
Syaza Nazura

Ask @syazanazura

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If I want a kad raya,what particulars should I give to you? :) nak kad raya jugak. Or are you already too occupied to make anymore kad raya's?

I'll need a name & address, that's for sure. And if you want me to write any specific things on the kad raya (ie some wanted some advices for spm, some inspirational words, etc), do let me know too 😊

Kak syaza tulis kat kad blh? Boleh baca setiap hari lol. Thanks akk sorry if susahkan akk 😊

Ahahah no hal laaa insyaAllah boleh je. *buat note kat spreadsheet* hihihihi
Liked by: ShuNaim

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Hi kak syaza. Ada dpt alamat dri kluang tak? Hrhe. Nk minta kata semangat utk spm Boleh? Selalu give up u.u

KG Dato Abdul Rahman Yassin, Kluang. Kan? 😊 Nak sekarang (kat Ask.fm) ke kat kad raya tu nanti? 😊

Jangan lupa tulis kata kata semangat tau dalam kad rayaaaa

Ahahaha insyaAllah boleh je. Kalau nak specific wishes for anything (SPM, college, etc), bagitahu la nama & what you're planning on doing / studying (ie in high school, starting pre-uni and stuff) so I can personalize it for you guys 😊

hi akak. hmm saya just nk tanya. apa tujuan akak bg kad raya eh??? mcm jarang org buat.

Akak (aku?) memang selalu hantar kad raya setiap tahun. Dari dulu lagi. Memang ada habit suka hantar kad raya (or poskad or surat or anything macam tu). Aku old-fashioned gitu. Kalau bukan kita yang kekalkan tradisi menghantar kad raya, siapa lagi nak buat? Budak2 sekarang mana kenal kad raya. Nanti anak2 aku semua tak tahu apa itu kad raya, poskad dan sebagainya. So aku nak la kekalkan tradisi tu. Best kot. 😊 Walaupun biasanya aku beli je kad raya kat Giant and post kat kawan2 rapat and cikgu, start tahun lepas aku design and print sendiri "kad raya ala poskad" through blogger DuniaShida.com . Tahun lepas aku print 75 kad raya tapi tak semua aku post. So tahun ni aku print 80, and aku nak habiskan semuanya. Sebab tu aku tanya siapa yang nak kad raya, so boleh la aku kongsi sikit tradisi lama ni dengan korang. 😊😊

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Hi kak syaza nazura, i have a few question i've been meaning to ask. How hard would u describe the A levels? And how hard isit to get 3As (AAA)??I know ppl say it depends on the individual and its harder than STPM n such, but personally how would u describe it??

I wouldn't necessarily know how hard it is to get 3A's (you can ask @haziqghafar or @raziqkhirudin since they completed A-Levels).
But as for the description, I would describe A-Levels as being at least twice as hard as SPM, and twice as boring.

Kak syaza! Assalamu'alaikum... :) Initially when u enrolled into INTEC,when did u apply for UW Madison? Was there like a day where everyone applied for the universities of their choosing or did u apply yourself? & how many unversities did u choose initially?

I started my university applications at the end of my first semester and submitted the applications before the deadline for each university.
Each university has their own deadlines (either January 1st, February 1st, March 1st, the middle of the month, etc). So research on the deadlines for the universities that you want to apply to and find out when their deadlines are.
I applied for four universities: University of Pennsylvania, University of Wisconsin-Madison, Purdue University and University of Iowa.

Assalam kak, saya tak brp faham bab major and minor ni. Setahu saya ini tiada di ipta malaysia . Adakah ini maksudnya kita dpt dua degree or mcm mana? Mcm mana kita nak tahu university tu ada buat program / course mcm ni?

'Major' dan 'minor' itu seperti pengkhususan kau dalam program tersebut.
Sebagai contoh.
Aku buat Bachelor of Science in Mathematics misalnya. Tapi aku nak jugak belajar something business-related, so aku buat a Minor in Business. So kiranya walaupun aku tak ambil banyak kelas dalam business tu, aku dah ambil enough untuk buat minor in business. And this helps me to get a basic understanding of business, in case aku nak sambung masters ke apa-apa.
Dual degree tu kalau kau dapat dua jenis degree (Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Arts, Bachelor of Business Administration, etc). Program yang korang nak buat tu berada dalam fakulti atau department yang berbeza.
Sebagai contoh.
Aku sekarang dalam Business school, so degree aku is Bachelor of Business Administration.
Kalau aku nak DOUBLE MAJOR, aku mungkin boleh dapat Bachelor of Business Administration in Actuarial Science and Finance. [Both Actuarial Science and Finance ada dalam Business school so degree yang sama]
Kalau aku nak DOUBLE DEGREE, aku mungkin buat something like Bachelor of Business Administration in Actuarial Science AND Bachelor of Science in Mathematics. [Actuarial Science & Mathematics berada dalam dua 'fakulti' yang berbeza].
Dan kalau nak tahu university tu offer ke tak, tengoklah website dyorang. Confirm ada tulis punya kalau ada program DUAL / DOUBLE DEGREE or DOUBLE MAJOR tu.

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Liked by: NoreliaHafizah

Sis. I'll be under mara prep programme soon and havent bound to any specific country yet. I would like to further in UK but since the £ is much pricy than aussie/us, im afraid that they wont send me there. The estimated money will be given seems to not be sufficient too, though. What do u think?

I thought for MARA, the contracts for pre-university and university are different? The estimated amount on the perjanjian is only for the prep and does not include your degree yet? If you're not bounded to any country, well, ask them if you can choose to go to the UK and get a physical copy of the 'yes' (either by email or letter or something, as a proof). It should be fine though.
[US tuition fees are rising, so that's one thing to keep in mind]

syaza, i found out that SAT vocab is super difficult. how can you manage that?

Practice bro. Lots and lots and lots of practices. You'll get used to it after a few months of practicing with them :)
Liked by: Nrhusnina Fatini ainggg

Do you own a DSLR? Is it your first? If it's not, may I know which one is your first? If you had a chance to buy your very first DSLR again, would you buy the same one? Thank you! (a potential DSLR owner here)

Yes, I own a DSLR. I currently own a Canon EOS 600D, and have been using it since I bought it back in 2012 (after my SPM results, so like a little over two years now).
My first one was, err, I can't remember lol. It was my Dad's super old one (like the one he bought back in 2004/2005). I was using that in 2010/2011 before buying my own DSLR, because I wanted to get a feel of using a DSLR and to practice with it and everything.
If you're planning on learning to use a DSLR, I'd highly suggest Canon cameras, because Nikon's are more professional and may be hard for first time users. Canon 600D is a pretty good camera for newbies and if I were to buy my first one again, I would certainly buy that :)
[I actually use my junior's 600D for a few months before buying my own 600D, and I loved it]

Salam kak, You'll be living alone? Woah. How much does it cost you?

Wa'alaikumsalam. Yes, I'd be living alone. Cost-wise, for a studio / one-bedroom apartment, it's pretty decent. :)

Hai Syaza! I hope you've had enough of "You're effing AMAZING Syaza!" for today! If not, please accept mine :)

Awwwwwww, :') Thank you :') You're amazing too :)

for actuarial sc in wisconsin, after we get accepted into the university, we have to apply again to enter their school of business kan? how is the application process? have to be done on campus or we can apply from malaysia? is it hard to apply?

Application process can be found on the Business school website at http://bus.wisc.edu/bba/mybiz/admissions
Tak susah, but you can't apply from Malaysia. You'll apply during your Spring semester here. Requirements & all ada kat link atas :)

Kak, personally bagi akak and honestly, ranking uni tu penting ke? Maksudnya, beza ke masuk top schools (Ivies, Big Ten) berbanding others? Do people look down of other unis kalau nak banding dengan top unis?

Not necessarily. Ivies, Big Ten, itu semua merujuk kepada 'sports' conference dyorang je.
Yes, Ivies do have a high standard of education, and most things are top notch.
Tapi, see it like this:
Top notch and high quality education requires you to be near-perfect. You need to be exceptionally good ALL THE TIMES and one small mistake can cost you a lot. The pressure is high and you'd be constantly competing and working to be the best.
Yes, that sense of motivation can be good. Tapi if you're not mentally ready for that, that can cost you a lot.
Read: http://espn.go.com/espn/feature/story/_/id/12833146/instagram-account-university-pennsylvania-runner-showed-only-part-story
And while Ivies or top universities can be superly awesome and good and people will be like "OMG you must be super good if you're in an Ivy", fikir balik la if you're only there for the 'name and fame', or for education purposes.
Like, people asked me, kenapa tak apply to any Ivy League schools? [I did, by the way, applied to Penn. Was rejected]. The thing is, only Penn offered the program that I wanted, Actuarial Science. So what was the point of me applying to the other Ivy leagues if they don't offer the program I wanted?
People look down on EVERYTHING. People have comments for EVERYTHING.
Kau masuk Ivy League? Mesti gempak, mesti nerd, mesti sombong and tak suka cakap dengan orang.
Kau masuk community college? Eleh, kolej cikai je tu.
Kau masuk IPTS? Mesti orang kaya, duit banyak.
Kau masuk UiTM? Weh apa kelas weh masuk UiTM.
Kau masuk UPM? Nak jadi petani ke weh.
Kau masuk UIA? Alhamdulillah, bakal zauj aku tu.
Kau masuk university kat Korea? Apa ah fanatic Kpop betul.
Kau masuk Al-Azhar? Alhamdulillah, nak jadi menantu aku tak?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sVkVkTiflOMsyazanazura’s Video 127355903826 sVkVkTiflOMsyazanazura’s Video 127355903826 sVkVkTiflOM
I rest my case. :)

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syazanazura’s Video 127355903826 sVkVkTiflOMsyazanazura’s Video 127355903826 sVkVkTiflOM

Hi syaza, u dah sit for any soa or sop exam x?is it hard?im an actuarial student too but i dnt have courage to take it yet.any advise?

I sat for Exam FM last December (and failed, lol). I'm planning on retaking it again this October, so hope that goes well.
Well, some advice:
1) Practice. Lots and lots of practice. I suggest doing some questions every day (like 5 or 10 questions per day) to get used to it.
2) Utilize websites that help you learn. I'm currently using CoachingActuaries (a lot of my friends do so too).
3) Master the financial calculator. It helps. A lot.
4) Be willing to spend some money for it. Not only that the exam is super expensive, but to retake it after failing will cost you more.
5) Relax. If you fail, it's not totally because you're not good enough. Even the well prepared students can fail the exam, that's just how it is. So chin up, head up high and try your best :)

Hi kak, i was told that psychology is a non science stream but how come biology is one of the subjects? :)

If you're referring to INTEC, then just accept it. INTEC's weird like that. Actuarial Science is also supposedly a non-science, but they put it as a Science major.
As for Psychology, it is supposedly a science stream major, so of course you can expect Biology to be in it. Biology's like super important to Psychology.

Akak 😊😊😊 I don't know about IB stuffs . So mind explain 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻a little bit about how it works 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 cse I July intake so yeah I tak tahu langsung

Hi :)
While I would love to explain in my own words, I feel that @penawirawati (Balqis) answered it in more depth than I could ever do, so either scroll down her Ask.fm or read her blog at : http://balqisazhar.blogspot.com/2015/03/what-is-ib.html :)

Hello kak. What's the difference between job and career?

Hello :)
Firstly: I'm paraphrasing and saying things from what I think of the question, and I may or may not be right, so take everything with a pinch of salt, alright? :)
I look at a 'job' as something short-term, while a 'career' is something long-term.
For example:
I may want to pursue business as my lifelong career. Along the line, I may have multiple jobs such as being an accountant, working as an auditor, being a consultant and others.
I may want to pursue a career in the education world. In this career path, I can work in a lot of jobs. I can be a teacher, I can open up a tuition center, I can go into the Ministry of Education. All of these are examples of 'jobs', but my lifelong career is to be an educator.
Links to read more on 'Career vs Job':
1. http://www.diffen.com/difference/Career_vs_Job
2. http://www.thesimpledollar.com/the-difference-between-a-job-and-a-career/
Hope this helps :)

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Hello kak Whats the difference between job and career

Hi kak 😊 time akak kat intec ramai tak student yg tak lepas nak fly bcos of sat, toefl or pointer? Brape org agak2? N apa yg mara buat dengan students yg tak lepas tu?

Ramai tu tak la tapi ada la. Some dihantar ke local IPTS untuk sambung, kalau yang tak lepas nak fly ke US after ADFP, sambung masa ACTP la kat INTEC tu.

akak thank you soo much bcs you are too kind to give us kad raya hehe . x sbar nk tgk your official kad raya :)

Lol. "Official" kad raya? Hahahahahahahah okay tak it's nothing special or anything punnnnn takat mintak kawan design sikit2 and print ala-postcard je punnn lol nothing much punn hahaha.

And oh, did you fly one day or two days before the day you're supposed to arrive?

Well, I arrived in the US about a week before my registration, because I flew with my parents and they wanted to go and do some shopping and sight-seeing for a little while.
Liked by: NoreliaHafizah


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