
Syaza Nazura

Ask @syazanazura

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Akak tadi saya pegi kat google hangout tu,nak tanya cam mana nk tanya soalan kat bahagian tepi tu

Sorrryyyyy baru sedar ni sekarang :'( Patutnya you should see a link or button that says 'Q&A' so boleh click and ask a question there. Takpun boleh tweet je soalan tadi pakai #ProjekInspirasi and we can answer from there :)
Liked by: MC

Akak i just want to ask if you still can answer ppl's question at 12am Malaysian time ?

Unfortunately kiteorang tak nak stretch it for more than 2 hours, sebab our panels students jugak and they have to study. Sorry :'(

about projek inspirasi, you're pretty. :) that's all. hahaha

Ni cakap pasal Fatihah ehhhh? Ke Iwani? Mesti salah orang ni kannn. I can pass your message to them if you want :)

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Cam mana nk join tgk projek inspirasi malam ni.sebab saya x pernah guna google hangout sebelum ni kak.and ada link ke?

Boleh pergi ke bit.ly/GH2014S2 and view je from that page once dah start :)

When exactly did you start sharing or opening some parts of your life to the world? (I know that you blog, tweet, vlog, this and others) And what is the worst thing that was said to you through all these media?

I started blogging sometime around mid-2008, but that was merely blogging for personal satisfaction and only my friends knew about it. It wasn't until the end of 2010 that I decided to blog 'seriously' (as in I am dedicating more than just my life on it) (LOL). So, yeah.
As for the worst thing that was said to me... Hmmm. I don't know. I try not to remember all the bad stuff and focus on the good things, so yeah:)

Are you a Redditor? And btw, I've never met you, but from that beautiful smile on your beautiful face, I don't understand how you can come across as "sombong" to some people.

Unfortunately, no, I am not a Redditor. Ahaha. I look mean in person though. Like seriously. When I was a Form 2 student, the Form 1's were actually scared of me because I looked so strict. I don't smile that much in person. so yeah. Maybe that's why?

Saya rasa macam akak ni sombong sangat.

And I quote my friend,
"Syaza ni macam sombong sikit kalau mula-mula kenal."

Akak, akak ni manusia yang boleh terima teguran ke daripada junior?

Age do not mean a thing to me. Kalau teguran itu berasas dan diberikan dengan elok, aku terima je semua.

Hello sis :) I keep on checking my UW Madison's student center portal lately. I just want to say that I am so nervous of knowing my admission status already >~< That is all. °_°

Hi :)
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww it's alright! You'll be fine! *virtual bro fist / high five* Chill! You don't have to check it every day. If a decision has been made, you'll get an email about it. So, no email yet = no decision yet. :)
Fingers crossed, doa banyak2. Good luck! :)

Salam kak syaza. Kat website khazanah dekat field of studies dia ada kata "others disciplines/courses. Disiplines and courses which are in niche areas and important for the continued growth and development of malaysia" - what does it mean? If i nak apply dentistry boleh ke?

Wa'alaikumsalam. I doubt that Yayasan Khazanah will sponsor for courses such as Dentistry, Medicine and such, unless you apply for the program at NUMED and IMU. You can try applying for Dentistry if you want to, but I don't think it would be accepted by Khazanah. I'm guessing they're talking about courses that will help in the development of the country, such as IT, Computer Science and things like that.

Salam kak... Adfp kalau audit one course utk lepas pointer... Still boleh fly kan?? Or mmg kena amik jugak whatever courses set for that particular sem? .__.

Wa'alaikumsalam. Nak audit boleh je tapi ada limit to how many audits you can take.

kak, kalau sponsorship nnti kita ada bond ke dgn company yg bg sponsorship dkt kita? tq

Depends on the terms & conditions of the sponsorship.

Akak, apa hukum bergambar berdua-duaan lelaki perempuan dalam gambar? Even gambar tu menutup aurat? Bukan dosa ke? Nanti timbul fitnah. Or bila dah kahwin suami tengok patah hati dia sebab kita pernah bergambar dengan lelaki lain sebelum dia. T.T

I will abstain from answering this, and you can try asking someone who is more well-versed in the area, thank you.

I see. So maksudnya x semestinya yg join #RedCampaign like the one u posted kt fb tu akan jd fellow unless diorang mmg apply la? Am i right?

Yepp! :) Donating for #RedCampaign is merely to show your support, and tak semestinya you're going to be teaching :)

Apa beza bsc and ba kak

BSc - Bachelor of Science
BA - Bachelor of Arts
BBA - Bachelor of Business Administration
Takde beza sangat, except for the department / fakulti a program is placed in.
Contohnya, kalau Fakulti Sains, mestilah degree yang dikeluarkan itu BSc. Kalau Fakulti Bisnes, kemungkinan besar BBA. Takkan Fakulti Multimedia nak keluarkan BSc kot.

Salam kak Syaza. Can u please explain what's the #RedCampaign is all about? I do look through their website but I still didn't get it. I know it's for educational gap in M'sia, but how do they achieve the goals,their plan etc? Coz this is something close to my background n i feel like joining it tap

Technically the whole thing is for Teach for Malaysia. #RedCampaign is basically their fundraising event to raise more funds for TFM.
TFM is a non-profit organization that helps to balance education inequity in Malaysia by sending between 100-120 'fellows' to high-need schools around Malaysia. It is a two-year leadership development program that aims to help raise the school's academic achievements and aspirations.
The 'fellows' are basically graduates or young professionals (<35 years old) who do not have a teaching qualification. So throughout the two year program, they'd be teaching in government schools, as well as undergoing other activities (leadership training, etc). By the end of the two years, they will be receiving a post-graduate certificate that will allow them to teach in schools, if they want to continue doing so.
So, basically, that's the gist of what TFM is. And #RedCampaign is just their way of advertising the TFM and getting the word out about TFM and everything. The money raised during #RedCampaign will be used to help support TFM in training, supporting and sending those fellows to the schools and everything.

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Hi.asal dulu org ada tanya kat kau ok tak amik medicine kat us kau ckp jangan amik kat us.i mean like us kot.buat medicine pulak tu kat sana.apa yg salahnya.cuba kau tgk rncgn the doctors tu.hebat je diorang.

Sebab kat US takde undergraduate majors in Medicine. Normally students US buat undergraduate (4 years) in something else, like Biology or Neurobiology or something similar, then apply for graduate school for God knows how many years. So yeah. Bukan macam Malaysia / UK semua yang lepas pre-uni boleh terus masuk Medic for 5/6 years then baru sambung Masters.

for your pants, regular fit/slim fit/skinny fit?

Straight cut or boot cut. I don't do skinny or slim fit pants.


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