
Syaza Nazura

Ask @syazanazura

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Akak, kenapa ya british punya education ada O-level, GCSE/IGCSE & A-level, tapi US punya education cuma ade High school diploma?

Cuba tanya Ministry of Education (atau yang seumpamanya) kat sana.

Kalau akak dapat 2 scholar,yang pertama course yang akak minat tapi hantar dekat bukan negara yang akak prefer dan yang satu lg course yang akak x berapa minat tapi hantar dkt negara yang memang your dream place to further studies,which one akak akan ambik?

Hmm, entahla. Kalau pergi kat negara yang tak berapa minat, tak kisah sangat sebab still dapat fly. Tapi kalau dapat course yang tak berapa minat, takpe juga, sebab boleh try nak mintak tukar course or buat double major. Ikut diri sendiri la. InsyaAllah okay je. Kalau taktahu nak pilih mana, buatla solat istikharah :)

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Macam mana nak dpt placement dkt U kat US?kena interview ke?

Bila dah buat pre-uni or sambil buat pre-uni tu, research uni kat US, nak apply yang mana. Most universities accept applications through CommonApp.org, tapi ada some yang kena apply through university websites. And some universities ada interview, depends.

Syaza apply mara je ke untk scholar?

Nope. Rejected by BNM & Khazanah, tolak Petronas, tak lepas second round Securities Commissions.

Akak rasa kalau dapat straight a tapi x aktif koku dpt x scholar?ada x kenalan akak yang dpt straight a tp koku tak brapa aktif and dia dapat scholar?

Ada je. Ramai je yang macam tu tapi dapat scholar. Cuma kalau ada koku tu lagi bagus la sebab ada bonus points.

Boleh je kan kalau e-mel kpd Tengku Hamidi? Sebab tak dpt cari alamat surat menyurat..

Surat rasmi, please. Be formal. :) Nama penerima Tengku Hamidi, alamat tu hantar kat alamat Pejabat Pelajaran MARA kat Jalan Raja Laut tu je.

Dekat intec mmg satu tahun adfp then terus fly to US ke? Ke kena buat actp dulu? Then masuk us uni as sophmore?

Boleh buat both :)

Salam kak syaza. Saya dpt loan mara engineering ke US. Boleh ke saya buat rayuan kpd pihak mara utk tukar program ke sains aktuari? Adakah dorg akan pertimbangkan? If boleh, macam mana proses utk sy buat rayuan?

Waalaikumsalam. InsyaAllah boleh je. Akak tukar gak, from Economics to Actuarial Science. Just hantar surat to Pengarah MARA (Tengku Hamidi) and state your reasons why. Bagi salinan surat tawaran, include parents' incomes, tanggungan semua tu.

Agak2 nak kahwin bila? Haha

Hanya Allah yang tahu. InsyaAllah, kalau ada jodoh, awal. Kalau tak, lambat la.

Nk tahu 5 wishlist akak !! hehehe

5 things that I can think of at the moment;
1) Write a book
2) Travel the world
3) Go to Grand Canyon
4) Witness an aurora
5) Be a motivational speaker

video mat luthfi manakah akak pling suka ? paling lucu ?

Jarang tengok video MatLutfi sebenarnya, tapi so far paling suka yang latest ni, sebab memang kena kat diri sendiri :')

awk, awk ok tak? saya sayang awk, tknk awk stress sngt :( saya risau sebenarnya semalam.

Dah OK dah. Hihi. ;) Stress kejap je. But I'm all good :)

If you could communicate with your pet for just a minutes, and they would understand, what would you say?

Sleep with me, and for once, please don't lick my face while I'm trying to sleep.

Salam Kak Syaza, I got a question. How does MARA convertible loan work actually? How much do we need to pay or will it be converted into scholarship if we did well in our exams? I asked the officer,he told me we need to pay for 1% even if we score well. Hmm, i thought scholarship? :(

Waalaikumsalam. Nope, it's a loan. If you score well, you'll just need to pay a small sum to what you've been sponsored for. :)

Hi Kak Nazu :D. Yg berkaitan dgn mara ni, kita org takde bonding dgn mara kan? Kalau camtu, susah kan kalau nak cari kerja kat Msia ni?

Yep, takde bonding. If tau cari opportunity, senang je dapat kerja. Work hard la. Jgn cerewet or memilih sgt.

akak... saya dapat masuk intec... yang lawaknya, saya duduk belakang akak time Spring 2013 hari tu.. akak ingat tak sy? peace (^.^)v

Hai Karim :)


Language: English