
Syaza Nazura

Ask @syazanazura

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suggest me some good animes to watch please!!!

My favorites: Kuroko No Basket, Sword Art Online, Detective Conan, Saiyuki, Yu Yu Hakusho. I'm bad at recommending new ones 'cause I'm super picky & don't like watching new ones if I don't like the first episode, soooo yeah. 😂
Liked by: Ordinary

Assalamualaikum akak. Saya dah lama minat akak. Inspirasi say bila melihat blogpost akak semua tu. So saya nak tanya la kat sini, bila akak buat blogpost yang panjang2 tu akak x rasa lapar ke? 😂😂😂😂 how do u overcome the obstacles bila nak menulis panjang2 tu?

Zikri Zahidi
Eh senyaplah kau Zikri. Malas nak layan kau. Zzzzzzzzzzzz
Liked by: Zikri Zahidi

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boleh suggest ape2 tak nk bg hadiah birthday ape utk akak saya? tq

Hmmmm depends on what she likes la. Kalau dia suka membaca, bagi buku. Kalau dia jenis yang hijabster bagai tu, bagi shawl baru ke, etc. Benda tu terpulang dia suka apa.

akak bleh terangkan sikit tak pasal SAT essay ni ? kena baca passage pastu kena buat analysis abt passage tu ke mcm mana?

Tak ingat laa dah lama tak buat SAT. Plus SAT dah tukar format so sila check CollegeBoard ye :3

how would you help a depressed person? my friend is giving up in her study because her cgpa is not that high, she got below 3.00 and she is giving up bcos now it is like most of the requirement want ppl with 3.0 cgpa and above. she said the world is so unfair bcos ppl would only look for cgpa.

1) I would be careful with the word "depressed". Depression is a very serious mental issue and should always be taken with great care. Consult a proper doctor / psychologist if it's a 'real depression'.
2) Remind her that the world is a vast and open space with tons of opportunities hidden behind every door. Remind her that though most common opportunities would require people with a certain CGPA (note that this is especially true in highly competitive areas and companies and scholarships, just because they are highly sought after, thus requiring a high CGPA helps them to narrow the pool of applicants), there are still other opportunities that are equally good that may not have the same requirements. Network out. Talk to people. Show that she is more than just a number on the transcript. Some companies value more than the number, so she will need to PROVE that the number isn't what's holding her back.
I'm being harsh, but if the number itself is sufficient to cause her to break down and give up, then how do you expect companies or other people to believe in her? She needs to believe in herself first and foremost, and have it inside of her to push herself and show to the world how good she is.
3) Never give up. If she failed to get a good CGPA now, work harder for the future. If she's doing diploma, work harder for the degree. Take up courses. Trainings. Workshop. Anything that can add value and help improve her skills. Don't let that CGPA define who she is.

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Liked by: patehahaha Sabrina Mel A

huhuhu sorry i was juz asking coz sometimes ppl said tht its bettrr to go to uni of penn instead of penn state. and penn state is famous for its party school so yeah i was just wondering if its preferable or not. btw im going there this fall! do pray for my result :)

Uni of Penn is obv better overall considering it's an Ivy League and all. But getting into Penn is a whole other question, no? & no worries, no matter how hard Penn State 'parties', they can never beat my school anwayz.

balik raya tak ni? huhu, btw i want to ask on how are study actually? alone or grouping?

snsitinur’s Profile PhotoSNS17
Nak balik mana pulak, I'm already here in Malaysia. (nampak tu my view every morning). & I don't understand the 2nd part of your question.
balik raya tak ni huhu btw i want to ask on how are study actually alone or

do u think penn state is a good uni? cause uknow ramai sgt malaysians kt sana hahaaa wdy?

What's your definition of "a good university"? 'Cause, yes, Penn State is accredited, and it's good, but the question is, is it good for you? Keep in mind that the number of Malaysians in a university do not define how "good" it is. There must be a reason why they all chose to go to Penn State in the first place, be it for its status as a Kampung Melayu, its academics, its sports or whatever.

Akak, kalau sc aktuari kan dia punya peluang kerja mcm mana eh? Maksud saya kerja apa nnti

Boleh baca bit.ly/SainsAktuari ye

Kak syaza, if I'm private student at college, kalau nak fly boleh apply scholars ke atau still kena bayar sendiri untuk fly?

Boleh je apply for post-STPM and setaraf scholarships.

stdy actuarial sc in oversea mmg automatic you sit for soa in ur final exam or taking the exam separately?sbb i mcm ada dgr yg klau dkt ovc you guys kira mcm dah xpyh amik soa exam. or i heard it wrong😂 thnks in advance nazu

adibahaifaa’s Profile Photoadibah haifaa
Not necessarily. It depends on which SOA you're getting your qualifications from. In the US, there's no such thing as an 'exemption' from taking the SOA professional papers. Just that kalau buat degree in Actuarial Science (or if you take certain classes), boleh exempt from the requirements for education validation (kalau takde validation ni kena ambil extra module or tutorial after graduation).
But in the UK, through their SOA (tak ingat apa nama dia, IF&A or something), their requirements lain sikit and yes ada universities punya courses dapat bagi exemptions from certain papers (like City University dapat 7/8 exemptions ke apa entah).

Last call for #ProjekKadRaya2016. If you want a kad raya & have not given me your name & address, please do so as soon as possible.

syazanazura’s Profile PhotoSyaza Nazura
You can fill up this form here -> http://bit.ly/ProjekKadRaya2016 with your name & address (& anything else you want me to know).
Hurry. I will close the form once I have enough responses so fill it up as soon as possible!
Last call for ProjekKadRaya2016 If you want a kad raya  have not given me your
Liked by: torpe

Hi! I've been following you for a while. You seem to have everything: good heart, good boyfriend, good grades, financial security, etc. I am very envious of you. Should I be? How can I not be? :(

I would say no, you shouldn't. Remember that whatever you see or learn about me online, from my Ask.fm answers to my Instagram pictures to my blog posts to my tweets and everything, they are all there because I filtered them and think that they are suitable to be shared to people. I don't write or share about what scares me, what keeps me up at night, what makes me cry all night long, what fears me most, how many times I broke down, how many times I fought with my family / friends / boyfriend, etc. What you see are mostly the good things. That's the same with almost everyone. They share all the happy parts about their lives & hide all the bad parts, 'cause, come on, we all want to show off our happy lives, no? So, no, don't be envious of me. Instead, just pray that we could all be stronger to face this life. 😊

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How to make ourself doing something consistently ?

I can't even make myself answer questions on Ask.fm or blog consistently, so how could I answer this? 😂

Hye syaza, I got a post as a leader in a studio project when I actually want reject tht post badly, then when the results come out, they got lower grade as well as me, then they blame all on me when I has pushed myself very bad. They keep blame me n I don't know how to react. What I should I do?😢😢

Talk it out with them. If they didn't put in the effort for it, then there's nothing you can do about it. If they're being mean or are still sore about the whole stupid thing, talk it out with your lecturer. The leader isn't supposed to be the one who does all the work anyways. It's supposed to be a team effort. And if only the leader puts in effort, then they don't deserve the grades.

hello kak nazu. kak, my friend wanna choose actuarial science for degree. and got no offer from upu. then, that friend asked me kalau stpm kena pilih subject ape? kalau dia nak ambik degree in actuarial science? i try googled it, tapi i don't know actuarial science is under science or arts [cont]

Read below. 😁

[cont] sebab actuarial science yang I tahu its like math something

Actuarial Science in local universities either diklasifikasi sebagai a business program or a Sains Tulen program. Use ePanduan UPU to find out what subjects to take for SPM. For example, this is the requirements for USIM. You can also Google out the other programs in Malaysia & look at their websites to see their requirements. 😊
cont sebab actuarial science yang I tahu its like math something

Since you are not bonded,do you plan to work in Malaysia or overseas after you complete your degree?

That depends. I'm currently planning to either:
1) Go back home, apply for the Teach for Malaysia Fellowship & teach in Malaysia for two years.
2) Continue to graduate school and pursue a Master's in Education or Educational Psychology.
3) Work in the States for a few years first.


Language: English