
Syaza Nazura

Ask @syazanazura

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I'm sorry for asking u that questions..i just want to see your responds towards this issue..i hope muslims will obey on what it should be..once again,sorry..

I appreciate the advice, I really do. Just, I prefer to be open about what I do and be honest about it, instead of trying to portray a good image of Islam but never actually doing what I preach. The same thing goes to prayers, lowering one's gaze, covering up one's aurah and all the other things.
But thanks, again.

But if u know that something u do is wrong,don't you feel guilty?muslim called it sinned?

Like I said, it is between us and God. Please, I appreciate the concern and reminders, I do. We know about this and we've talked about it. But still, this is a private thing between us and God.

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''couple is haram''..eventhough we don't do anything against our limits between man and woman..so how about you?

That stays between us and God, thank you.

What's ur ambition?i mean,when u'were little

A PE / PJK teacher in primary schools. 'Cause all you do (or all you seem to do) is open the storeroom, get the boys to play football and the girls to play netball, and sit in the canteen drinking coffee or tea while reading the newspaper. :P
Liked by: anas chaerin

Tp sygnya intec xde asasi sains..ada medic je

INTEC bukannya tempat untuk buat Asasi. INTEC tu preparatory college, untuk pelajar yang nak ke luar negara. Sebab tu program dia dah start to prepare students for their chosen majors / courses. Asasi semua tu memanglah tak ada, sebab asasi mostly untuk local universities, so memang ada kat Pusat Asasi je laa.

Asasi sains kn bleh buat medic jgk kn for degree?sbb dia kn general?yela,result x straight payah nk buat medic..

Tengoklah, kalau lepas requirements nak buat Medic, boleh je la.

So bf u lgi muda pda u ke apa?knp still lgi kt malaysia?

Tak. Dia buat dua tahun prep kat Malaysia, 3 tahun kat US. I did setahun prep kat Malaysia and 4 tahun kat US.

Maksud aku,intec ada kos sains hayat x?

I would say that Sains Hayat tu normally term yang digunakan untuk Asasi, and masih general lagi. Kat INTEC, ada different programs, and different programs ada different courses. Engineering, Sains Social (Psychology, Economy, etc), Medicine, Actuarial Science, Finance, Art and Design, Graphic and Animation, Accounting, Law, etc.

Thank you :) I`m really sorry if i seemed to be rude, I accidently put the caps lock on. Sorry Kak!

No worries

Kak syaza, how do you download movies?

I don't do that these days. I use Amazon Prime Instant Videos je. US beb, susah sikit nak download torrent semua ni. Lagi2 aku pakai internet campus kan, mati la aku kena nanti
Liked by: Fath Al-Razi

Gceo tu apa senanya ?

GCE -> General Certificate of Education
O -> O-Level / Ordinary Level
I'm guessing kau tengah tanya pasal the GCE-O kat slip SPM tu kan, yang untuk English yang ada A1, A2, B3, etc?
So basically GCE O-Levels ni education system kat Britain, kira macam sama level dengan SPM kat Malaysia kita la. (Cuma sekarang mereka dah guna IGCSE instead of O-Levels)
Paper English, part essay 1119 (yang last essay tu yang ada the one-word prompt tu) akan ditanda dua kali. Kali pertama oleh Lembaga Peperiksaan Malaysia, untuk gred SPM English biasa (A+, A, A-, B+, etc)
Kali kedua oleh pihak Cambridge (London), so nanti dapat lah score A1, A2 semua. Naturally, A1 tu tinggi, dan selebihnya makin menurun la.
Tak penting sangat pun, so boleh je ignore.
Satu insiden di mana gred GCE-O ni memainkan peranan is if kau nak sambung study kat UK and tak nak ambil IELTS (test of English). Kadang-kadang, ada certain universities kat UK yang terima grad GCE-O (though grade apa yang diterima bergantung kepada universiti tersebut). Ada yang tak terima sebab GCE-O 1119 tu hanya menilai your writing abilities, and tak ambil kira aspek lain (speaking, listening, reading) macam IELTS / TOEFL.
Tapi tu je la kepentingan dia. Tak payah risau sangat.

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Liked by: Fath Al-Razi

permohonan ke uni di timur tengah oleh kpm tu kna tanggung sndr ke?

Tak sure. Boleh tanya pelajar di Timur Tengah la ye :)

Thanks for helping an incoming freshman like me. I owe you a lot. Have a good sleep stranger :)

Glad to be of existence. Good night :)

I just found out that my uni is also catering an off campus housing, but they have certain on campus features like house activities, social thingy etc. a bit pricey esp when there's no meal plan, but I love to prep my own food&it's not crammed like the dorms. Can this match up the on campus exprnce?

Yepppp, :) the thing is, it doesn't really matter where you live. As long as you put in the effort to go out and join in with club activities and socials and trying out different things, you'd be fine. 'Cause I know people who live on campus but still do not join in the events and all, and I know people living off campus who does. So it's up to yourself :)

hi! patut ke saya beli macbook kat US or just Malaysia? Plus is apple products the dominant ones in the US uni? like the comp labs or anything there use macs?

Kalau datang UW-Madison, kau pergilah library and cakap nak pinjam / check out laptop, confirm dapat Macbook punya. HAHA. Libraries and computer labs mostly guna Macs (dual-boot, so boleh pakai Windows sekali). Kalau nak beli Macbook, beli la kat US. Dapat student discount :)
Liked by: Fath Al-Razi

flying off to the US this fall & I need to finalize my accommodation decision ASAP. As a freshman, should I live on campus or off campus? I've done so many research and they both have pros & cons. Like many people said that on campus is good for making friends etc. I hate the limited space.

If your parents can help you out with living on campus, then by all means, try it out for your first year. It'd give you tons of ways to make new friends (if you're making the effort, that is), and you don't have to worry much about anything else (paying for water, gas, electricity, etc).


Language: English