
Syaza Nazura

Ask @syazanazura

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Stupid question, obviously I didn't understand what I had searched before. But, how to apply for MARA scholarship for other courses except engineering, medic, and such? Hehe.

MARA is not a scholarship, but instead, it is a loan. And MARA offers tons of other courses, rather than just the common ones. There's basically three ways a person could get the MARA loan for his/her studies.
1) Skim Pelajar Cemerlang / Post-SPM
This is the most common pathway. After getting their SPM results, people will be applying for the SPC / post-SPM (PILN or PIDN) program, and the courses offered every year depends on MARA.
2) Through university/ies.
Certain universities, like UniKL, helps you to apply (in one way or another, sorry, I'm not so sure about this) for the MARA loan when you enroll in.
3) Normal MARA Eduloan.
If you didn't get any scholarship or loan but instead did your foundation / undergraduate privately, and you managed to secure an offer from a university abroad for your undergraduate / post-graduate studies, you can always try to apply for MARA loan through its Eduloan website. (though I am not sure about the exact process so you can always call MARA up and ask them personally).

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You are good at sport ? What sport did u good at

This. Hahahaha.
And a bunch of others as well :)

Do you consider yourself as a grammar nazi? Because I do (I mean I consider myself as one). It's hard when you know there's mistakes in the sentence and you REALLY badly wanna let them know, but at the same time you don't want them to give up trying speaking, learning and writing in English.

(...there are mistakes...)
And yes, I do.
Liked by: Haziq Ghafar

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Good luck kak syaza! Thanks for all your helps to us spm-leavers ^^

Aww thank youu, and you're very much welcome :)
(ps: help is uncountable, therefore it is only 'help', not 'helps')

So how much did you buy it(roughly)?

Err, sorry, can't really remember ._. I bought it a week before Raya last year, or during the INTEC's Raya break, I'm not so sure. Sorry :/

what do you think about bout suicide?

I don't think it's acceptable, no matter what your religion or beliefs are. Like, I know, life can be rough, and things may be going so bad that you feel lonely and useless in life, but isn't there anything in your life that you are looking forward to? Be it a small thing, but I'm sure there's at least something in your life that makes you happy.
Talking to a friend on the phone until 3am in the morning. Waking up for an early morning walk at the park. Hearing your favorite songs on the radio. Seeing your mother's smile. Hugging your father. Eating out with your best friends after a long day at work/school. Going to sleep while being surrounded by teddy bears or stuffed toys. Reading a book in bed alone. Watching a movie late at night.
Doesn't at least one of them make you happy?
Doesn't at least one thing in life makes you look forward to a new day in life?
Despite anything bad that life throws at you, there's so much more in this world to enjoy, so why in the world would you commit suicide?

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Liked by: Hani Hayati

But it's (laptop) 2kg. Do you find it ultraportable?

Yepp! As long as I can carry it around in my hands for the whole day without getting cramps, I'm all good for it! My old one, Dell Studio, was so much thicker and heavier, so I would always get aches after carrying it in my bag. But Lenovo's Ideapad U410 is pretty portable for me. The Macbook that we can rent out at the libraries here are heavier than my laptop, to be honest.

describe ika hadilah ! :)

Ika Hadilah Radzran.
- "It's a poke (insert name here) day!"
- "It's pull-a-towel day! (and stalks outside the floor's bathroom and ambushing innocent people)
- Weird animal sounds.
- Make-up guru (she was the first person who taught me how to put on eye shadows before my Form 5 SSP dinner)
- Pretty athletic (her already-stern face makes people think she can play hockey, but in reality, she doesn't really like hockey that much).
- We fought, once. But that was all in the past and over a stupid thing.
- We're sisters, from another parents :)
- Cute laugh.
- Strong heart.
Liked by: Hani Hayati

sis nazu, did you take the ielts examination? if, yes..what band you score? (please correct my grammar, if i'm wrong.thank you!) :)

*If yes, which band did you get? / What was your score?
Yes, I did. And I got a 7.5 overall :)

What makes lenovo ultrabook ideapad special?

I don't know. I like it 'cause it's light and easy to use, and the keyboard feels so good to type with :)

hi kak :) nak mintak opinion akak yg genius sikit hehe. mana satu lbih baik? study kat ukm tp by the age of 23 dah dapat masters atau study overseas yg degreenya lmbat habis (exp 24 yrs old) tq for ur time kak :)

It depends on a few factors, namely:
1) Nak buat course/major apa. Course tu berbaloi ke ambil Master's? Course tu lagi bagus kat UKM or kat universiti luar negara?
2) $$$$$$. Kalau nak buat luar negara, ada sponsor / pinjaman ke? Ke guna duit sendiri? Cukup tak nak finance studies abroad tu?
3) You betul-betul minat kat course tu ke sampai nak buat Master's?
4) Kematangan diri. Graduating early tapi kalau diri sendiri tak equip dengan skill2 yang boleh membantu masa kerja tak guna juga. Graduate awal tapi fikiran masih tak matang and tak boleh berfikir dengan kritikal tak guna juga.
Just some things for you to think about. :)
[personally I would go for studying abroad, rather than doing it locally, even if it means I graduate with a Master's earlier]

what is the different between its and it? and how to use it? :)

*What's the difference, not different. (different is to say when two things are not the same, difference is talking about what makes them different from each other)
It is basically when you are referring to something (the table, the book, the sun), so you'd say IT. But its is when you say something that belongs to something else, for example:
1) The cat has four kittens. Its kittens are all black and white in color.
2) Ika's new dress for Eid is so beautiful. Its texture and style are simply magnificent.
(sorry Ika pakai nama kau, hikhik).
Hope this helps :)

what do u prefer?uia or usim?

I don't know. I've never been to UIA before, and I've only been to USIM once, and that was for an Islamic talk that I attended with my sisters from KTJ. I guess I can't say much about this 'cause I don't have any other information regarding both universities, sorry :/

can i have ur friends contact in usim?

I will have to ask their permissions first. I'll let you know.

yehee :D sis syaza nazura, all the best for your two more papers! (Macroeconomics and Introduction to the Qur'an). Don't worry, i'll pray for you :) and thank you so much also for correcting my grammar. hehe :)

Thank youuu :') And you're welcome! ^^

do you want to be friend with Arabs or Jews?

I don't mind. I pretty much like to meet as many different people as possible. :)

salam akak, was it hard to apply for universities in the US? do you need to include a personal statement? oh and one more thing, ramai x students intec yg x lepas pointer utk fly? what happened to them?

Wa'alaikumsalam. It wasn't hard, just complicated. -.-'
Kena ada dossier (dalam dossier ada personal statement, recommendation letter, resume, sijil, slip results PMR SPM Form1-5 semua). Contoh dossier ada kat sini: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/bbmm98s5je1j9m3/SJVFKesClO
And then biasanya different universities ada different essay questions yang kena jawab, like at least satu essay la each university. Some universities even minta up to two or three different essays, and soalan dia kadang2 specific to the universities (though sometimes ada je yang general), so kena tulis at least 5-10 essays kalau apply to 5-6 universities.
Siapa yang tak lepas pointer for first year biasanya akan stay for ACTP. Then, if still tak lepas, MARA akan sponsor to study at local private universities. :)

Tq kak for answering :D saya nak jd chemical engineer, saya nak apply mara tak lepas qualification, so i just decided to go to intec as a private student. Adfp nnt belajar subject apa je ye? Sorry for asking too much. I hope you dont mind

No problemo. ADFP subjects in INTEC roughly boleh tengok kat sini: http://www.syazanazura.com/2013/06/intec-journey-to-states.html. Though, sometimes the courses tukar ikut semester and ikut INTEC so maybe akan berubah la. :)

Salam kak, kalau masuk intec as a private student and ambik adfp, lps tu kalau cgpa saya ok, boleh ke saya apply scholarship utk pergi oversea? Tq xx

Wa'aaikumsalam. Boleh je,

Berapa lama lagi belajar dkt us?

Paling awal boleh graduate insyaAllah December 2016. Takpun May 2017 :)

Hello akak :) Im waiting fr Mara too ! Do pray fr me okayyyy bcs this is my last chance i guess. If I fail to receive the scholar, i need to stick to upu (this is very heart wrenching). Hmmmmmmm doakan saya ok akak !

You'd be just fine, insyaAllah! If ada rezeki and if Allah dah tentukan your path through MARA, you'd get it! If not, no worries, it's not the end of the world. UPU pun not bad gak what. Score masa Asasi or Diploma tu, and apply scholarships and see if you can study abroad if you really want to :)
Good luck! :)


Language: English