
Syaza Nazura

Ask @syazanazura

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Hi! First of all, your blog and ask.fm have helped me a lot! Thank you so much. Anyway, I'm an ADFP Intec student and just recently received my Spring Results. My cgpa got to 3.4 and if, by the end of summer I scored an A for my subject, I can bring it up to 3.47. (cont.)

Read below :)

(cont.) Which is so heartbreaking because I really want to fly first year. So my question; have any of your friends experience the same thing? How did they deal with it? I mean the process for appealing to MARA and stuff to be able to fly. Or if not, what would you do if you're in my shoes? Thanks:)

Technically, for us, it was originally supposed to be a CGPA of 3.0 to fly off after ADFP, and then a CGPA of 3.50 to stay for ACTP in INTEC. That was what we were told when we first started in INTEC. And then it was said that the requirement changed to CGPA of 3.50 to fly off in the first year. We later found out that INTEC was the one who changed the requirement, and MARA didn't know anything about it, so those who were affected (ie those who got more than CGPA 3.0 but didn't applied for universities because they thought they didn't pass the requirements) were allowed to fly off in the Spring if they wish to do so.
So, yeah, that was the case for our batch. As for your batch, the requirement was already set to be CGPA 3.50 (or 3.75? Lol, that was what I heard last year, but oh well). The thing is, what's the point of rushing for freshman entry? If you ask me, I'd rather stay for ACTP (that was my plan, but someone told me to apply after ADFP anyway). I would take the opportunity to stay in Malaysia for another year, to further develop my skills, to further enhance my application. There's so much things you could do to make your applications better, such as joining volunteering programs in Malaysia or conducting a volunteer project on your own. Or even like participating in events and activities and whatnot. All these things can help you to polish up your applications for your transfer to a US university later on. And when you come to the US as a transfer student, you'll have a stronger bond with your ACTP friends, and you'd be more matured and know what you want out of life (only if you make the best out of ACTP of course).
So, my advice is, stay. There's seriously no harm in staying. :)

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How to improve self-confidence?

Remember that no matter what happens, no one is ever going to be the best 'You' but yourself. No matter how good someone else is, no matter how successful they are, they may never be as successful and good at being 'You' than you yourself.
Believe that you are unique in your own way, that you are just as capable for success as other people are. Believe in your own potential, know that everyone is born into the world with their own sets of special talents and skills, and that no two people in this world have the same personalities and abilities.
And remember, if you yourself do not believe in your potential and the greatness that you can achieve, who else would believe in you? :)

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how do u feel ek when ppl (esp students) keep asking u abt scholars ,studies, and everything? same qs and u hv to answer over n over again?.hehe takpelah ye kita tlg org, Allah bantu kita nt . hehe :p

Takleh nak cakap apa. I chose to do this when I started to get involved with SPM leavers, and now, well, I'll have to live with it. It gets annoying sometimes, 'cause people depend so much on you and becomes lazy to work and research on their own. But, oh well, that's where my sarcasm comes in :)

Hello! How are you doing? What is your snapchat? :)

Hi, I'm fine, thank you. I don't do Snapchat, sorry! :)

kalau dapat JPA scholarships untuk tajaan luar negara. berapa Minimum CGPA untuk dikekalkan sepanjang program pre u ?

Errr sila tanya budak JPA ye, terima kasih.

How much mara spend on you for your degree? Person who get to fly after ADFP has to pay more than who fly after ACTP (with the same CGPA and university)?

The amount of money that you will have to pay back to MARA will depend on:
1) How much MARA actually spent on you
2) How you do in your studies (aka final CGPA)
People going to the same university and achieve the same CGPA may have different amount of money that they would have to pay back, if:
1) They claimed different amount of money from MARA, depending on their major's requirements (thesis paper, field trips, insurance, research papers, insurance, money for medicines / surgeries / accidents, flight tickets, etc).
2) Those flying after ADFP and those flying after ACTP has different contracts. For those in ADFP, their four-year contract are solely for their studies in the US. Those who stay back for ACTP has a contract that includes their second year in Malaysia (ACTP) and their three-years in the US. The amount might vary based on the allowances that the ACTP will get in Malaysia (one year) and in the States (three years).
As for me, I don't know how much MARA will be spending on me, YET. It is estimated to be around RM0.5m

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assalamualaikum:) hi kak ! welcome home ! hihi . hm. is there any bursary yg kita boleh apply before spm or based on trial results?

Wa'alaikumsalam. Haiiii, thank you so much! :')
Yep, there's a lot if you look real carefully. ExxonMobil uses trial results, I think. So does a bunch of colleges that offer bursaries and scholarships for January intakes based on your trial results.

'adakah itu akak syaza?' in eng? :)

"Is that Akak Syaza?" (If you're seeing me now)
"Was that Akak Syaza?" (If you saw me in the past)

Kerja, travel, intern, ambil summer classes, duduk termenung mengenang nasib, pandang gambar makanan Malaysia kat Instagram and tahan air liur? LOL. .....comel jer answers dia..haha

Of course. Jawapan comel macam orang yang menjawab tu. Hihi.
Liked by: Haziq Ghafar

why mara instead of jpa ?

Why I chose MARA instead of JPA for my studies: Well, to be honest, I tak tahu pun JPA buka until dah tutup. And MARA pun, I mohon separuh jalan je. Tak hantar esei, tak isi fully application tu. Tup tup dapat pergi interview juga. Cuma mula-mula dulu tak dapat la first choice (Actuarial Science), so I appealed for Economics kat US. Bila dah masuk INTEC baru re-appeal to change to Actuarial Science, and Alhamdulillah dapat tukar.
(previous link:http://ask.fm/syazanazura/answer/109908708946)
And I think one of the reasons as to why MARA is because I don't want a bond. I rather have a loan that I'll have to pay back, where the amount is based on how well I do in university. It kind of gives me the extra motivation to work harder so I wouldn't have to pay back so much to MARA. And it gives me freedom to choose where I want to work, or whether I want to work in the States or some other countries after graduating. :)

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Boleh terangkan beza to dengan for tak?

To eja T-O.
For eja F-O-R.
Lol. Okay, gurau je. Errr, cemana nak terangkan, ek? I'm bad with explaining grammars and all (I usually just go with what sounds better when I say it out loud), but I find this explanation online the clearest, so here you go, taken from http://www.espressoenglish.net/difference-between-to-and-for/
Use TO in these cases:
1. Destination: “We’re going to Paris.”
2. What time it is: “It’s a quarter to 2.”
3. Distance: “It’s about ten miles from my house to the university.”
4. Comparing: “I prefer sleeping to working.”
5. Giving: “I gave the book to my sister.”
6. Motive/Reason – with verb: “I came here to see you.”
Use FOR in these cases:
1. Benefits: “Yogurt is good for your digestion.”
2. Period of time: “We’ve lived here for 2 years.”
3. Schedule: “I made an appointment for May 3.”
4. Agree with: “Are you for or against the development of nuclear weapons?”
5. Doing something to help someone: “Could you carry these books for me?”
6. Motive/Reason – with noun: “Let’s go out for a drink.”
7. Function – with verb (-ing form): “A ladle is a big spoon used for serving soup.”
As you can see in #6, TO or FOR can be used for a motive/reason, but TO is always with a verb, and FOR is always with a noun. Here’s a good example:
1. I came to New York TO work.
2. I came to New York FOR a new job.
- See more at: http://www.espressoenglish.net/difference-between-to-and-for/#sthash.3X7Bf61u.dpuf

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akak cmne nak pronounce 'IELTS' and 'TOEFL' ? :)

IELTS: Eye-Yelts (about that)
TOEFL: Toe-Fle (fle as in wa-ffle) (or toe (English pronounciation) and fel (Malay pronounciation))

kak syaza, akak ade tak any friend who currently taking Economics at any US university yg ade Ask.fm ? i know khairul nazran is taking economics but dia takde ask.fm kan?

Not that I know of, sorry :(

do you have any problems with food in US? i mean about halal food, how you choose halal food without halal logo? how is it actually? or u choose to eat something healthy like sandwich to avoid meats? i know living in non muslim country is hard to choose the halal food

I constantly refer to www.zabihah.com and www.muslimconsumergroup.com for information :) I do check the labels and see the ingredients used, just to be sure. And I refer to seniors on what are edible and what are not. :)

Kak syaza, klu eduloan mara tu biase bukak bile? boleh x mintak eduloan tu utk beljar luar negara? thanks

Taktahu dyorang bukak bila, boleh try call MARA and tanya la. And insyaAllah boleh je

akak bnyk explain psal cont study oversea for undergraduate . tpi kalau nak sambung acca kat luar negara , boleh buat pinjaman mara ke ?? :) sbb skrg saya tngh buat cat je ..

Boleh je kot.

akak,if JPA tu full scholarship ke? senang tak nak fly if i ambik jpa scholarship ni? talk pyh bayar balik langsung kan?

JPA tu scholarship, yes, tapi kau ada bond dengan kerajaan afterwards. And if tak lepas, tak tahu la how the contract is, kena bayar balik or macam mana.
Semua scholarships come with their own sets of requirements, kalau tak fulfilled, tak boleh fly la. So takde istilah 'senang tak senang' sebab semua perlukan hard work.


Language: English