Ask @Oloni

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I have been seeing a guy for around 4-5 months and things are going well. He recently said he 'doesn't want to rush into a realtionship' I want a relationship. I know he likes me but by now would he not know what he wants from me ? Do you think its a cop out?

It could be! Keep your options open since it looks like he's doing the same.

I feel like my soul is sort of attached to someone else's but not entirely bounded because I have moved on from them, however how can I wear away their energy that is left?

To get ride of their energy you have to create a new one for yourself. That includes doing and being around things that are completely new. It will take time, but it'll pass.

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** part of me wants to work things out cos i do like him, but the other half is telling me enough is enough and to stop whats going on between us. i dont know what to do. HELP!

You need to walk. There is nothing no to work out, and a month? Come on! Don't you deserve better? Why are you settling for disrespect?

** Ive been seeing this guy for well over a month now. for us there wasnt really that honeymoon phase that all 'couples' have at the beginning, we argue about almost everything and i dont think he realises that some of the things he says to me are disrespectful. (cont...)


Why do women get so bitter when you friendzone them? I've been accused of using women, though I never told them I like them neither have I slept with them.. I feel guilty for hurting them but its not my fault right?

Not all women get bitter & i have no idea. You don't have to tell someone directly or sleep with them before they get the wrong feeling. It could be your body language, the way you speak etc. You have nothing to feel guilty of, you just set the record straight.

Im in love with a white man,and im African,and scarred of what people will think of us,should i just not bother with him

Stop being silly, race shouldn't an issue especially in 2014 if you like someone.

Been separated from my ex for around 7 months. He cheated on me and our last words were pretty nasty. But part of me feels incomplete and I can't help but feel like his decision was based on me. How do I move on? Without using someone else

Keep yourself busy. No break up is easy, but time heals. You will move on!

pt/2 All of my past serious relationships were abusive and not healthy at all. But now all the men I meet, no matter the environment just want sex. Nothing more. They don't offer to take me on dates or get to know me. its all sex! I am so fed up but Im lonely and dont understand where im going wrong

Why are you allowing it to get to that stage? Are you paying attention to the signs of abusive behaviour? This is happening because you're not setting your own standards so it becomes a pattern. Men will only give you what you mirror sometimes. Like i say most times, meet new people and try a new approach on meeting men don't date/see what you normally do.
It's also NEVER right for a man to hit a woman. Please never stay in a situation where that happens.

Why do I meet men who abuse me or only want me for sex? I am in my mid 20's and wondering why I can not find a mentally stable man who wants a relationship? My last ex hit me and was sexually abusive in our short 9 month relationship most of which we lived together. pt/1


I have a sexual related question, I've been having sex with my woman on and off for a couple of months and cant seem to make her orgasm, I've never had the problem before and she enjoys the sex but every time we have sexual intercourse she has to stop alot due to feeling the need to pee, why is this

It's true, just because a woman hasn't had an orgasm doesn't mean the sex was terrible. Some women LIE about orgasms & don't get a proper one till their in their late 20's to mid 30's at times, don't worry!
She also goes to pee because your penis might be putting pressure on her bladder. Make sure she goes to the toilet before you get into it!

..cont) dont want a relationship RIGHT NOW he wont understand because Its not like i dont like him at all, i just feel like i havent fully got over what happened and i need to do that alone, what should i do?

You come first, remember that. It's good you're being honest with yourself & as cliche as it reallyyyy does sound you have to explain to him that 'It's not you, it's me' because it's not exactly fair on him. Hopefully he'll understand.

I feel like i jumped into another relationship way too fast after my last one which ended catastrophically.. the guy i'm with now has supported me so much and I really like him, but in the back of my head I still feel like I need my own time, i'm scared that if i tell him that I


Hi, we miss the Oloni that tweeted casual all day, all the promotion is a bit too much have a specific page for that...we still love you but cut it down a little

Thanks, but the unfollow button exists lol. Enjoy your afternoon :-)

2/2. Dumb, I mean guys are usually dickeads anyway. My theory is why not get the most out of it whilst you can whether it be knowledge a car or a fancy studio apartment . Does this make me a bad person? And what advice could you offer my friend

This sounds petty. You want gold stars because you get materialistic things? What if she just enjoys sex? What her vagina does is not your concern. As long as it's consensual sex you have nothing to be worried over.

Okay so I have a friend that sleeps with useless and what less men who in the end disrespect her and she realises she's gained nothing from the 'relationship' where as I go for men that are of high status. She calls me a gold digger but if we're throwing names around isn't it safe to say. She's 1/2


How long do you think the getting to know stage should last?

It all depends on how often you're getting to know each other. If it's regular you should know what you want after 3-5 months

The guy that introduced us really likes me! I feel nothing towards this other guy and he's not my type at all. What do I do?!

Eeeek yeah annoyingly sticky. You're just going to either let him know you don't see him like that. It's nice you're being considerate of his feelings, but that's just life.

I've met this guy who's everything I want plus more! We recently went for some lunch and he noticed the smallest detail in my face (one dimple under my lip) that nobody ever notices! I'm very much attracted to him and I think it's safe to say he's attracted to me. However 1/2


... till now. I've met the man of my dreams and I can't bring myself to have sex with him even though I want to so bad, because I feel I've useless-ed myself. What do I do?

You never 'useless-ed' yourself. You said you made it clear & it's understandable how you feel. Give yourself time and everything will happen naturally, you don't have to rush or even think about it. If you'd like to talk more email me

I won't say it was rape, but the first guy I had sex with, well I didn't want it. I had made it clear and he kept saying 'just this' 'just that' and next thing I knew, he was inside me. Ever since then, I've always felt \well I've done it, so...' but I've never wanted to...


Yeahh I will deffo keep that in mind I deserve so much better than him... he definitely weren't my best choice and it's annoying he has got to me like this. Lol I'm never like this but he is the only guy I've with for so long. I will get over him. Thanks for your answer x

No problem :-)

JA-Soo in my college,most of the guys like me cuz they said I have a gud personality, n naturally I'm very nice,but the moment I get nice dey fall in love and ask me out but I'm not ready for relationships, and when I say no,they get mean and the whole friendship gets awkward,I'm I wrong 4 bein nice

No, they're immature.


Language: English