Ask @Oloni

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Your obvious is the writing and being cool. Hobbies are sometimes things that aren't cool but you secretly enjoy sometimes (like replying to my messages)?

I like doing lunch.

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What do you do for fun? Other than the obvious.

Lol wth is the obvious? Anyway umm I write for fun & pleasure and just hang out with the lovely ladies of my life.

Hi. I have a question about the 'friendzone'. Is there such a thing as a guy 'friendzoning' a girl? I have a friend who constantly refers to me as 'family' and being like a 'sister'.. I am slightly confused because there are times when it feels like we could be more. Any advice please? Thanks

Oooh well, yes men can friendzone women. I have no idea why people don't think it's possible. The honest truth is he probably doesn't see you in that light NOW, but things can change, sometimes people don't even realise that the person they are supposed/could be with are right under their noses.
Also, it can hurt if someone you like refers to you as a relative, so play it off by saying something silly like 'We can't be related' followed by a sarcy comment. That's what I'd do anyway. lol
But if he does see you as a sister, just think about the respect he has for you also & value that.

I think your reltionship stuff would be great in their Chat section. Check out their site, if you like what they're about i reckon you should get in contact

Thank you :-)

Have you thought of submitting an article about relationships to ISIS Magazine?

Nope I haven't. Would they like my stuff?

How do you out your writing out there. I want to focus more on turning my writing into a career but I'm nervous about not being able to get any exposure.

Hey! I get this question all the time. Writing is something that is special to me, and when anything is special to me. I want to instantly share it with the world. So when I write I immediately show it to 4 or 5 people close to me and who's opinions I value.
Constantly show off your work. I spam my twitter TL endlessly with articles I wrote from two years ago to today. Seek advice and criticism ALL the time. And you can't be nervous!! Build your confidence up by perhaps creating a blog and writing regularly, the exposure will gradually come if you work at it!

when's the advice article for students going to uni coming out please?

Heyaaa. I was supposed to put it out last night! But then after a chat with my sister who's also going to uni, she ADVISED me to release it in September.
I hope that's okay?

What about physically and features?

*huffs* Umm I'm quite tall so I'm always attracted to taller men. Brown/dark skinned not too fussy. As for featuress. I change my mind like British weather lol.

Who do you write for?

I write for WOMEN, beautiful, determined, the strong. I write for the single, those committed, the unsure, the happy the sad, the lonely, the insecure.
I write for women & myself.


Language: English