh apply lg la biasiswa stkt ni ☺☺😢 .

Biasanya kalau nak apply scholarship, boleh je pakai unconditional offer letter most of the time - it's just that they are used to seeing conditional offer letters. Tapi kalau ada offer letter, regardless conditional or unconditional, apply je la.

Beza condtional offer & uncondtional offer ?

Conditional ada, well, conditions to fulfill before you can actually attend the university.
Usually conditional offers are given by UK universities, while US universities tend to give out unconditional offers. Most people usually go to the UK with A-Levels, so the conditional offers that they get from UK universities are typically like, "Oh, you're accepted to attend our university, PROVIDED that you obtain A*AA for your A-Levels" or something like that.
If the same person (who's taking A-Levels) apply to US universities, most of the universities would give an unconditional offer (i.e. you're either accepted or denied straight away [or sometimes waitlisted, if any]). So even if you have a A*AA for your 'targeted or projected grades', tapi if you happened to say screw up a little and dapat AAB or something, the offer to attend the university is still there.
[Note: some US universities DO rescind/take back offers if you did super badly in your final grades. A slight drop or two in a few classes are fine, tapi like if you somehow manage to fail all classes or something, that raises a red flag.]

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😂😂😂 akak ni buat story ig memekikkk terkezutt i . Main game apa tu sampai memekakk memekikk 😂 .

Hahhahaha maaf tu kawan akak yang buat xD Game apa entah, Scream Go or 8th note something xD

Ehh bestnya macam tu .. Akak xnak stay ke ? Mesti rindu malaysia yg tercinta kan😂😂😂😂

Ahahaha tengok la cemana, tak tahu lagi plan lepas graduate nanti nak buat apa xD

Lol leave US terus igt kan wisconsin ajaaa 😂

Hahahahaha, takde la, student visa kiteorang bagi grace period 60 hari je starting from tarikh grad. Tapi kalau nak extend (as in extend visa and buat OPT untuk cari kerja/intern kat sini), boleh je la nak stay kalau nak.

Akak xsbr dah ke nak masuk bulan 5 hehe . Btw lepas grad dia bg masa brapa lama utk tnggalkan campus

Hahah tak sabar nak graddddd omgggg. Ada 60 days max to leave the US :3

Kak, let's say I'm going for an exchange year in Germany (after spm), that's mean saya ada 11 + 1 years of education. So saya kena buat SAT and TOEFL je kan sebelum apply to american uni(?)

Think so. Best to check with the universities that you are interested to apply to though.

hye..boleh terangkan sikit tak pasal sains matematik ni..n btw r u student from upsi??

Maaf, tak tahu in details pasal Sains Matematik. And no, I'm not an UPSI student.


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