
Syaza Nazura

Ask @syazanazura

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Yep your point is true :) in the sense that considering the background and stuff. There's no doubt about that :) But mostly what I find displeasing is those that do know how to use smartphones for their pleasure but not really show enough initiatives to google for important info

Mehhh after a while you just get used to it and kind of feel like you have to guide them the right way.

may i know ur suggestion on how to advise people that are elder than you, that is usually not perform her solah.. She always miss the subuh prayer... then the other prayer she will be like to delay to perform prayer. i dont know the good way to advise her :'(

If you're close to her, then you can try to talk to her. If not, try to ask someone closer to her to talk to her about it?

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I always get simple questions, and sometimes I feel like wanting to slap their face and say "If you want to secure a scholarship, then act like a brilliant student. Brilliant students do their research and they are not expected to be spoonfed you bratty kid". Btw sorry for writing on your wall haha

Nah it's fine. Sometimes I wanna say the same things to, but then again, not every kid was born with the same privileges based on past education background and that they might not be taught how to look up things on their own, so I get a bit lenieng with them at times.

Is it just me being sceptical, or do students nowadays prefer to be spoonfed instead of doing the research on the internet? I find it annoying when they ask googlable questions, like, what do you guys do with your gadgets apart from entertainment?


pendaftaran kemasukan utk freshmen usually bulan berapa? kalau mohon september 2016 , and kalau dpt tawaran . bila kena daftar masuk?

Dah buat research before hand belum ni? 😏 Pendaftaran universiti berbeza. UW-Madison ikut semester calendar, so Fall (start end of Aug/early Sept) or Spring (mid-Jan). Unis under quarter system or trimester system lain tarikh intake. Application dates pun berbeza so sila check website universiti tersebut, thankz.

Assalamualaikum, hi there 👋😊.... Did you ever thinking about 'why do you take the course that you learn rn', and 'what exactly do you wanna be after graduate'? I'm confused about it rn and it make worried about my future. tambah2 dgn ekonomi negara skrg 😟😣

Wa'alaikumsalam. You might want tonread this: http://syazanazura.com/2015/09/dont-succumb-to-societys-expectations-of-you.html and this http://syazanazura.com/2016/01/mind-still-on-break.html . That's life. You can plan all you want but at the end of the day, it's in His Hands. So take it slow, enjoy life and go where the wind blows you too. There's no harm in going slow and taking things one at a time. 😊
Liked by: torpe

kalau nak mohon uwm utk transfer student . biasanya tahun ke berapa boleh mohon?

Transfer is anyone with more than 24 credit hours. So incoming sophs, juniors or seniors boleh.

nak tanya tapi jwpn seketul gitu je takpelah

Kalau soalan genuine, sila tanya. Kalau soalan yang berulang kali dah dijawab kat sini, sorry la kalau dapat jawapan seketul.
Liked by: Nurul Hafizah

wow are you not in the mood or what right now?

I just woke up, so a bit cranky, yes. Tengah pening kepala sikit.

boleh list kenapa intec best in terms of the people, the teacher & their facilities?

"Best" is subjective, so no.

kak.know any kakaks currently taking cat-acca in intec yg saya boleh bertanya di ask.fm?

Taktahu. Sorry.

Hey there, was wondering if you can tell me about how Adp works.. I understand in the video that you took a variety of classes that may or may not have something to do with each other? Does it help with what youre doing now in degree?

Hi there!
So this is an overview of how ADFP in INTEC works ->
In ADP (or ADFP, ADTP, or whatever version of ADP you're looking at), every semester you'll take different combinations of subjects. This is different than A-Levels where you take the same 3-5 subjects for 1-2 years and take a final examination for each subject. In ADP, most of the time, you can choose the subjects that you want to take (though this depends on the college you're taking it at. In INTEC, they choose the subjects for you, since it's a small college with limited staff, unlike Taylor's).
While they may not be directly related to your program (i.e. one of my friends in Taylor's did Arts / Theatre even though he's a Business student), they are useful in the sense that ADP and the U.S. education system, unlike the British education system, favors a whole-rounded education. They believe in the liberal arts education, and how a student should take classes not only in their major (or program), but also in other programs.
This is why ADP is useful for those who enjoys flexibility. This is why the US system is something that I love. It allows you to reach out into different fields that you may not think of going into. I love taking classes outside my major, and it gives me some space to relax and enjoy since I can take "fun" classes.
Hope this helps :)

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Liked by: Anonymous

Kalau kita belajar di luar negara, kita kena tukar nombor malaysia ke nombor sana ke?

Tukar nombor la. Plan malaysia kat sini mana ado.

i think you should do the livestream about grammar .. maybe explain satu2 apa yg ada dalam grammar 😂😂 . start dari article a , an , the 😂😂 .

Itu kena tanya @nadtella . Aku tak reti explain grammar 😂

hahaha .. terbaik lah . rumah bersepah ni mesti busy exam xsempat nak kemas lewls!

Takdela just memang tak suka kemas rumah 😂😂

saya tgk livestream tu .. wow best ah .. byk tips2 yg dpt . hihi . quality video pn okay . xde tersekat . thanks akak😘

Glad it was useful! 😊 Patutnya tadi nak livestream dari rumah tapi rumah bersepah 😅😂 So kena pergi union so internet laju sikit. 😂

akak lek je. saya kenal akak since 2011 even akak xkenal saya heheh

Ahahaha lamanya weh 2011 😅😂 Hihihi haiiii 🙋🙋

akak saya sedih laa. saya nk sangat tengok livestream tu. tp saya pakai data ja. dahla xlaju huhu

Ala takpe. Still boleh tengok balik kan :)

kalau nak apply bnm kena dapat offer dulu ke dari uni?

Taktahu. Pergi tengok requirements dia macam mana.

assalamualaikum akak. my case maybe different from they other. I wanna repeat my sciences subjects because my grade for those subject were unexpected.( but I do love sciences 😣) and if I do repeat this year,is there any scholar accept me ? because I wanna continue my futher study for neurosurgery..

I can't really say if a scholarship body will or will not be able to accept you if you choose to repeat some of your subjects, because:
1) I am a student, not an officer at a scholarship body.
2) Different scholarship bodies have different policies.
Scholarship(s) for Medicine are limited to start with, so take that into consideration. Even with 9A+'s for SPM, most students may not be able to secure a scholarship to go into Medicine, let alone someone with lower scores. I'm not saying that you're not good enough to pursue it, but this is the fact in Malaysia where there is a high competition for Medicine and scholarships that even high-scorers are not able to secure them.
So I would suggest talking to your parents (and siblings/aunts/uncles/cousins, etc) and looking at other options that may be more suitable for you.

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I need to include different opinions from different backgrounds of people in my assignment regarding "does the ministry of health have succeed in promoting public health to the public and how far the promotion is going? is it works or not." Your short opinions would be much appreciated. TQ 😊

To be honest, I have no idea. Since I'm not in Malaysia, and the fact that I do not go on social media often enough to read up on stuff or see any campaigns, I can't really say yes or no to the question.
Sorry :(


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