
Syaza Nazura

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akak mmg selalu tdo lmbt ke?

Sebenarnya tadi pukul 7 dah tidur until 10:30pm, so macam segar sikit. Jap lagi nak tidur dah la ni.
Sambung 'borak' / sesi soal jawab next time ehhh. Good night! :)

ok kak, kat luar negara sne semue friendly ke

Alhamdulillah semua okay je. Sama je kat mana-mana pun, ada yang friendly, ada yang sombong, ada yang overly friendly.

kak, jwpn pnjg td akak bgus la, sye copy paste jwpn akak

Copyright infringement okay. Jawapan berbeza mengikut individu. Kalau masa interview you jawab macam tu tapi bercanggah dengan diri sendiri, and kalau kantoi, I'm not responsible for it.

ok2, soaln panjg mcm 2 pun blh jwb, hebat2

Kalau application essays panjang 1000 words pun boleh tulis, blog posts sampai beribu-ribu words pun boleh, no hal la.

npe akak x konfem friend request kat fb

Pernah cakap dulu, kalau nak add, sila inbox dulu. I wouldn't approve people I don't know. Even if pernah comment sekali dua kat Facebook or message kat Facebook, tak semestinya I know your personally enough to approve you.

Kalau interviewers tanya soalan ni, you nak jawab apa? "Why should we pick you instead of the other applicants? , What makes you special? , What are your strengths and weaknesses? , Where do you see yourself in 5/10 years from now? ,If you could change one thing about yourself ?"

Sorry lambat balas. Tengah cari jawapan yang concise untuk jawab soalan ni.
[btw, macam kenal je soalan ni, ambil from my comment kat group SPM 2013 ek? :P]
1. "Why should we pick you instead of the other applicants?"
Well, I don't know the other applicants personally, so I can't say that you should pick me over them, 'cause it'd be a bit judgmental and egoistic of me to say that I'm better than them. But what I can say is that I'm a pretty weird but unique person with a lot of passion and spirit inside of me. I strive to be the best in everything that I do, and despite the countless obstacles or critiques that I receive from other people, I never stop in my journey to the top.
In regards to me wanting to reach the top, I never wanted to achieve it alone, which is why I try my best to bring other people to the top with me. One of my life goals is to inspire people, to help them realize their potentials and help them reach their goals. Despite my sarcasm, I see myself as a pusher. I push people to think outside their comfort zone, I push people to show them that life is not an easy path, I push people to recognize their skills and talents.
2. "What makes you special?"
Roughly about the same answer as above, just tweak the sentences to better suit this type of question.
3. "What are your strengths and weaknesses?"
I am a perfectionist. That can be both a good thing and a bad thing. The good thing about it is the fact that once I get my mind onto something, I'd do whatever it takes to complete it. I'd go out of my way to ensure that the task is completed to perfection (or near-perfection). I never cared how long it's going to take, how hard it is, how insignificant it is to other people, or how people say I'm just wasting my energy. I just go on ahead and do it.
The bad thing about it is that sometimes, I do get caught up in the moment and forget my priorities. Like, when a new project comes up, I get so caught up in it and tend to spend more time on it than I should, which is in a way, a bad thing, of course. But I usually get back on the right track since I kind of love to put up post-it notes and reminders up on my study desk to help me get my priorities straight.
4. "Where do you see yourself in 5/10 years from now?"
I would have graduated by then, insyaAllah. I'm still thinking on whether I should stay in the States and work while sitting for my Actuarial papers or go back to Malaysia and sit for the papers back home. But what I can see is that by that time, I'd be more involved in youth development. I'd be more involved in helping to inspire youth and school students, helping them to realize their potentials and setting their life goals.
5. "If you could change one thing about yourself, what would you change?"
I wouldn't change anything about myself. I acknowledge the fact that I have weaknesses, but that's just life. I have my weaknesses, and that's where other people come in so their strengths can help me overcome my weaknesses

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ok2, your success in the world? i understand ultimate success is hard to get it

I'm still a looooooooooong way from success, trust me.

If you were a different gender, what name would you want to have?

I've always liked the name "Muhammad Rusydan" for some strange reasons. I think it sounds nice, don't you? :)
Or probably something like Rayyan or Safwan or Wildan. :)

npe akak ckp x b'jaye lg?

'Cause my personal view of 'success' and your view of 'success' is different.
Success in the world or success in the hereafter?
Ultimate success in life = Jannah.
Selagi kita tak tahu nasib kat sana, selagi itu masih belum berjaya.

kalau kite abroad, kite blh pilih negara yg kite nk ke?

It depends. Kalau under scholarship, biasanya dyorang tentukan pergi mana. Tapi masa apply scholarship boleh pilih la nak program ke mana.


Language: English