
Syaza Nazura

Ask @syazanazura

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4.0 unweighted with 4.0 weighted GPA, which one is better in your opinion?

It doesn't make much of a difference to me.

UW-Madison lagi strict tak towards international student? Hearing that you said the counselors are chill made me feel slightly better hahaha

Lagi strict ke tak tu tak sure la. But yes, the counselors are chill je. Macam boleh je nak bawak borak pasal random stuff kat office tu. Lawak pulak tu.

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assalamualaikum. kalu nak sambung actuarial science mase degree. asasi patut ambik sains hayat atau sains fizikal??

Wa'alaikumsalam. Taktahu pasal Asasi sangat. Tengok la Epanduan UPU tu and tengok kena ambil apa for Asasi.

Salam kak. In the UW-Madison application form, it requires me to state the courses that Im taking in INTEC. And kena isi "number of credits". Does that mean credit hour? sebab in the form, it says "number of credits (99 or 99.999)". I dont understand the 99 part. :\

Waalaikumsalam. Number of credit hours tu exactly like what's on the timetable. Like, Pre-Calculus is 3 credits ke, Calculus 2 is 5 credits ke, etc.

is it being a leader is the only way to prove ourselves that we are so good enough,so that we can just got a fast ticket to be sponsored?

And when you look out there, there's a ton of students in colleges who were prefects back in high school, or even presidents of clubs and all and still ended up nowhere.
Ultimately, it is now what you did, but how you present yourself. Even if you have a full list of leadership positions on your resume, but you can't even talk about what you've learnt from any of them, that will not earn you a scholarship. Even if you have a small leadership position, say an AJK for a class subject or something, but you can talk about all the skills you've learnt from that small position, that's going to be much more meaningful and advantageous for you.

assalamualaikum kak. nak minta review akak utk essay saye boleh? ade 2 essay, please tell which one do you prefer. how could I send them to you?

Wa'alaikumsalam. You can email it to me if you want (syazanazura (at) yahoo.co.uk), but I can't guarantee that I can get back to you fast. (OK, I finish reading it fast, but I would normally take a few days or weeks to like reread it over and over and think about ways to improve it and stuff. Heck, a person who emailed me his essay before I went to Florida still hasn't gotten a reply back lol -.-')

Hai there!! I scrolled ur ask fm just now. Composite score tu math and reading je, tak include writing kan?

I believe so. Tapi tak sure la pulak UW-Madison tengok with the writing section or not (that question never popped up at work so I never actually knew that)

Thanks for your support! :) Do pray for me that I'll get a place in Wisconsin - Madison. :D

InsyaAllah. Good luck :)

hari tu kau cakap kt aizan nasib baik kau tak mention nama dia kalau tak kepala dia yang dah besar tu jadi lagi besar. so.... kepala dia besar ke??

Ah. Okay tak ingat pasal apa. Lol. Entah. Depends on what you call 'besar' la.

the most favourite things u love to do in States but not in Malaysia.

That is a tricky question, actually. 'Cause I love sleeping and eating, and I love them more in Malaysia. Hmm. i'd say probably going out and walking around town? I mean like, sometimes I kind of like to just go out on my own and walk around the Madison area, go to the Capitol, or the lakes, or just randomly walk around and all alone, but that's not probably a good idea in Malaysia (especially since I'd be home and Mum will definitely say no and all).

So if my second score is lower than the first one, if i decided to send it, it wont my application kan? Affect as in "budak ni amik 2nd time dapat lagi rendah teruknya". Haha sorry, im just a bit paranoid about it. Again, thank you for answering my question. Really appreciate it, kak syaza! God bles

Nahhhhh, don't worry too much about it, hahah. Rilek je dahh. Admissions counselors are chill and they understand how students are, and that sometimes exam scores naik turun, normal la tu :D

Akak, I am currently studying in sekolah harian and will facing spm this year.The question is, if I want to further my studies to oversea, what should I do? Can you give me any suggestion abt which scholarship is better or which gov college/university that offers student go to abroad?

Assalamualaikum, hello :)
Now, the question from my part is, what are you planning on studying abroad? Your steps and preparation may be different based on the program that you are interested in pursuing, and your scholarship search will also differ based on your program of choice.
One thing I would suggest is to research. Read up on Google about the various scholarships available (some popular ones are MARA, JPA, Petronas, Yayasan Khazanah, Bank Negara Malaysia, Maybank, Axiata, Shell, Yayasan Tenaga Nasional, Securities Commissions, the Yayasan in each state, etc). And don't keep your options limited to the ones I've mentioned above, 'cause there are lots of companies that are offering students sponsorship, in return for a bond at their companies after graduation.
You could also look into possible twinning programs between universities and colleges in Malaysia with universities abroad. There's the program in UM with India, I think (?) for Medicine. There's also various study abroad opportunities in UTM. There's also a possibility of doing a twinning program in Penang and Ireland for Medicine (can't remember the name of the college / university in Penang though, sorry).
Hope this helps a bit :)

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Assalamualaikum kak. For the SAT, lets say i took the second time but got a lower score in total, but a higher score in critical reading, should i send it to my respective colleges? And does UW-Madison evaluate our score based on the highest score of each section from ALL test dates? Thank you :))

"We consider the highest composite score obtained in a single test administration as your “official” score, although we will look at all scores reported in an effort to get a true sense of your achievement." (Link: http://www.admissions.wisc.edu/freshman/requirements.php)
That is, UW-Madison does not super-score. They will only take into account the highest score from ONE test date, but they do look at all the scores that you send in.
That being said, some school would look at the highest score from each section, regardless of test dates, so I would suggest just sending all the scores to the colleges you're applying to.
Good luck :)

Salam Alayk sister . I'm doing some research on what to do next after spm n i found your blog ! really intrstng n most thanks sbb your statemnt buat i keluar dari sterotaip most of Malaysian's thinking. Moga ia bermanfaat for us and we can meet one day in shaa Allah . Most thanks sis :)

Wa'alaikumsalam. You're most welcome, glad it could be useful to you in some ways! I wish you all the best in life, and sure thing, let me know if you ever want to meet up whenever I'm back home (or if you're in the States), and we can certainly do that :)

Just a continuation from prev ques; so after the 6 months allowance you got for your first sem, did you have to wait until the end of February to receive your 7th month's allowance? Thanks!


Thanks for the reply! :) How was your essay prompt (Wisconsin's)? I'm kinda worry about getting an admission from Wisc-Mad because y'know it's one of the top school ><. And I intend to major in Maths which I think there will be a lot more competition than the others (I guess). Some last tips maybe?

No worries. And don't worry too much about the essay and all. As long as you write from the heart and be sincere and all, you'd be just fine, insyaAllah! Don't write about what you think the counselors want to read, but instead write about what you want to write. :)
Good luck! :)


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