
Syaza Nazura

Ask @syazanazura

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Betul ke kalau ACTP elaun dinaikkan? Dengar kata from 430 to 700. Is it true? :)

If not mistaken, yes. Depends on contract dengan sponsor la. Sebab budak ADFP kira foundation or pre-u but budak ACTP dah kira budak degree.

am i allowed to choose my subject for a levels?or Intec would do it for me?

INTEC will most probably decide that. Try asking @raziqkhirudin, as he did A-Levels in INTEC.

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kak, kalau nak pegi oversea kena dpt straight A+ ke? klau dpt varities of A? (A+, A, A-)

Budak dapat B pun ada je yang dapat fly.

can i change my major after fall semester ? from one of the non science majors to another non science major

If you're a sponsored student, and your sponsor said yes, by all means, go ahead.

what is your result for spm? sebelum ni sekolah mana?

Sekolah Seri Puteri, Cyberjaya and Kolej Tuanku Ja'afar, Mantin. And I got 9A+'s.
Liked by: Izzah

Not a question, you can skip this. Just fyi :3 i almost cried when i view your response to my last q (the-pls-marah-me-like-im-your-junior) anyhoo i have your spm sresult on my board and i look at it everyday. Hope you dont mind. Bye and have a great day ahead! :D x

Ahahaha. :')

Akak, saya buat Canadian pre-U under mara. Boleh tak nak sambung master terus under mara?

Mohon balik lah kat MARA kalau nak sambung masters. Kalau MARA luluskan, boleh je.

You say the phrase 'by all means' a lot...haha

Yes, I do.
Tapi, technically la, (and I did scrolled down my page all the way until questions from 3 months ago and used CTRL + F to find the phrases), I only used 'by all means' 9 times. That's not 'a lot', is it? :P

Hello sorry for bothering you with tremendous amount of question. If a student fails to get any placing in any Ivy League university/Ivy standard university after completing ADFP , he/she needs to continue studying ACTP right? and after he/she completed ACTP can they apply for any university in US?

The thing is, unless your sponsor specifically specify that you HAVE TO apply and go to Ivy / Ivy standard universities, nobody is forcing you to apply to Ivy League / Ivy League standard universities . Like, you can apply to any universities that you want to as long as they are listed in your sponsor (if you're a sponsored student) list of approved universities.
That being said, you can apply to whichever university that your sponsor agrees to. And flying off after ADFP or ACTP depends on your contract with your sponsor. If they said you can go off after ADFP, by all means, go ahead.

when are you going back to the states? if you're still here in august, join this: http://icms-mppc.com/ :)

Fully booked on those days, sorry. 23rd is my 20th birthday so I'm all for my family. Thanks for inviting though :)

akak ni under tajaan mara or pinjaman pemboleh ubah mara??adakah akak juga kena bayar 10% bila dh habis belajar nanti??

Adikku sayang, MARA semuanya pinjaman, bukannya biasiswa. So apa-apa pun memang kena bayar balik. 5% ke, 10% ke, 50% ke, terpulang kepada results masing-masing la.

Ah I see, but I was of the opinion that it is ADFP students that get into the Ivy Leagues rather than ACTP students since freshman acceptance rates of these universities are usually higher than their transfer rates.Am I wrong? In your year, did anyone get accepted into Ivy standard universities?

I know of an ACTP student (a year above me) who applied for a bunch of universities (Ivies included) during his ADFP year but got rejected. He stayed for ACTP, and reapplied, and now is a student in Brown.
During the year I was in INTEC for ADFP, only one person went to Ivy (which is the guy mentioned above). For my batch (ADFP) during that time, none was accepted at any Ivies. As for Ivy-League standard universities (Stanford, MIT, Duke, etc), none, if I can remember of (sorry, I suck at remembering where most of my batchmates go to).

Hi. I may enter INTEC as a private student to do ADFP and I have a couple questions if you don't mind. Are the lecturers at INTEC any good? And is it common place for any ADFP students in INTEC to go to Ivy league/ Ivy standard universitiess (in a year perhaps)?

1. Some of the lecturers who were around during my time has already left INTEC. I don't know much about the other lecturers who are still around, but I can say that the lecturers in INTEC are quite good.
2. There have been a couple of people from ADFP / ACTP in INTEC who went to Ivy League / Ivy League standard universities, though I don't think most of them did so in a year's time (one reason is that going to Ivies for freshmen is pretty hard, plus unless you have a really really really awesome resume and essay, being one year in INTEC is not going to be enough).
And, pardon me for saying so, but I do believe that some of the people I met in INTEC during my ADFP year like to take the easy way out. This may be a bit racist, I know, but most of the Malay students here are not willing to take the risk of applying to the more competitive universities. They tend to stay within their comfort zone and apply to the universities that are either 1) easy to get in or 2) where their friends are at / are applying to.
One of the reasons why this is so might be because of the fact that the major that they are planning on doing is perhaps better off somewhere else outside the Ivy League universities (I accept this reason, for it is also the reason to why I only applied to one Ivy during my ADFP year). But the fact that they are used to the environment where they feel safe and comfortable in is perhaps one of the reasons why not so many people applied for Ivies or Ivy League standard universities from INTEC.

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if u stuck to calculate math,wat do u do?or do u have any website to learn it?either we should ask our lecturer?

I like to go through my notes once again and see if I overlooked anything. Or I'd Google up any tutorials on the internet to see if they can help me understand it better. I don't have a specific website, but you can always try and see Khan Academy. And yes, if I still can't get it, I'll go to my friends and my lecturer for help.

apa beza cara pembelajaran spm dengan cara pembelajaran di college?

Kebanyakan sekolah di tahap SPM biasanya pihak guru yang akan sediakan semuanya. Contoh trial paper dari negeri / sekolah / MRSM lain, semua cikgu bagi. Latihan extra, semua disediakan. Kelas tambahan extra, cikgu yang tentukan and sediakan untuk para pelajar. Students just kena hulur tangan dan terima. Most of the time students disuapkan oleh guru, guru sediakan semuanya guna sudu emas dan students just telan je semua.
Kat kolej, kat university? Jangan harap pensyarah akan suap semuanya.
Kau tak nak datang kelas? Suka hati kau lah.
Kau tak nak ambil exam? Ikut kau lah.
Kau tak nak hantar assignment / tutorial? Lantak kau lah.
Pensyarah masuk kelas / dewan, ajar, keluar. Kalau kau nak terima ilmu, by all means, terima. Kalau tak faham, datang cari pensyarah and tanya. Kalau kau diam buat dunno, pensyarah pun buat dunno je kat kau. Semuanya terletak kat kau. Kau dah besar panjang, dah boleh buat keputusan sendiri, dah patut tahu apa yang kau patut buat untuk berjaya.
Takde lagi cikgu nak bebel suruh fokus masa kelas / prep. Takde lagi cikgu nak bebel kalau tak buat homework. Mungkin awal-awal pensyarah akan sound, tapi lepas tu it's all up to you. Nak belajar, tak nak belajar, terpulang pada kau.
Pandai-pandai sendiri plan masa dalam sehari tu. Ikut diri kau, kau selesa belajar waktu pagi ke petang ke malam. Ikut kau sendiri bila nak ulangkaji untuk exam, bila nak siapkan homework dan assignment, bila nak keluar lepak tengok movie makan mamak.
Pokok pangkalnya, kat sekolah, cikgu ada untuk tolong kau berjaya. Kat kolej, kau je yang ada untuk tentukan kejayaan kau.

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assalamualaikum. if saya kena buat ACTP dekat intec... saya boleh pilih ke nak BA or BSc ( student economics ) or am i getting the wrong idea about this whole BA BSc stuff ??

Wa'alaikumsalam. Errr, no, you can't choose in INTEC nak buat BA or BSc.
Bachelor of Arts (BA) or Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Economics tu depends on the university that you go to. Some universities may give BA in Economics, others may give out BSc. So if nak BSc, then apply to universities yang offer BSc in Economics la. If not, apply to those yang ada BA.

Kalau result tak berapa bagus untuk adfp kena sambung ADCT ka? lepas tu baru boleh apply ke uni di US?


Sorry,I don't know who to ask about this but do you know what the applicants who failed to get offer from mara were asked to do for their appeal? Sorry again :(

You mean this one?
SorryI dont know who to ask about this but do you know what the applicants who

macam mana nak score ADFP cgpa 3.5-4.0 keatas? sebab apa yang saya dengar ADFP ni based on carry marks , so macam mana nak dapat cgpa 3.5-4.0 kalau carry marks? thank you... maaf soalan sama macam tadi, sbb tu mmg saya bgi tapi tak cukup isi, so buat baru.

The grading for each course differs. Some may say that 50% of the grade depends on your assignments and projects, and the other 50% depends on your mid terms and final exams. Others may say that 70% of your grade depends on classwork and presentations, while your mid terms and finals make up only 30% of the final grade.
Whatever it is, look at how the grades are broken down (noted in the course syllabus). Work hard on each assignments, especially if it makes up a big percentage (10% ++) of your grade. Do not ignore the small little assignments and tasks that could make the difference between an A+ or an A, or between an A and an A-. Every little assignment, every little project, every single presentation and test and quiz will play a part in the final grade, so make sure you keep your head up in everything and give it your best shot.

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