Ask @Oloni

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do you find that guys change around their boys and become a little bit more rude and different

If they're like 15, otherwise no.

We were walking at a party, holding hands, walking away from the crowd just to have some privacy and he said to another girl ''don't worry, your next'' He knew it hurt me because I told him and was so angry about it for like 1 week then again he brings up other girls.

He sounds like a douche, why are you with someone who feels no way about disrespecting you?

The guy I'm seeing is always mentioning that he gave up so many girls for me, and says other girls are really pretty and have good personailities too me and it makes me feel like absolute crap! I tell him but he doesn't seem to should I deal with this?

You shouldn't have to deal with it. If you told him about it & he's not LISTENING see this as a red flag.

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We were at a party with my cousin(a guy) 2 other guys, the guy im seeing and myself were sitting in the car and everyone else was outside and the guy im seeing said ''i hate (guys name) because he stole my girl (his ex) and i was sitting right there and it really hurt me, what should i do cos were n

Mention it to him. Say you found it insensitive that he said something like that in front of you, which also hurt your feelings. TALK!

Can I ask why the women tickets are slightly more expensive than your men tickets for your Mingling Soiree event?

Tickets for men are slightly cheaper due to the niche of our brand. Simple Oloni is an online platform for women so in order to attract men we lowered the price for them. Think of it as typically going out on a Saturday night, women often get into places for free whilst men have to pay. This is basically a slight reverse.

I went on a date with this guy recently, we've talked ever since but the communication isn't as strong as I want it to be. What should I do?

Talk to him about it.

I've been seeing this guy for a month now but he doesn't really call me or anything. Does this mean he's not interested? What do you think I should do, have a conversation with him - I don't want to seem clingy

Telling him you'd like him to pock up the phone does not make you clingy! Do it x

Well he looks in his eyes like he wants to kiss me but I tend to swerve or turn my cheek so he just kisses me cheek now. I feel kinda bad.

Lol so then try to loosen up. You know the answer to this.

I really like this guy but I insecure about guys in general. I have really bad trust issues and I find myself investigating thins I really don't need to be investigating. And i find myself getting annoyed at the most irrelevant things and it's ruining my relationships! HELP!

You have to be insecure for a reason? What caused it?

I've been seeing this guy for like 4 months now and we haven't kissed and he hasn't invited me to his. What's that about? I feel weary of him. Should I be?

Not even a kiss? That's very odd. Yes be weary!

I don't know how! Uni is a bubble unfortunately, I'm not a husband/boy/relationship hunter an do really do not EVER plan on being a gf fluffer again lol so how do I meet new guys? A few suggestions would be lovely and oh I love your lips babes! Nice and full xx

Come to my event! Simply Oloni's mingling soiree! It's on my blog check it out!! & thank youuuuuu ❤️ xxx

So I've FINALLY gotten over my ex (yay me!) obviously being single and all I've been working on myself and I still am but I just want to ask how am I going to meet new people? (Boys) my last relationships have all been from the same area/society and wven though you've said we should get out there..


I've been involved with a guy fod like three years now off n on. Recently rekindled but I feel like when we aren't together it's very cold, hardly any calls etc but when we see each other he plans the most romantic things we haven't had sex so his actions are confusing I'm not clear on his intent

Talk to him and ask whats up!

To be honest I have no reason not to - I'm just scared be will fuck up and I will be hurt.

Then the real question is are you ready for a relationship even if it might include taking a risk?

This guy and I have a 4 year history. He's always told me he wants to be with me but I've always rubbished his claims as all we did when we saw each other was have sex. Amazing sex though. Now we spoke a couple of days ago & he said he wants us to be together. Do I believe him & take a chance?

Do you have a reason not to? If not do what you feel could be right.

Do u agree with sex before marriage ?

I see why some don't, but as long as it's safe sex before marriage I don't think it's an issue.

I've been seeing this guy for a month now and I really like him he's a really great guy but he's just told me that he doesn't want anything more than it is right now and that he likes us just seeing each other.... I don't know what to do I wanted a relationship with him... I also suffer from Wastedt

If it's not what you want then leave!

Okay. I was seeing this girl for like 2 months, then her and her family moved to paris in november. We are trying this long distance thing but my parents are not sure if it will work out. Have you got any advice?

Long distance is a tricky one especially if your relationship has only been for a very short period. How long is she away for & will you visit each other from time to time? I'm guessing you live in England so jumping on the eurostar is always great.
I'm sure your family are just trying to offer you some advice, but it's essentially down to you.
If you think it's worth it, then why not?

2) so basically I don't want to miss out on a great guy because he thinks I'm being unfaithful so I decided yo tell him but I'm scared he might leave and how do you think I should tell him without freaking him out ?

Just be honest with him. He should be able to understand! TALK!

1)Basically my parents are really old fashioned and dont want me dating even though im 18 ,so I'm secretly seeing this guy for 6 months now. The problem is he does not know I'm keeping him a secret and it causes problems like he doesn't know my family and I think he thinks I'm cheating or something.


2. My question is, do I forgive him? Because we are not in a relationship together, but I feel betrayed. He's apologised to me already saying that he didn't know what he was doing and that he still loves me but I just dnt understand how some1 can drink so much that they end up kissing their ex.

You pretty much summed it up with your last sentence. If you were in a relationship do you think he'd be any different?

1. Me and this boy have been talking and we both like each other. He knows about my past relationships and how I got cheated and he swore that he would never hurt me. But he went to a party, got very drunk and ended up intimately kissing these two other girls. One of them being his ex girlfriend :(



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