Ask @Oloni

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Hi olani, I am a female who enjoys masturbating and pleasing myself it has got to a point where I enjoy this more than having sex would you say this is harmful , in any kind of way? And is it normal to enjoy pleasing myself than having sex with my own boyfriend

For some! Change it by telling him what you enjoy.

I want too give my boyfriend the silent treatment but I'm scared if I do he won't talk too me again (sad isn't it) /:"

Slightly. If he's done something wrong keeling away for sometime and doing the silent treatment till youre ready to talk is fine.

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I love what you're doing girl, even though I don't know you personally I feel like you keep me in check when im feeling down & negative loool xxx

Haha thank you :-) x

I'm really into the dom sub thing and a guy taking control and freaky play but the guys I know are basic and boring. How would you suggest I find someone that's into that stuff?

Online! There are plenty.

I am falling fall this guy and I don't know what to do beause he has been involved with a few people I know but the most problematic point is that he dated a girl that I used to be close to but I'm not close with her anymore. Am i wrong for this!???

Sticky one. Because you were once close and I'm still guessing you're friends. If it's worth it, then do what feels right. If not, leave him and stop falling.

Controls my feelings if you get what I'm saying

You have every reason to be mad when someone doesn't come through and continuously effs up. You can voice how you feel, theres absolutely nothing wrong with that especially if it's repetitive.

I think I'm too emotional for a relationship. I don't know like when he says he's coming over and doesn't come I'm just filled with emotions I'm like angry and sad at the same time and I just want too have a go at him but I don't becuase I don't want to scare him off. I hate how his actions kind of


My sex drive has gone downhill how do I feel sexy again and have the urge to have sex again.

You buy a new dress, get a new hair cut. Buy some new underwear. You look in the mirror & tell yourself how incredibly sexy you are. Sit and stare.

uni. I don't want to end it but I probably will as I don't trust him but don't know how, as well as telling him about the STI.

I'm hoping you've gone to the clinic. Nurses are advised to ask who else you have slept with and are able to text those you've been sexually active with anonymously. As for his friends? They are none of your concern. People will always talk regardless.

Hi Olani I recently found out I was Chlymidia positive and don't know how to tell the guy I am having casual sex with, I am SURE he has given it to me but especially find it hard to explain to tell him as his 'boys' already have an idea that I am a 'jbag' as rumours from other girls have spread...


My ex who is my baby's father has got me pregnant and he hasn't been around ever since I told him and said he is not involved up angry and upset what do I do.

Sadly, you can't force him to be there. What you can & should do is focus on yourself and the health of your baby. Keep yourself around those who love and support you. There is only one person who truly matters in this scenario.

everytime I've tried to have sex something goes wrong. Foreplay is fine and I've been fingered and had people go down on me and everything's okay. As soon as it involves actual penetration like it physically won't fit like nothing more than the tip. idk if it's because I get anxious but I'm starting

You need to relax and try to use toys that will also help.

A Guy Has A Baby That He Doesn't Look After, The Baby's Mother Doesnt Ask Him For Money Like That. He's Hardly Been Around, My Baby Is 2 Now. He Has Time To Be In A Relationship But No Time For The Baby. The Mum Has Tried So Hard Not To Go Crazy. What Does She Do, Go To Court Or Just Block Him Out

Take him to court, if you can bring a child into this world even if wasn't planned you shouldn't be eating till your child gets fed first.

(3) I wish his family at least instilled the value/importance of hard work. I feel like the bad is starting to outweigh the good in my relationship now. I feel like I'll be miserable if I stay & his laziness is rubbing off on me. He can be a really good guy and generally treats me well.Im confused!

The bad should never outweigh the good! If you're irritated with his behaviour and he isn't trying to change, you're going to have to deal with what you've bought. Sadly, those are his characteristics and if they haven't changed it won't tonight. You want someone who can clearly challenge you and he doesn't seem like he fits under that description. Yeah it's good to be treated well, but should you praise him for such basic treatment?? No!! You know what you have to do especially if it's rubbing off on you.

(2) He graduated from Uni by the skin of his teeth. I would try to encourage him to study but he never listened. He isn't European so he will have to return back to his country soon (Im British) He plans to come back to further his education next Sept. Is it worth staying with someone like this ?


(1) My bf has no ambition or drive. His family is rich & everything is just handed to him. He'd stay at home 24/7 if he could. I know some people are home bodies but I'm starting to get bored. I suggest things to do & he complains. We have been together for 2.5 yrs & I'm at the end of my rope now


I broke up with my now ex bf, a lot has happened & I feel it has changed me as a person. I feel that I've bottled feelings up & reached my breaking point. I've been hesitant about talking to a counsellor or someone like that about it. Don't want to seem like I'm going crazy. Would you recommend?

Only you know if you need more professional help & it certainly doesn't mean you're going crazy. From what you've told me, it seems like you're going through the phases of a break up. Give yourself time to heal, keep yourself busy and remember why you left your ex.

i'm a virgin and when in masturbate(finger myself) it hurts am i doing something wrong? is there a more comfortable way to do it?

Yes, simply play with your clitoris. You don't have to finger yourself if it's uncomfortable.

Really want to tell this girl her bf is unfaithful and won't stop contacting me spilling his heart out, is it my place? Would I be a bad person? I really feel bad for her. I don't like him nor do I encourage his behaviour but it's just really sad to see what he's doing.

Stay out of it & block the dude. I understand your concern, but as long as you do your part there is sadly nothing you can do about the situation.

Im in a 2 year relationship with my boyfriend, I love him and I see a future with him I just feel like now he's getting quite comfortable. He doesn't ever ask to take me out (I always initiate going out) he doesn't do the little things like surprise me anymore. I feel like I'm always the one who has

Address it and tell him everything you've told me. Compare past moments and allow him to realise your points. When this does happen it is because one person in the relationship is way too content.

Hi Oloni, I'm having issues with the guy I'm seeing. He thinks I'm not attracted to him and he repulsed me because I don't let him touch me freely. How do I explain that my molestation as a child has made me sensitive to all that.

Tell him when you think it's right. Explain where the issue developed from. Hopefully he'll understand, but most importantly I'd suggest you speak to a therapist if you live in the UK you can do it through the NHS.

Um i sent you an email just now...can you please read it and get back to me.

Emails take a few days! Please bear with me :-)

Do your parents know u write about sex and explicit material? What do they think and say about it?!

It's all over their facebook timeline. I'm turning 25 this year how they feel is none of my business :-) I'm sure they're proud though.


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