
Syaza Nazura

Ask @syazanazura

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Portable wifi tu macam mana? Dekat mana nak cari? Sorry kalau soalan macam mengarut.

Portable wifi tu macam broadband la basically. "WiFi yang portable", meaning boleh bawak ke mana-mana.
Cari je la kat mana-mana kedai telekomunikasi yang ada, confirm berlambak options & choices. Kalau kat INTEC tu, kat Seksyen 18 tu banyak je kedai yang jual, sebab dyorang tahu banyak students kat situ.

Kak, what do you think of taking IB? Okay ke tu?

There is no such thing as "Okay ke tu?"
IB is a very renowned preparatory program that is accepted internationally like A-Levels is, so that itself says a lot about its standards and quality.
As for the question of 'Is it okay?' depends on YOU yourself, and how you like to study.
IB Is known for its rigorous syllabus and the fact that it is not fully exam-based (since you have to write a research paper and do X amount of community services) makes people run away from it. But if you enjoy a program like that, then IB is the one for you.
There is no such thing as one program being better than the other, but instead, it's how one program is better FOR YOU when compared to others, depending on your preferences and where you wish to continue your studies.
Liked by: whatever

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Civil engeneering? A girl? What do you think?

I think you shouldn't let society stops you from doing what you want and love. Your gender do not define the person you are, and should not limit the options you have in life. :)
Liked by: Syaza torpe

well done syaza. dlm byk2 perempuan i tanya, ur answer plg open and tak sempit mcm org lain. ask for knowledge bkn utk persenda right?

Meh. People have to learn to be open. And tbh, aku tertanya myself the same question lol 😂

Saya dapat offer ADFP kat intec, bidang sains, dia tulis 24 bulan means 2 years, so kiranya saya kena ambil ACTP lah?


Lepasan matrikulasi kpm ada peluang cerah ke nk sambung ijazah dalam sains aktuari??

Bergantung nak sambung kat mana la. More info, boleh check my previous answer(s). (scroll down sikit, probably the latest 10 questions answered rasanya, someone asked about matriks or something)

Kak, dress code kat intec macam mana ya? Especially utk adfp. Pergi kelas pakai baju apa, and what kind of clothes are not allowed ya?

Asalkan sopan sudah. Monday is formal day (kemeja, slack, kasut kulit, tie for guys, normally baju kurung for girls). On Fridays, people usually wear baju kurung / baju Melayu with jeans / slacks. Other days, jeans & baju biasa okay je. Though lelaki mungkin takleh t-shirt biasa (kena berkolar? tak sure). Girls kena long sleeve or pakai cardigan. No tight jeans or tight blouses.
Kalau nak senang, pakai je baju kurung everyday lol. Aku taktahu how the rules changed since I left, 'cause it was two years ago. Best to check with a current student there.

kak kt wisconsin sng carik seafood x

It's the Midwest. There's not really "good" seafood places. But it's relatively okay and easy to find decent ones.

kak....bdk adfp wajib amek SAT II ke atau blh pilih nk ke xnk???

SAT I wajib. SAT II tak wajib. Kalau nak ambil, belajar sendiri.

Saya dapat diploma sains matematik di uitm, boleh sambong for actuarial science tak?

Bergantung nak sambung kat mana.
More info: bit.ly/SainsAktuari Ada banyak link to universities' websites on Actuarial Science, boleh refer requirements dyorang.

Hi Kak syaza! I will enroll Intec next week. Since you were there before, nk tanya facilities, apartment what to bring etc. Can you share with me some tips or nasihat hehee. Btw I'm a girl & surely you tahu what must and dont. thank you sis

Facilities-wise as in the kolej kediaman and all, boleh tengok kat my blog: syazanazura.com Tengok kat part "Portfolio" at the menu tab and click part ADFP in INTEC tu.
Kalau facilities in INTEC, library besar. Classroom air-conditioned (walaupun banyak rosak lol). Kolej kediaman takde aircond, ada kipas siling je. So I'd recommend bawak kipas lantai / meja tu, kalau tak, panas gila weh.
As in things to bring (other than clothes / stationaries semua), periuk nasi OK. Takleh masak kat kolej, but you can do wonders with periuk nasi.
Kalau nak internet bagus, digalakkan ada portable WiFi (P1 or broadband apa2).
Baju-wise, baju kurung, jeans/skirt, blouse, things like that. Kasut sukan, selipar, etc.
Baldi/bakul baju, detergent, toiletries, etc. (unless nak balik rumah every weekend). Extension, bantal, selimut, cadar, hangers and stuff.
Kalau you tinggal far from Shah Alam, bawak essentials je from rumah, and yang lain boleh beli from Mydin or Giant (kat sebelah kolej je pun nanti).
Hope this helps :)

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selalunya di restoran makan nasi goreng apa ? nasi goreng USA ke ? hahaahahah :3

Malangnya, nasi goreng USA ada di Malaysia je 😅 Makan shrimp fried rice or egg fried rice or anything seafood basically.

akak naik kapal terbang....tiket 2 beli guna duit sendiri dulu lps tu claim dkt pihak tajaan kan...ke depa dah bg duit tiket awal2

MARA akan sponsor tiket masa pergi US the first time and masa balik after graduation je. Yang lain, kalau nak balik masa cuti ke apa, pakai duit sendiri.
Liked by: Fatini

Ada siapa2 yang akak kenal fly dari lepasan matrik ??

Not that I can remember at the top of my head, sorry. Mungkin ada tapi aku je yang tak sedar.

hi akak. akak ada tak kawan yg pernah ambik pre-law kat uitm ataupun tgh further law kat mana-mana ? tq :)

Ada la seorang junior, sambung Law kat UKM. Ada sorang senior (kawan kepada Abang) belajar Law kat UIA :)

kak syaza dah balik !!!! yayyy!!! kak syaza, mara hasn't released the results for piln yet. dalam surat tawaran keputusan kata keluar mulai 8 mei. waktu zaman akak dulu kan, mcm mana eh announcement tu? lambat tak?

Hahaha, hi kiddo :)
Emmm, tak ingat la lambat ke tak announcement tu. Sabar je la eh and tunggu je. Kalau ada rezeki, ada la tu insyaAllah :)
[p/s. Cara kau cakap 'zaman akak' tu macam beza sangat je kita -.- Aku muda lagi woi, tak tua lagi okay hahaha]

Dulu akak pakai WiFi dari syarikat mana yg akak share dgn housemates tu? Laju x?

Tak ingat ._. I didn't get any for our house sebab I used my Samsung Tab's punya internet. Some guna P1 rasanya.


Language: English