Ask @Oloni

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I feel like I want a boyfriend but obviously I don't say anything to anyone be use it sounds desperate. How do I stop feeling like this

You don't have to stop feeling like anything just put yourself out there if you want something

Me and my boyfriend have been together for a few years and we used to have a lot of sex, like quite a bit every single day. But now it's not as much as before. Like maybe once or twice a week. Do you think he's gone off me or he's sleeping with someone else, he's not usually like that?

Not at all. Has there been a change in both your schedules? Do you ever initiate?

I'm going threw a really rough patch with this guy I'm seeing and I don't know what to do. We arent intimate anymore (kiss, hand holding, cuddling, sex) and we argue a lot now And go on about the others fault. Sometimes when I want to leave him the thought of our relationship potential stops me. Pt1

If you're not good now & not trying to fix what could be damaged day dreaming of the 'relationship potential' is a waste of time.

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I went on a date with this guy and everything was cool until he brought up his 'preferences'. He mentioned that he never dates black girls (I'm Nigerian) and only dates mixed race girls or East Africans like Somalians, Ethiopians and Eritreans. Am I overreacting if I think him saying that was extrem

No you're not it's insensitive & shows he has no idea on how to speak to people. Red flag. I'd run if i were you. No token dark skinned girl dates here thanks.

Recently broke up with my boyfriend, what's the best advice to get over it? We didn't end on bad terms so it's not like I can hate him or anything

Keep yourself busy

I thought the same thing, until he asked me to be his valentine and said that he wants to take me out.. Maybe I'm just over thinking

That too. Talking every day isnt compulsory

There's this guy we talk on the phone sometimes but then he doesn't talk to be for about a day or two after we have a good convo. But then, he randomly call me and talk to me. I don't know what to think. He says he likes his own company but it's really putting me off if I'm honest,

Sounds like you could honestly just be a good friend.

So we had sex on our first date (which I never do btw) but something got over me. Since then all he does is talk about sex & its so annoying.How do i rectify this as I dont want to become that girl he only sees for sex as I really do like him.

Make it clear that his 'sex convos' irk you & you'd rather talk about the weather. When you sleep with a guy on the first date/meet up/ etc theres this misconception that you do it often. Anyway, by stating your feelings he should stop.

When I am single I think I'm very headstrong and independent however in a relationship after some time with the person, I can get very submissive, not speak much and be a bit of a pushover. How should I stop this from happening in the future?

Try to compromise & voice your opinion MORE. This happens to several people when they enter a relationship. Sometimes it's done to avoid arguments.

My girlfriend of almost 3 years was sleeping with my friend I've known since secondary school. I found out when I read her texts. Had been going on for about 3 months. So I broke up with her. Do you think it's wise to give her a second chance? I've cut the guy off but I'm finding it hard to cut her

It's entirely up to you. Is she worth giving a second chance? Will you be able to forgive & forget in time? What about trust? These are the questions you need to ask yourself before you decide to do anything.

I recently stopped talking to a ain't shit guy beca there was no future and I am trying to focus on me anf becoming the best woman I can be but it hasn't been successful because all I can seem to think about is sex and wanting to be in a relationship. Tips for how I can focus on my goal?

The best way to focus on your goal is to keep BUSY focusing on your goal. Be so busy you only have time for someone who can give you a reason to pause. As for sex.. Get a vibrator!

I don't want to dissapoi t him and in too nice to say no and he does make me happy. How do I stop talking to him?

Hey! To stop all forms of contact you have to block him on skype & other form of social networks you might have him on. You're in too much of a rush to do things like 'sex cam' an although youre 16 & technically legal he's 20 and i'm guessing ( cant remember if you said) he's not aware.

Hi Oloni, I've been talking to this guy through four months through skype. We met online and have been talking ever since. He lives in Germany and is 20 and I am 16. We do 'cam sex' most of the time that we talk, I know it's wrong and what to stop but he can be so nice and so sweet that (cont)


What's your thoughts on female masturbation. I'm a virgin and I do it sometimes I feel bad but I get horny and no guy wants me. Thoughts?

Theres nothing wrong with as its perfectly normal.

Hi, I'm with this guy and we are so passionate with each other like even when we are kissing I melt inside. I don't want to have sex with him yet but he keeps talking about it, I've told him no it's too early but he still insists. I sometimes feel he only wants that, he's introduced me to his..

Don't feel pressured to do anything youre not ready to. Regardless of what hes shown & done for you.


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