
Syaza Nazura

Ask @syazanazura

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Salam kak. I'm just curious to know how can you manage your time well? Like, you have classes, homeworks, but you still have time to blog and help other people especially spm leavers. When do you usually study if you update your blog or post something in fb at midnight?

Emm, the thing is... I don't study. -.- Not much, anyway.
Lol, okay. Emm, I don't know. I guess the fact that I sleep at about 3 or 4am in the morning almost every night, with 5-6 hours of sleep roughly (though sometimes I can even get more than 8 hours of sleep when I'm too lazy to get up). And for me, blogging and doing things on Facebook are not a 'burden', especially if I have the passion for it. I've always wanted to leave an impact on someone, to inspire or motivate people, so no matter how busy I get, I'd always have time for these :)
Liked by: BBA aaleeyah.

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hi. can i just please say sorry.. im a freshie at intec and well, during the mds this year my new friends and I might've...well... not cooperated during mds. especially syaza says. so i feel really bad ever since so can you please just forgive me. :(

Lol rilek lahhh that's normal during orientation, no worries dude :3

I do regret for taking A-level which cause me fail to fly. A-level is extremely hard(at least for me)when your lecturers doesn't give any support when it comes to teaching materials(not give hard copy slides etc.) How to get up back?

You're in college, not high school. Nobody's going to spoon-feed you all the things you need to know for exams. Nobody's going to remind you of what to study, what to prepare for, what to read and understand.
You got to take your own initiatives man. Nobody said life after high school would be easy. Heck, be it A-Levels, local foundation, ADFP, AUSMAT, or even STPM. You got to put in the effort. It comes from you. You have to push yourself forward. Stop hoping that someone will take your hand and pull you to the finishing line, you got to pick yourself up and run towards the finishing line yourself.
If you're not going to do it, who's going to do it for you? :)
Peace (Y)

You said you wanted to say for actp. There must have been any regrets, deep down inside...right? How do you cope with that? Have you always wonder what will happen if you stay for actp? Do you think you would be so much prepared?

One of the few regrets I have is the fact that I have to wait 7 more months (on top of the four months I've been through) to meet that special someone. He's still in ACTP, and here I am, 9000 miles away from him. As we were in the same class for Fall and Spring, we spent most of our time together (a lot of our friends could attest to this -.-'). And so, not having dinners with him or even not meeting him for a week (we meet at least once a week, even during the breaks) is just a bit hard to cope with.
Truthfully, I wasn't ready to be away. Heck, I'm still coping with this distance. I'm quite used to being away from home, 'cause I was in a boarding school since 2007, and coming to INTEC was, well, a continuation of being away from home. I do go back almost every week during ADFP, and it sucks not to be able to go back home and sleep on my comfy bed when things get too stressful. It sucks not to be able to swim with my little bro or stay up watching movies and fighting with my brothers and all.
But, yeah, I guess that's a part of life. I know Allah put me here for a reason. I know there's a reason for this 'distance' between us, between me & him, between me & my family. I learn to appreciate my family more, I learn to open up to my Mum bit by bit (I was never the type of daughters who have heart-to-heart talks with their mothers), I learn to love my brothers even more than I did when I was back in Malaysia. I learn to trust and appreciate him even more, now that we can't see each other.
So, yeah :) InsyaAllah, I'm coping well with it. The regrets are there, but if I keep on staying in my comfort zone, surrounding myself with the people I love and not challenging myself, well, where's the fun in that? :)

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As u already in US.. klu nk mintak tlg blikan em cosmectics product boleh tak??

Errrrrrr, and how do you expect me to give it to you?

If you were about to promote University of Wisconsin - Madison to someone, what one solid reason you'd tell him/her to further their studies there?

"DUDE, SYAZA NAZURA IS HERE, you wouldn't want to miss that, right?"
LOL, okay, I'm just kidding. Hmm, my serious answer would be, hmmmm, IT'S A FREAKINGLY PWETTY PLACE AND CAMPUS WITH LOTS OF GOOD-LOOKING PEOPLE.
(But, seriously, the Business School here is just great)

Oh okay. But how about you? You are now in Wisconsin - Mad right? Does that mean you have to repeat toefl again if you want to proceed with your Degree & Masters?

Err, technically, I am doing my Degree now. And I think if I want to straight away continue with my Master's, say, doing an MBA, I don't think I would need to repeat my TOEFL. But I'm not so sure myself :/

Hi! I am doing foundation and have already taken the college admission tests. Just wondering. Do we have to take TOEFL & SAT AGAIN if we want to pursue education at higher level such as Degree or Masters? (even if we're already in US) Coz toefl is only valid for 2 yrs. Do we have to repeat?

For your undergraduate, well, you're already pursuing that with your foundation now. For Master's, I don't really know, you can always check the requirements at your university :)

As'salam. how to be an excellent student? can u share some tips :)) i'm the one of spm candidate next year. my addmath and 3 subjects other are so bad --' i'm not interesting to take those subject :/ help me :( really need ur help sis :'(

There is no 'one right way' to become an excellent student. And it kind of depends on who you see as an 'excellent student'. Is 'excellence' basically the amount of A+'s you get from exams, or what you actually learnt from classes? 'Cause if it's just the number of A+'s and A's you get, well, that's not that much of a proof, since most people basically study for the sake of examinations and forget everything the second exams are over.
So try not to force yourself to study for the exams. Instead, learn to study for the sake of studying, for the sake of learning new things. There's an abundance of new things to be learned, so be open to these knowledge. Learn to see things in a new and different perspective, and remember, everything that you learn is in a way or another, connected to each other.
InsyaAllah, you'd do great. Good luck :)

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Liked by: BBA

How often do you eat rice there? Can you cook? If you don't have rice there, is sandwich the only thing that you eat everyday?

I prefer not to cook by myself, 'cause I live on campus in a university hall, so if I want to cook, I'd have to bring everything downstairs to the kitchen (and it's a shared kitchen, at the boys' side of the hall) and take everything up again, which is plain annoying.
I do eat rice here. There's a Malaysian family living in Madison, and he cooks dinner for any Malaysian students who want to order anything. So we have Nasi Ayam, Nasi Lemak (Sundays), Nasi Kerabu, and other Malaysian delicacies. [link: http://www.syazanazura.com/2013/11/food-after-food-after-food.html]

Pernah naik unta tak? Gajah? Ostrich? Kuda? Keldai? Binatang-binatang yang sewaktu denganya?

Unta tak pernah kot, tak ingat. Gajah, errr, tak ingat la masa kecil pernah ke tak. Kuda, yes. Ostrich and keldai tak pernah.

Can i know what do you mean by define "*put anything here*"?

You know how different words can have different meanings to different people, based on how you define and look at things?
Say, for example, a previous question I had was : "Do you make friends with all people? :)"
My original answer to that was: "Define 'friends'. And no, I don't. I'm a bit conservative to who I call as my 'friends'."
The thing is, the word 'friends' mean differently to people. It can either mean someone you know from an event/a class/school that you go to, or someone you know through someone else, or someone you can talk to when you need help, and the list goes on.
The 'friends' you have on Facebook aren't really your 'friends'. Most of them are 'acquaintances'. People you met once or twice, and added on Facebook. That doesn't necessarily mean they're your 'friends'.
Personally, my 'friends' are those that I can talk to at random times of the day with my problems and annoy them with my overly adorable yet stupid attitude and yet they're still going to be there for me.
The same thing goes to everything else. Define what you mean by 'critical', 'in a bad shape' or 'is this good or bad for you?'. 'Cause those questions are too broad and general, so be specific in the question.

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hi kak. i really adore you. boleh cerita tak lepas spm akak masuk apa then sampai pergi us? :)

SPM ended at the end of November 2011. Got on a week+ trip to South Korea with a bunch of schoolmates, then after a few days of resting at home, it was time for a family trip to Australia for a week+ too.
Rested at home for a few days / weeks, then in January 2012, it was time to start my A-Levels in Kolej Tuanku Ja'afar. I was there until I received my offer from MARA for Economics in the US, which then led me to leave Kolej Tuanku Ja'afar and moved to INTEC, Shah Alam in July 2012.
Took up American Degree Foundation Program in INTEC for a year, and here I am now. :)

Assalamualaikum and hi :) I am keen to further studies in Islamic Banking and Finance but I am clueless.What subjects should I strong in order to further studies in this course?

penawirawati’s Profile PhotoBBA
Wa'alaikumsalam. I'm not completely sure myself, but I suggest you'd need to be good in Economics, Mathematics and Accounting. :)
Liked by: BBA

As'salam, hello fella,I do like to ask ya something, regarding the socialisme there at us, is the students are that critical and in a bad shape ? news spreading. totally raised our concerns to pursue our study there. tq

Wa'alaikumsalam. Define 'critical' and 'in a bad shape'.
Students here in UW-Madison are fine, nothing bad and unusual. Things are going as they were a few months back, nothing to worry about. And I've never heard of any of my friends having problems in their universities, so I'd say, don't worry too much.

I got to know that you are offered Econs by MARA before but how do you change to Act Sc and do Econs and Act Sc learn same subject during ADFP?

1) No, they do not learn all the same subjects. The English courses are the same, but Act Sci students learn Calculus and Pre-Cal and all, while Econs students learn Calculus for business and others.
2) I sent in an appeal to MARA.


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