Ask @Oloni

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Met this guy in August-ish didn't take him seriously, reluctantly had sex in December and although I intended it to be a one off, he persisted in talking to me. I then realised we had a lot in common and we begun to click, fast forward to now and I quite like him (1)


This might sound weird but here goes. What's the difference between having an orgasm and just cumming. Is it the same thing, I asked a friend but she's not sure either.

An orgasm for men is when he reaches his climax stage. For men it usually involves ejaculation semen, for some women it's a discharge fluid which is considered 'cumming'. Theyre both basically the same thing.

I seem to attract crazy, deceitful guys. What am I doing wrong? Or why do I attract such weirdo's lol kmt

We attract different guys all the time but it's us who chooses to PICK which one we'll give the time of day to. Why are you picking the same guy??

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My ex and I had a complicated break up. After months and months of not speaking and him getting into a new relationship. He's recently got in touch; following me on all social media and saying he's followed due to my success. Why now? And what should I do? I still love him and it hurts.

Sounds like he's clearly looking for an excuse to worm his way back in. Question is are you going to let him?

Realistically do you think a girl can find a serious guy at 18? I always think it would be amazing but I'm starting to now think its a dream. Should I take my time and not have high expectations or keep trying with the next guy, then the next guy, then the next guy... etc... it all seems long.

You're young, date & enjoy!

Hi Oloni, I've been talking to this guy for a while, he suggests we meet up and I'm all up for but then he says chill and Netflix ffs is this acceptable lool I really like this guy but chill and Netflix feels so somehow. What do I do?

You KNOW you aint chilling & watching netflix.

..over and done with but I have people telling me that it should mean something. I don't see guys in a romantic way (relationship-wise) they all just annoy me, I'm just attracted to them. Do you think I should wait like others are saying or I should just find someone and do it?

I can't tell you how/why/when you should lose your virginity, but simply doing it when you feel you're ready. Some women wait for it to be w/ the guy who means something to them. Other women wait till it's with a guy theyre really attracted to. It's a personal choice, just make sure you're safe if you do choose to go through with it.

Hi, I dont know if this is a dilemma as such. I just want to get another opinion on it. Anyways, I'm 20 and I'm a virgin. I've had loads of opportunities to have sex, but I honestly don't know what happens, I just dont go through with it. I'm always horny and just want to get it..


Do you think I should discuss how I feel with the fwb im going to cut off before doing so or just do it with no questions asked?

Either is fine.

I just wanted to say how much I admire your work. Your work ethic and commitment to helping others is so inspiring. basically wanna be you when I grow up lol How did you get into blogging/writing? Was it through university or before? Would you ever consider mentoring?

Awww thank you!! I started off as a blogger & studied journo at uni. And hopefully I can mentor one day when I have more wisdom to pass xx

I want to be his girlfriend but I'm scared things are going too fast and i don't want to ruin things. Advice?

Just answered

I want to ask him where things are going like relationship wise but idk if it's too soon. We've been talking for 4 months but only like acknowledge we were dating like 6weeks ago. I feel as if he wants to be together because all the plans he makes are long term & future stuff. (Cont )

4 months isnt too soon to ask where things are going. If you're going away together I think it's a fair question to ask. You don't just go away with just anybody.

I'm dating this guy and we've kind of established that what we've got is exclusive even tho were not official yet. His birthday is coming up and he's said he wants us to go away together like a weekend getaway or abroad. I'm really excited but nervous because this is a big thing to me (cont)


How do I cut him off for good and let him know I'm serious? Also how do I get over him it's so hard? (2)

I answer this in my new ebook #100Questions coming out April 12th.. However, letting him know you're serious is not what you need to focus on, you're doing this for yourself. So start by doing the NC rule for a month & carry on.

I've been fwb with this guy for a while, I caught feelings and things got complicated, a lot oF drama but we were able to settle it. I've tried to cut him off a few times but just been stupid and gone back, I really want to do it for good now cause the whole situation is stupid..(1)


What are your views on dating older guys? i.e 9+ years apart, I'm 20 and he's 30 and he also has a 3yr old child, I want to be with him however I'm in uni & away from home so I don't see him as often as I want, and there's other complications like what my parents and - even friends etc

To be in a relationship with someone much older, you have to be mentally ready for it including his 3 y/o child. There's nothing wrong with the age gap, just make sure you let HIM know how you feel.

Is okay to inbox you ? The guy I'm seeing knows & follows you and I don't want you to post up The dilemma


There's a boy I'm speaking to his 2 years younger but more mature then boys my age he checks in on me and is very keen should I forget the age difference or should I leave it before it gets too deep

Forget the age difference, it's not that big of a deal.

I've been friends w/ benefits with this guy from Uni for about 6/7 months now. I just found out he has a girl. I feel really bad now (he never mention a girlfriend), she has no idea what's he's up to while he's at uni (I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one he's messing w/ too). What should I do?

Cut him off now you know the truth its the only thing to do.

(1.3) I just feel like it's very hard to show him I can be a better girlfriend while we aren't officially together.. That's what I need help with and I'm so happy I found you girl *big big hug*

Haha thank you dear ❤️ but if you're not together that's a different situation. HE has to come to terms with whether he can give it another chance.

(1.2) person I want to be with. I really want to show him that he's the one I want to be with forever and I don't want anyone else and although I wasn't the best girlfriend before that now I'm willing to change. Help?

Paragraphs & speaking constantly is great but as I said earlier to someone today actions and words must be the same. It won't happen quickly but with time. Be patient and show him how you've changed. It gets so boring when you and your other half have the sameeeee discussion but the actions never measure up. How do you plan on being a better girlfriend? Have you shown him and are you consistent?

(1.1) truthful (not lying in a mischievous way however), just taking my partner for granted, not being a good girlfriend etc. I really do love my "boyfriend" and I've done everything I can like send him long paragraphs and speak face to face but he still seeks reassurance from me that he's the only


(1.0) Hi Oloni. Let me start off by saying this may be a little long. I've been in a relationship for just over a year and a half and we recently broke up a few months ago. The break up was my fault, if I must add. I won't go into too much detail about the things I done but I just wasn't completely


What qualifications have you undertaken that make you suitable for this role on advising on sex and relationships. Read a few magazines and selling a few e books don't mean much.

My qualifications are my many years of experience and research, which includes my amazing ebooks/magazines/websites/events I've created & hosted. Not to mention the hundreds of testimonials I've received from men & women. :-)


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