
Syaza Nazura

Ask @syazanazura

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Q04: Would you prefer living a boring, easy life or an adventurous, hard one?

I'd go for an easy and adventurous life, lol.

Q03: How would you react when a promoter comes to you? Would you listen to them?

It depends on what things they're promoting. I would usually turn them down politely, but if it's a product I may be genuinely interested in, I may listen to them.

Q02: Which is more likely to happen to you: rejecting or being rejected?

Defo rejecting.
See la, bukan takat reject people je, job offer pun aku berani reject sebab I know my self worth and know what I want and deserve. Lol.

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Q01: What would you do if you learned a surprising truth about someone you dislike?

I don't know, it wouldn't probably change a thing, maybe? I mean, it might also depends on what it is, but I'm a pretty heartless / I don't care about things person, so probably won't matter to me.

LastQ: Share a good thing that happened to you today. :)

Met my Madison friends, so very happy today :)

Q10: Share your tips on productivity. :)

1. Write down your goals for the hour/day/week/month/year.
2. Put said goals at a place you can see every day (next to your mirror, next to your door, on your study table, next to your bed).
3. Set small goals to achieve every day. Be it waking up by 6am or completing homework by 9pm, but do these small goals.
4. Reward yourself when said small goals are achieved (i.e. watch one episode of favorite TV series after studying for 2 hours, etc).
5. Reward yourself when earlier big goals are achieved (i.e. buy yourself a new phone/camera when you score well for SPM, etc).
6. Have a buddy to help out (i.e. roommate to 'steal' your phone for a few hours for you to focus on studying).
7. Also ask said buddy to keep you on track and make sure you don't stray away from your goals.
8. Clean desk, clean room, clear mind.
9. Quality, not quantity.
10. Just freaking do the things you want.

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Q09: What is your opinion on divorce? Is it a bad choice in a marriage?

It depends, I guess?
If the divorce is based on just reasons - like an abusive partner, or a cheating partner, or something like that, than divorcing and taking care of YOURSELF first is a good choice, rather than sacrificing yourself for someone who might not care at all about your wellbeing.
But if it's a divorce for stupid reasons - like your partner not knowing how to please you sexually, or that they smell or suck at cooking, or that they make more/less money than you, than that's just bulls****.

Q07: If you are hosting a TV show, what would it be about?

Meleis - and all about how everything is bad and evil and related to ISIS.

Q06: What new information had you learned recently?

Planning a wedding is bloody expensive.
Lol okay no I've known this for a while. Hmm, let's see.
Apparently there's a HUGE number of Malaysians who graduated from UW-Madison lol

Q06: Whom do you prefer to live with: small kids or elderly? Why?

Small kids, I guess? They see things a little differently than we do, and the questions that they ask can be interesting.
Plus I love kids. #babysitteralltheway lol

Q05: What is your opinion of having children? Does every marriage needs to end with offspring?

If it's written for you and your spouse, then it's for the best.
I personally would want kids, but with my condition (polycystic ovary syndrome - PCOS), getting pregnant might be a bit of a problem (even without my contraceptive medicines right now, getting my menstrual cycles on a regular basis is hard - let alone getting pregnant), so I am not putting up too much hope because I don't want to be too disappointed.
Humans can try, and so I will try to the best that I could (seeking Dad's help - as he's a gynae), changing meds that can stimulate my ovaries and all that, but at the end, it's all up to Him and what He decides.

BonusQ3: What do you feel when someone asked when you are going to get married?

(Answering this easy one first lol because it's been happening a lot in the past month).
Feel calm because right now I actually have an answer to that question, but also at the same time nervous and excited for it.

Q04: What is your opinion on polyamorous relationship? (note: the partner engages in relationship with more than one partner. Like polygamy, minus the marriage) Would you satisfied sharing/being shared of your loved one?

Hell no.

Q03: What is your opinion on music covers? Which one is better: original or cover?

That depends. Some covers are better than the originals, but that entirely depends on the artist and the cover artist, the editing and music background.

Q01: Are you aware of your flaws? Do you correct it?

Yes, bit by bit, but surely correcting and improving any way possible.

16/07: Greetings y'all! Gonna post some questions in a jiffy. Beforehand, I would like to apologise for the infrequent updates + lesser number of Qs. So many commitments that I can barely fulfill. :( Hope you enjoy them, and have a great day! :)

Also sorry for taking a long time to answer the Qs, lol xD

If awk ada ayh yg a bit strict n u as a daughter yg umur dah dewasa lets say 22 n up,dah habis belajar n baru je bekerja. Apa pendapat awk about ayah yg strict yg agak control everything about your life even tiniest thing. I mean mcm u nk decide apa2,u mesti akan thought "will dad let me do this".

Well, I'm an only daughter, turning 23 in 2 months, and baru je start kerja. Grew up in a way where even though my parents control me and limit my life (i.e. takleh keluar sangat, etc), they've always trusted me because I've always been the most independent, responsible and reliable kid in the house. So usually they'll always let me decide la, like nak sambung belajar kat US la, nak kerja kat Monash la semua. I usually do things on my own, even though my parents are the traditional ones yang susah nak do something different.

Salam, sis tak buat poskad raya ke tahun ni? Just wondering... bukan apa, tadi tengah kemas2 jumpa last year punya poskad 😂

Wassalam, eh, ada la. Tapi dah tutup request dah rasanya. But ada extra if you still want. But lambat sikit la coz lately a bit busy at work -.-
(also, to those yang dah request tapi tak dapat-dapat, MAAF SANGAT, haritu dah post a majority of them but ada yang aku tak sempat buat before raya so still pending, so so sorry)

LastQ: Describe one event that had you shed a tear.

Watching A Walk to Remember.
Tak pernah tak nangis lewls.

Q09: Are you vocal about your opinion, or always keeping them to yourself?

Half-half, I guess? Most things I'm pretty vocal, but there are things that I keep to myself.

Q07: What is your opinion on organ donation? Would you pledge as a donor?

I kind of told him already that if I ended up dying before he does, I want him to donate my organs. But then again, he said that sometimes the family can choose to not donate one's organs, even if the deceased is an organ donor, so don't know la how, see la how.


Language: English