
Syaza Nazura

Ask @syazanazura

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nilai SAT ku baru available dan bru bisa dikirim 30 october, sedangkan aku apply ED1 dan mesti send score selambatnya 1November? bisa kirim SAT lebih cepat dari seminggu? dua hari bisa tak?

Nak hantar awal tu kena bayar lebih la.

akk , between SAT and IELTS which one is more qualified ?

SAT and IELTS takleh compare ye.
Nak compare TOEFL and IELTS boleh, tapi tak patut gak.
IELTS is an English proficiency test. Used mostly in the UK and EU. And also for Australia.
TOEFL is also an English proficiency test. Used mostly in the States and Canada.
SAT, on the other hand, is not an English proficiency test. Although sometimes, certain US universities will allow you to use your SAT Critical Reading score instead of TOEFL, SAT test more than just English (as it includes Maths and well).

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so kalau tuh Univ feenya $64.000 per year mesti aku siapkan sebelum ke US kah? kalau tak punya duit sebanyak tuh, gimana? par time boleh tak? minimal berapa dollar lakak :'(?

Siapkan per semester la. Biasanya bayar awal2 semester. Tak cukup duit, cari la biasiswa ke pinjaman. Belajar sana memang la mahal. Part time kerja boleh je. On average sejam dapat $8. Seminggu boleh kerja 20 jam je.

Kak kalau aku dinyatakan Admitted Student di salah satu Univ di USA (exmpl Stanford) selanjutnya aku mesti siapin apa selain administrasi kayak Visa/passport dll. Kalau rekening bank mesti juga ya? berapa minimumnya kalau mau kesana? biasanya syarat lengkapnya apa minimal?

The amount of money you'll need will depends on which university that you choose to go. Some universities will cost about $50,000 per year. Some cost even less.
Sebelum fly tu, everything kena siapkan la. Make sure accomodation dah settle, dah contact student association di sana semua. Sampai sana, lagi senang buat bank account di sana la. Jimat masa dan duit.

can i get into HARVARD?

I don't even know who you are since you're an anonymous, so how am I supposed to judge that?
That being said, if you really want to go to Harvard, then work your ass off for it.

Is it too early to start on uni applications? Should i consult intec abt it?

Nope. Essays normally take months to write, 'cause you'll do loads and loads of revising and all. And INTEC doesn't really do much, just a little bit on how to apply, but basically everything's up to you.
So go look up the universities that you wish to apply to (if you're applying), and check out their essay question(s), if they have any. And start brainstorming for ideas. The essay is the hardest part of any application (other than the interview - if applicable), 'cause the rest of the application is pretty straightforward (Just filling up forms and all).

Kak, macam mana nak score SAT ? Ada x website2 untuk buat latihan ?

Pi Google: SAT practice. Confirm beratus2 keluar, kalau tak beribu2, kat Google tu. Pilih je nak buat practice yang mana satu.
Nak score, practice hard la. SAT bukan takat study baca je. Kalau hafal vocab banyak2 pun no use gak kalau you don't test it out and see how you fare in the real one. So practice. And do loads of it.

thanks akk . you really help us a lot you inspired people and that makes you to be a succesful person one day . Amin

No problem. Every good things come from Allah, and all the negative things and mistakes are from my own weaknesses.
May Allah bless you and help you in your way to success, insyaAllah :)

if you were to suggest freelance jobs, particularly for students, what would they be?

Write! Or photograph. Or do a side business (jual shawl, powerbank, etc through instashop/blogshop). Or tutor part time at tadika(s) or tuition centres. :)

akk , if we are going to study in oversea and applying for mara's loan right would it be cover for the living cost or just the tuition fee ? this is not under spc .

Every MARA loan, no matter where or if it's under SPX or not, will cover tuition fees, as well as monthly allowances, book allowances and other expenses as needed.
(Well, usually. If it doesn't, then that depends on your agreement with them)

why r u so open to share yr results during adfp online but won't reveal yr pointer now. I knw it's a personal choice, bt why

Because I'm done with ADFP, that's why. :P
Hahahahah. Nah. It's for personal reasons. InsyaAllah I will, one day. Maybe after I graduate. Who knows? :)

Kalau tk kerja, tak cukup eh allowance?

Depends ah kau duduk rumah mahal ke murah, and depends kau nak travel ke tak.

are you under any kind of scholarship/ financial aid in university? :)

I am a student under the Majlis Amanah Rakyat (MARA) loan. :)

If your parents don't pay for your housing, cukup tak your allowance there?

Cukup je kalau pandai jimat duit and kerja.

I am currently making my commonapp application. Would you please blow my mind up w/ any your advices ?

Start early. (And considering you're already starting in August, that's good for you).
The CommonApp essay would normally take about a month or two (or three) to be near-perfect. Don't worry too much if you have to change it more than ten times. Get a few friends to read and comment on them, and be sure to adhere to the word limit. Skip the whole flowerry part of the essay, don't use too many adjectives and all in your hopes of making a good impressions. All you need is to get your point across in the limited words given, so make sure you write it straight to the point.
Good luck:)


Language: English