
Syaza Nazura

Ask @syazanazura

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Tak suka bab political and war tapi kau sendiri tu grammar nazi hahahha. Well break a leg in the exams. Literally. Lol ;)

Aku grammar nazi je. Bab lain aku tak minat. Haha. Exams aku dah habis la :) Petang tadi last :')

Akak suka baca manga apa ehhh selain kuroko no basket :3

HAHA. Kuroko No Baske tak baca manga lagi. Baru tengok anime. Tak nak start manga until balik Malaysia nanti (but technically now dah boleh nak start la since dah habis finals). And lately tak baca sangat manga la ._. Dulu layan Yu Yu Hakusho and Death Note and a few others. Tapi mostly layan anime la.

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#1 Hi syaza! I got 7As for spm and I didn't get accepted to any universities I applied to through upu. I'm thinking of applying for rayuan upu but if I do so, Im not allowed to enter matriculation (bc the rules stated so). if my rayuan is denied, the only choice I'm left with is form 6 :/

Baca bawah ni :)

#2 so idk if I should take the risk to apply for rayuan upu or just enter matriculation. Any advice? (thank u in advance for taking the time to read/reply this!!)

Errrr. Personally I don't know the rules in matriculation / UPU / Form 6 and all, so I can't really say what is right and what is not, 'cause I might step over the line a little bit. What I can say is that, depending on what you want to do for degree, if going through matriculation can get you there, by all means, you can go on ahead with it. But, if you are okay with having to do STPM IF you did not get the UPU appeal, then you can try. 'Cause if you know you really don't want to do Form 6, then ask yourself, would you be okay with taking the risks of pushing aside Matriks for something that you are not sure if you'd get it or not. Matriks' not really a bad place after all, and there's a lot of good students that are Matriks-leavers. :)
And pray to God for guidance! And don't forget to ask for your parents' advice and suggestions! :) Good luck xxx

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what is the different between lamb, mutton, beef and meat ?

Source: Google
Meat: the flesh of an animal, typically a mammal or bird, as food (the flesh of domestic fowls is sometimes distinguished as poultry ).
Beef: Meat from a cow, bull or ox.
Lamb is a sheep that is typically under one year of age. There is little fat on lamb and the meat can vary in color from a tender pink to a pale red. Lamb under 3 months of age is called Spring lamb. Most sheep meat sold in the U.S. comes from lambs simply because mutton isn't as popular.
Mutton is meat from a sheep that is older than a year, ideally 3 years of age. It is an intense red color and contains a considerable amount of fat. Its flavor is very strong and many have to "acquire" the taste before enjoying mutton. Mutton is much more popular in the Middle East and in Europe than in the United States.
So it's like, MEAT is the bigger picture, and all the other three are like smaller categories of meat.

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Hi im doing my degree at a local uni under mara eduloan now but i just received an offer from an overseas uni to further my degree there, do u think mara will let me transfer? I really want to go though

Hi. You might be able to do so, but you will certainly need to appeal to MARA, and give them solid reasons why you would want to go there and all. :)

Mintak pendapat, asasi UM or engineering Unikl under mara ? Thanks :)

Depends on what you want to do la. I mean, kalau memang nak buat Engineering, go ahead je la kat UniKL tu. Unless you're not very sure what you want to do, buat lah asasi dulu, sebab nanti still ada wide range of options lepas asasi and not just engineering.

Assalamualaikum. saya baru dpt tawaran belajar private a-level german kat intec. So, betulke amik x bleh buat loan mara utk program a-level kat situ? thx

Wa'alaikumsalam. Tak faham sangat soalan tu sebenarnya ._. Tapi if masuk as a private student, boleh je try apply for MARA. But probably susah sikit sebab program PILN MARA untuk ke luar negara tu, memang dyorang dah ada a limit to how many students in which program and which college semua, so maybe susah sikit la.

Salam kak, saya dihantar dari ask.fm abg haziq ghafar :) Kalau amik asasi biasa2 dkt UM, UIA, Uitm cth Asasi Sains, Asasi Pergigian, Asasi Sains Hayat takboleh sambung degree overseas eh ? Thanks in advance :)

Wa'alaikumsalam. Hi :)
Normally asasi ataupun foundation tu dah diset-kan khas untuk universiti-universiti tertentu. Contohnya, Asasi UIA dibuat khas untuk sambung kat UIA, Asasi UPM dibuat khas untuk sambung kat UPM. Kadang-kadang, memang ada universiti lain yang terima pelajar asasi dari pusat asasi universiti yang berlainan, sebab kadang-kadang ada je requirements yang overlap between between those universities.
Untuk pergi ke luar negara pulak, maybe susah sikit, but it is possible. Like, kadang-kadang ada je program twinning (like buat asasi PASUM then sambung kat India and all for Medicine). The best option for you to do if taknak go on a twinning program with a university abroad is to email them personally, and ask them about it. Give them the description of your asasi program (silibus, subjek apa korang belajar, buku teks apa korang guna, etc).
Hope this helps :)

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Liked by: Haziq Ghafar

are u mix?

A little bit of Chinese blood, yes. Both my grandmothers are Chinese, and my grandfathers are Malay.

nazi? ape tu akak nazu?

HAHAHAHAHA. Sorry, dah lama nak guna benda tu again tapi tak berkesempatan. Hikhik.
Basically nazi ni is a 'party' in Germany. Dulu Hitler (if I'm not mistaken) was the leader of the Nazi party. For more info (sebab aku jenis yang tak suka sangat bab-bab political and war kind of stuff ni) boleh tengok Wiki :)

Weh been busy ey? Sibuk2 kau pun ada time jugak nak jawab all these questions. ;)

Exam weh exam. Hahaha. Last final exam in approx two and a half hour. Aku sekadar jawab yang pendek2 and cepat je sekarang. Yang panjang2 and more detailed after finals habis later. :)

I despise nazi. Even when it comes to grammar. Hahahahahah hai nazu ;)

I despise exams, even if it means 30% of my final grade.
Hello there :)

i wanna ask is it hard to get permission changing course under mara? (sorry for my bad english)

Yes it is hard.

kau rasa kau cantik ke comel ke manis?pilih salah satu ja hohoho

Aku sentiasa comel okay, itu fakta.

HellO! I was curious to know, how did you start getting into blogging? And how did you become so popular on social media? :)

Hello :)
Lol, I don't even know if I can be said to be 'popular on social media', ahaha. I'm just a small time blogger who rants on life and write about random things. You can hardly call me as popular as Irene or Yuyu or any of the all time popular bloggers in Malaysia.
I started blogging in 2008, just a personal blog where I write about random stuff (things I do, my friends, my relationship problems and all, just basically teenager stuff). In 2010, I moved to a new blog and started over, with an aim to make my blog both personal and informational. I don't want to make my blog a blog like the others, where they gossip about artists or anything sensational in the news just to gain views from SEO (as in writing about MH370 and anything that's currently 'hot' in the news). I wanted my blog to still be personal, but also a place where I can help people. Which is why sometimes I share my Facebook posts on my blog, as well writing things that I feel can benefit others. So, yeah. That's basically the whole thing behind my blog. :)
But, lol, no, I would hardly call myself popular on social media. I'm not yet up to that level (and I don't know if I even want to). Hahaha.

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Do we have to take SAT and TOEFL if we wanna go to US for postgraduate?

TOEFL, probably yes. SAT, maybe not. But for graduate schools, you'd probably have to take GRE or some other tests.

hihi thanks kak syazaa hmm org kata buat decision tuu kena diri sendiri tapi kalau kita buat decision tu untuk bahagia kan ibu kita sendiri tak ke lagi elok sbb kita pun okay je cuma tu laa sayang peluang yg tak semua org dapat ni kita let go :'(

It works both ways. You have to compromise for your parents, and they have to do the same for you. Both parties need to be open and accept that the other party has different opinions. Talk about it and come to a solid conclusion that both parties agree to. Yes, peluang tak selalu datang. But strength is not always going for the oportunities that come, but instead, knowing which one to take that would take you further in life :)

hmm mmg nk buat undergrad dekat luar fr med tu yg pilih ib under bursary in the first place and dah confirm dilema datang bila my mom start risau sbb bursary kan support pre u je T.T takut nanti terabai kemudian hari and dia kata um pun boleh fly , suasana dia selamat sbb dalam campus hmm

Ala memamg la bursary support pre-u je. If score masa pre-u and dapat placement, boleh je apply untuk sambung untuk undergrad tu. And yes kat PASUM boleh je fly if pandai cari rezeki and score elok. :)

betul ke sijil kujuruteraan teknologi tidak disahkan oleh jabatan kejuruteraan malaysia???

Sorry, taktahu pasal tu. Boleh tanya yang lebih arif dalam bidang ni ye.

hai kak syaza hee assalamualaikum :) hm i kinda facing a dilemma rn and my friend suggested to ask you so i hope it wont be a problem to you haha soo since there's limit for characters here emm would you prefer IB at taylor's under bursary or asasi in UM underr well emm self paid ? hihi thanks <3

Awat tak pakai bursary kat UM je if nak buat Asasi kat UM? Bursary cover jugak Asasi tu haaa, so kalau tak nak buat IB, buat je asasi kat UM pakai bursary tu ha.
Choosing either Asasi or IB to do depends on what you want to achieve in your future. If plan nak buat undergraduate kat luar negara, go on ahead with IB. If nak study local je, buat Asasi. Jangan sekadar buat IB kat Taylor's under bursary sebab: 1) Orang pandang tinggi kat budak Taylor's, 2) Ohhh budak IB eh? Gempak gila.
It also depends on what course/major you want to do. Read up on it. Kalau course tu ada offer locally and boleh tahan bagus, boleh je continue local. If takde ditawarkan dalam negara or if the quality kat dalam negara tak berapa bagus, then pergi la buat IB and try to go abroad.
Fikir leklok. Jangan sekadar pilih sesuatu program atas nama 'prestij' or untuk dikenali orang je. Buat keputusan untuk masa depan, pilih dengan baik. Good luck :)

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Hi.. how do you study ? I think i am too lazy..i just sleep,fb,etc at hostel. After class i never study except when have test/quiz. For example, if i going to class on monday then after class i never open book to study and only open the book again in the class next monday. I need your advice. tq

Dude, if you go to INTEC or come here and ask my friends and classmates, they will all say the same thing: "Syaza's always asleep, like, almost all the time."
I guess like, everyone's naturally lazy. Ultimately what works is that finding the time and place you can be the most productive at. Like, people know I sleep in the day 'cause I work best at night (or after sundown). Others may be in the morning. So find the time that you are naturally alert and focus at.
As for studying, do not just study for the sake of having that A or sitting for the exam. As long as you have this 'study when there's an exam/test' mentality, you wouldn't go far. Personally, I've enjoyed learning (read: not studying, but really learning), and I looooooove doing past year questions. I love testing myself to know what I understand, and read up on the things that I don't understand, which is why doing past year papers works with my style of learning, 'cause I hate reading up chapters after chapters of facts, but instead using my common sense and logic, as well as what I can recall from classes and past discussions, to find out the answers.

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Liked by: Tasquare

Hey. I just want to ask you something that's related to Mara's programme. If I got accepted to one of the Mara's College for taking IB, can I make an appeal to change course? Mara offers me Health Science in Kolej Mara Seremban.

Hey. You can try, but it'd take a looooooooooong time. Trust me. I told MARA I wanted to change my course in my first month in INTEC, and they told me to wait until my allowances are in for the first time before submitting my official appeal letter. However, since my allowances did not come on until the first semester is over, I decided to head over to MARA HQ and send in my letter anyway. MARA, however, LOST my letter, and I had to resubmit my letter to them. After months of waiting, I finally got my approval letter for my course change appeal in April 2013, 4 months before I fly off to the US ._.
It's annoyingly complicated and long, since MARA has a lot of students in its programs and it's hard to keep track of everyone at the same time. But you can try. :)


Language: English