
Syaza Nazura

Ask @syazanazura

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And how much a postcard will cost?

In Malaysia, roughly RM0.50 - RM3 each, depending on quality, location (postcards at airports are generally more expensive), size / thickness, etc. I usually like to buy postcards in a set / book, so like 5-20 postcards in one.
Liked by: ShuNaim

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Do kaplan's questions easier or harder than the real sat? What was your first sat exercise mark?

Can't remember. SAT is hard all the same, and it doesn't matter which book or resources you use to practice.

As a campus leader and volunteer, what have you contributed for TFM? :)

I am not sure if I'm able to tell you what project(s) I'm currently working on at the TFM office, but as a Campus Leader, I haven't done much. I was just recently (as in a few months before summer holidays) been appointed as a Campus Leader so I didn't have much opportunities to actually plan anything for TFM on my campus.

Is it bad to think that... If I were one of the interviewers, I wouldn't award myself this (bank negara) scholarship?

Heck, I attended a Maybank Assessment Centre for their Global Apprentice Program, and I think to myself, "Why the hell did they even asked me to come, since I am so incompetent and outwardly not the type of person they would hire?"
Dude, things happen. Get over it.
You're in a position in which hundreds, if not thousands or tens of thousands, crave for.
Accept it. Be grateful.
Yes, you can feel that way. And trust me, I've felt that way too.
That's all the more reason to work hard to prove that you are capable & deserving of the scholarship, no?
Allah puts you there for a reason. He Knows you are meant to be there. Trust in Him. :)

Assalam kak. Sy pelajar tajaan bursary. Akan buat alevels in intec. Sy tak apply for mara/jpa sbb sy xtau yg jpa akan ada prubahan policy ttg sending medic students overseas. (tau pun masa taklimat) 😒 So I'm stuck with no sponsor for my degree. Akak tau tak scholarship medic lain besides mara/jpa? 😃

Not that I know of. Medicine has very limited scholarship opportunities :/

Asslmlaikum Kak. First of all, Slmt mnymbut Ramadhan (wlaupun trlambat 😊) I was wondering Kak, 1. Is it hard to fly off after a year of preparation? 2. Can any SAT books be used for practice (means do the SAT is standardized for all books) 3. How's US? 😁😁

Salam Ramadhan too, and an early Salam Aidilfitri to you :)
1. No, it is not hard.
2. Yes, any books are fine. I'd suggest the more known names though (the official SAT guide book, Barron's, Princeton Review, those kinds)
3. I'm wondering how US is myself, since I'm here in Malaysia :)

hi kak syaza. im currently taking adfp in intec. regarding the university applications, can you help me on where and how to start? i mean what should i take into account when applying etc. thanks in advance and happy fasting! :)

Hi :)
If you're planning to enter universities around August / September next year, I'd suggest you start looking into applying for universities in the next couple of months.
That being said:
1) RESEARCH now.
Read up on the universities that you are planning to apply to, list them all out & note all the things needed to complete the application.
Things to ask yourself during this research:
(a) Why this university?
(b) Application process: How (CommonApp / personal application)
(c) Application deadline date(s)
(d) Application materials needed [transcripts, SAT scores, etc]
(e) Possible application essays / statements [and topics, if available]
(f) Contact details of Admissions Office, in case of questions.
When you've listed all of these out, at least it'd make it easier for you to decide which to pursue & focus your time on first.
For example, when I was doing my applications, I listed out all the universities I wanted to apply to, got all the topics for the essays I needed to write, and listed all the deadlines. Since UPenn's application was due on New Year's Day, that was the one application that I focused my attention to during Fall semester. Not to say that I did not focus on my essays for the others, but I spend more time perfecting my UPenn application essay. Once I submitted that, I was able to spend more time on my other university applications.
Hope this can give you a kickstart to your research & gives you something to ponder about. :)

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How can you differentiate between needs dan requirements...? *terpulang nak share dr segi aspek apa2*

Ada belajar dalam Kemahiran Hidup dulu, at least dalam Perdagangan la.
Keperluan asas: Sama untuk semua individu, natural needs.
1. Keperluan Fisiologi: Asas (udara, makanan, minuman, kesihatan, etc) dan Keselamatan (rumah, tempat berlindung, pakaian, etc)
2. Keperluan Sosial: Kasih sayang (friends, family), Penghargaan (pujian, etc)
3. Keperluan Rohani: Agama, cita-cita, etc
Kehendak: Berbeza ikut individu, differ based on past experiences & taraf kehidupan.
1. I may want a laptop, but a kid at the kampung may want a car toy to play.
Liked by: Faizatul

hi kak. im an intec adfp bound spm leaver (will be registering tomorrow). i just took my SAT in June and scored 2100. what's the average SAT score at intec? do u think i have a good chance of getting into lesser ivies like cornell and upenn?

Hello. Hope your first few days of classes in INTEC went well :)
I wouldn't be able to say exactly the average score of SAT in INTEC, since I don't go around asking everyone what they get for SAT.
Ivy League universities typically ask for an SAT around 2200/2400 and above, though some have gotten in with lower scores.
As for your chance of getting into top universities, I wouldn't be able to say much just from the score itself. It is relatively high, yes, but your SAT score alone does not define your whole self. The Admissions office looks at your application as a whole, from your SAT scores to GPA to your essays and recommendation letters & everything else.
Liked by: Faizatul

Kak Syaza, I'm gonna cut to the chase. I'm in dire need to change my major. Seriously. Kalau nak tukar kat Malaysia macam impossible je sebab my MARA officer tak reply reply. Is it by any chance easier kat US? I have no intention to cause trouble to other people.

Read below.

[CONTINUATION] Had I known this sooner, I wouldn't have chosen Psychology. Macam mana ya kak?

It took me one whole semester to get MARA to approve my program change from Economics to Actuarial Science.
Relax dah.
Changing in the US means so much more trouble for you and MARA themselves. So I'd suggest changing it before you fly off anywhere.

Should I take a RM20k study loan to study abroad where I've been offered to this Sept but be in major debt / do I stay local which I still have to wait for a year to get into IPTA (if offered) or IPTS which still require a loan but lesser? I wanna be abroad for the experience but it's a money issue.

If money is a big issue (especially in this economy now), I'd suggest to stay local. You can always opt for a semester-long study abroad program through your university, since a lot of IPTA actually have that. Or you can always do your Master's abroad :)

Hi. Is there any rules saying that we should use base word after PLEASE. eg: please puts your hands up. Or please put your hands up. Thank you!

@nadtella is our linguist & can explain grammar rules more than I can ever dream of.
Thank you :)
Liked by: ShuNaim

do u have any friends who did foundation in ipts & do degree abroad? thanks

I can't exactly recall where all my friends studied & where they are at the moment. There might be some, but I might not be able to say exactly who & where they studied.

Kak Syaza, how did you manage your ads on your blog? My ads do not appear at all on my blog

I pretty much followed everything that was on Nuffnang's website (as in how to add them & stuff). If you're having problems, either contact them (or whoever's ad you're using) or visit their FAQ on their website.

What traits do you think a future actuarist should have? & do you have any tips on how a pre-uni student should prepare themselves in facing the actuarial sc field? Any exercises I can do maybe? Any skills I should take up?

Sorry this came in late.
I was searching in my head for a suitable answer, but then I give up. I'm not a good actuarial student to ask this question. I'm barely surviving in this program, and despite me surviving this, I'm barely good enough to give out advice to people about it.
You can try asking @zawiramin who is currently doing a Masters in Actuarial Science :)
But if you insist on me giving an advice, I would say: You need to have a lot of perseverance. Never take no for an answer. Never give up. The journey's tough but you got to be tougher. It won't be like high school, when everything's laid out for you. You need to be consistent & responsible for your own learning.
And, please, if you can, do master the use of a financial calculator (BA II Plus, etc). It'd help you tremendously.
Liked by: Faiz Othman

trima kasih Akak untuk smua nasihat Akak dekat kami semua.. sangat2 membantu. honestly Akak are my role model .. sy nk jd mcm Akak some day. tolong bg nasihat and pendapat and in the same time dpt fly oversea..

All good things come from Allah, so thank Allah for that :)
As for being like me, aku suggest, silalah jadi diri sendiri yang terbaik :) That is so much better than trying to be like someone else, memandangkan hanya korang je yang boleh jadi diri korang :)

What subjects did you take fr yr first sem of ADFP? And can you suggest me some of the reference books or any websites that might help fr those subjects? Thnks in advance 😊😊😊

I took the classes listed here -> http://www.syazanazura.com/2013/06/intec-journey-to-states.html.
Textbooks are provided by INTEC so no need to buy any other reference books.
As for SAT & TOEFL, you can Google up any practice questions or tests to prepare for the tests, or buy the official SAT Guidebook (or any guide book, for that matter, like Princeton Review or Barrons).

Hi. When we're giving a talk, What is the correct instruction to audience so that they angkat their tangan untuk berdoa? Is it : Please raise your hands up to your chest OR please brings up your hands to your chest? Or you have any? Thank you. Really appreciate and salam Ramadhan Kareem :)

Hi :)
I'm not terribly sure, but normally at any event(s) that I attended, they say something like:
"Now, we would like to invite [Ustaz / student / etc] to lead the prayers."
(Something like that lol)
Salam Ramadhan too! :)

seriously? tp, kenapa sya tnya worker yang dekat post office tu, then, he told me that only 50 sen(sending postcard). and i already send it -.-' yg mana satu betul niii

50sen kalau ke Malaysia. Unless Pos Malaysia dah tukar tanpa bagi notis la.
seriously tp kenapa sya tnya worker yang dekat post office tu then he told me


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