
Syaza Nazura

Ask @syazanazura

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Aku nk tgur sikit, kau taleh nk expect orglain mcm kau, so kalau org tny soalan tuh, jwb sebaik mungkin, sekurang2nya dptla juga kebaikan dr askfm ni, i knw smtimes their qest mcm-ala-kau-google-jela tp mungkin dorg nak penerangan dr org yg lbh berpengelaman, klu tatahu ckp bebaik. Just b nice :)

Teguran diterima, yes.
Tapi, take it from my point of view now, okay. Kau tengah sibuk, with your own stack of assignments and papers and exams and basically your own life to live, and from that life that you have, kau willing nak spend some of the previous time to help people. But orang take you for granted, tanya soalan dengan cara yang kasar, takde hormat whatsoever, paksa kau jawab dengan cepat, tanya soalan yang memang terang-terangan kalau Google tak sampai 5 saat dapat tahu, tak rasa macam bengang ke?
Yes, I am the one who CHOSE this path I'm taking, I am the one who was willing to help in the first place. Tapi kalau dah sampai aku dipijak and orang ambil aku for granted, thinking that I will always going to be here to help them walk through life, come on lah, that's b***** man.
Aku sekadar guidance, leading people on how to lead their own life. Tapi kalau tahap diri sendiri pemalas nak Google, let alone scroll down page ask.fm aku untuk tengok balik jawapan aku kepada soalan2 yang entah berapa kali aku kena jawab again and again and again, sorry la.
Aku tak suka orang yang too dependent ni. Orang yang mengharapkan segalanya datang bergolek kat kaki, segalanya disuapkan dengan sudu emas, sambil dyorang senang-lenang golek atas katil pakai baju tidur sambil peluk teddy bear.
Macam mana nak maju kalau diri sendiri tak nak berusaha?
Oh, and lagi satu la kan, don't you think it's a bit unfair? Aku bagi korang semua tanya anonymously, sebab aku tahu tak semua orang ada ask.fm and maybe ada yang nak bertanya soalan penting. Tapi itu bukannya peluang untuk tanya soalan yang provokatif or jadikan platform untuk kutuk aku (bukan kau, by the way, but a few other people before ni). [walaupun ni takde kaitan dengan soalan kau tapi nak cakap jugak, sebab penat dah layan orang macam ni]
Peace (Y)
[ ada orang cakap aku berlembut sangat dengan 'budak-budak' yang bertanya soalan macam2. Ada orang cakap aku garang sangat pulak. Haih, susahnya nak puaskan hati semua pihak niiiii ]

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Liked by: lilyrose

Are you a traveler or a homebody?

"I'm a traveler, there in the Amazon." (read this in Darla's annoying voice).

Garang do kau ni

Aku baik bertempat, tegas bertempat. Harap maklum.
Sorry kalau personaliti diri aku tak menepati kehendak kau. :)
Liked by: anas

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What do you think about the islamophobia there. Do you have any experience regarding that matter..?

Nope. People are pretty good about Muslims here, Alhamdulillah.

saya tak ambik add maths.Mcm mana nak fly withouy ib and a levels.Ada choice lain tak.Btw saya tak leh g us.Saya nak buat course acc.Ada cara lain tak nak masuk uk

Kau tak nak buat IB or A-Levels tapi nak fly. Tapi tak nak US. Hmm. Susah tu.

My bad. Kebanyakan uni kat US nak berapa TOEFL ? :)

Depends la nak pergi mana and under scholar ke tak. Kalau under scholar, yang tu yang lagi penting, sebab biasanya scholar minta TOEFL > 90 or 100. Uni biasanya > 79 dah okay dah

can you write down all the courses you'll take at UWisconsin Madison?

Does this helps? This is basically my rough plan of what I'm going to take until I graduate.
can you write down all the courses youll take at UWisconsin Madison

How far in advance do you prefer to plan?

A year, perhaps? Or a few years? I don't know. It depends on what I'm planning, and how high is the possibility of it being changed in the time period.

Lagi satu kak, kat uni mmg essay in english ke kak? Hidup dkt uni, semua pakai english eh??

Tengok kau masuk uni mana la. But yes. Most probably

salam,akak saya salah pilih kod.saye bukan sains stream.then bila check balik kod saye pilih jurutera!cmne nk bwat???

Waalaikumsalam. Kalau betul nak ambil course tu, teruskan je la. Kalau tak nak, pi la call pihak yang berkenaan, UPU ke, MARA ke, JPA ke.

Syaza bekerja kan, kerja apa eh? Kerja baik-baik, jaga diri. :)

Student Assistant, Circulation Desk, Helen C White Library (aka College Library). Yang susun buku lepas budak baca, tolong check outkan barang tu semua, kiteorang la ^^ Hihi. Thank you.

salam, akak susah x IELTS?? cmne nak skor band 7.0? bagi tips skit. then, cmne sye nak ambik exam tu, means.. uni sye xde IELTS. so, nk wat cmne eh? sye kne ambik kat luar ke? cmne nak daftar?? :) Harap segala yg baik akak buat akan dibalas baik juge :) :D Aminn~~ <3

Wa'alaikumsalam. Belajar la. Practice. Biasakan diri buat soalan IELTS, tahu jenis soalan yang selalu ditanya, macam mana nak jawab semua.
Boleh Google British Council Malaysia ye, harap maklum.

do u join usrah or we call it happy.circle at there?

The sisters have occasional halaqahs here, and yes, whenever I'm free (ie not working, 'cause I work 6pm-midnight on Saturday, and sometimes they have the halaqahs on Saturday night), I'd be joining.

Hi, is accommodation and living allowance given by MARA separate? Or is the $800 you receive every month is including your rent as well? Thank you!

Nope. It's the same thing. Both included. MARA will give you about $1k or so (sorry, can't remember the exact amount) at the start of your undergraduate years, and that is for your 'accommodation' allowance. But that is only a one time thing. After that, you have to pay for food, rent, and anything else you need using your monthly allowances (ranging from $735 - $1035 monthly, depending on where you are)


Language: English