Ask @Oloni

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Im interested in journalism and i see you always get a lot of internships etc. how would you say if the best way for me to start getting internships and experience?

Internships, I'd say apply to different places as I did and just network with people who have the same interest as you. Experience wise, bloggg, it looks nice on your resume too.

What are the 3 Personal values you live by and will never compromise and why?

This is such a gooooooooooood question. I think i'll have to come back to think of two others, but right now all I can think of is loyalty and I think why is so so so obvious lol.

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Lupe's best album?

That's hard. . but The Cool for me <3
I feel like I just betrayed Food & Liquor. :-( lol

Never heard of it. Why is it your favourite?

Seriously? I grew up on that book! It reminds me of Shakespeare. Montague meets Capulet, type shit. It's so interesting. I really advise you to check it out. All four books are amazing.

You're not allowed to ask me questions. I'm only guessing. What drew you to journalism?

Lol fair enough anon.
Umm hip hop and blogging. . I used to blog for a Lupe Fiasco blog when I was 17. I loved it so much I started my own personal/lifestyle/fashion/relationship/what-ever-the-txck-i-feel-like-posting blog in 08 called Simply Oloni. I enjoy writing and talking to people about their opinions, I love learning, and what's better than sharing what you've learnt and your opinion as one?
I went on to blog for many other websites, such as blogs and online magazines and yeah. .
Pretty much sums it up.

Just curious. What is love to you?

Love to me is similar to what someone on my timeline said. . Umm. . Love to me is wanting to be a part of someone's growth, an hour can't go past without them on your mind. . wondering if they're happy or sad. . wanting the best for them so badly doing anything to see them smile . . I could go on lol.

If you could live anyone's life for a day, who would it be?

Oprah. tbh I just want her bank account for a day.

If I approached u n u thought I was a decent bloke, would u kiss me if asked?

loool what the hell.


Language: English