Ask @Oloni

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I'm 23 and the guy I'm seeing is in his mid 30's. I don't feel an age gap between us, but others do.

None of their gawd damn business. I love that age gap!! If you're happy with it, I swear to you that's all that matters. :-)

Hey oloni, I'm real ashamed of myself :( I got pregnant and my ex forced me to terminate it.. (Threats etc) I'm depressed now and also wary of the social sigma :( because of this I guess every guy will see I'm a hoe? Would you call this baggage? Help please :(

You're going to need some time, but I do advise you see a councillor. It's very common for women to feel depressed once they have had an abortion. The opinions of others shouldn't on your mind as you'd be surprised how many women have faced this very same situation. This isn't baggage unless you make it. Please do get all the help & support that you can. If you do need to email me. Please do!! x

I am a very attractive lady that feels most guys that approach just wanna get to know know me because of my appearance & that's really it. No interest in the lady behind the face. How do I get to know if someone genuinely like me for my personality?

You'll know over time! These things can't be told in a few days or weeks. More like months. That's why you have to date & hope for consistency.

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I've been seeing this girl for over 8 months now & things have gotten serious between us. I've introduced her to my close friends & family as "friend". She now wants me to start introducing her as my "girlfriend". But I'm not ready for the world to know I'm dating a girl. I'm i being selfish

Well if she's your girlfriend why wouldn't you want others to know? It does seem selfish & her request sounds very reasonable. So yes, you might be being a bit selfish.

i've been seeing this guy for almost 3 months now and it has been going really good, but i have just found out he has a girlfriend of 2 years. what should i do?

Confront it & walk away!

What's your opinion about going on holiday with your other half?

Amazing! Try it, create memories together, just dont instagram everythingg! Lol

Your advice is abit lazy at times, a lot of self promotion than actually caring to answer people's problems!

My answers aren't lazy, they are straight forward & direct. I don't cut corners EVER. I take phone calls at least once a week and speak to over 10 women a day during each call sessions. Private may I add. I also answer 10-15 emails a week too.. How can I forget? Where is the laziness in that? If that's self promo arrest me, please :-)
Oh yeah

I've been seeing this boy for 6 months we've been going on dates and speak on the phone cause we go to two different unis, I'm ready to make it official but he hasn't voiced his opinion. What should I do?

Talk to him about it. At least you'll know where his mind is at

Sister, cousin but I still feel a bit uneasy. I went through his phone the other day and I saw he speaks to toooooo many girls and it's left me in an uneasy place. My mind is telling me to drop him but I can't stop thinking about him. What do you think

Remember you're not official & meeting the fam doesn't really mean much these days. Were the convos he had with girls inappropriate or was it that he just spoke to too many? Don't get physical if youre not ready. Your pace not his.

I'm 22 I've been in a relationship with my current 'bf' (24) well it has been on and off for year. So he told his boy that apparently we're seeing each other. What does that mean?

Ask him!

Serious question. **Plot Twist** what if more then one girl is interested in the same guy at your event? I know there will be a variety of men. But for them it might be lust at first sight..

Then the guy decides. Lol

My boyfriends has a lot of female friends and there always seems to be new ones, I don't mind him having female friends but I feel he has too many and it makes me wonder why he has to speak to so many it's making me paranoid and he just always thinks I'm overreacting when I mention it.

If it makes you uncomfortable in honestly leave. Or try to compromise, explain if it were the reverse how he'd feel?

well I had an explosive argument with my now ex and also made it public on social media, he says he'll never talk to me again, but I love him what do I do ?

Stay off social media! Give it some time & speak about if later.

My boyfriend follows accounts of naked girls on Instagram. Am I overreacting or is this inappropriate?

Inappropriate. Talk about it.

Hi Oloni, ideas for a Valentine's day gift for a boyfriend in a new relationship.

A frame with a picture of you inside it. Lol jk! Ummm how about a GAME voucher?

Morning, so i cheated on my boyfriend and now more than ever i realise how much he means to me and how lucky i was to have him. He feels so heartbroken and said that he thought i was the one he would marry. i don't know how i could possibly make up for what iv done :'(

It's up to the both of you to decide on whether or not you want to move forward. People make hurtful mistakes, some can build a bridge others simply sink. You need to give this A LOT of time and work hard together, talk, talk, & talk about it.

I sent a message explaining what was bothering me after a week or so and he just ignored me I reached out to him again he said my message upset him I apologised and told him how I feel about him only for him to ignore me for 6 days now Why

6 days? This relationship may have already served it's purpose and that's okay. It seems like he's quite clearly lost interest, the best thing I can say is you need to talk face to face.

Morning This guy I was friends with chased and chased after me for me and him to be together after months I finally fell for him after we became official he stopped paying me attention everyday phone convo stopped always me making contact etc we didnt sleep together why the behaviour


There's this constant fear that my relationship is starting to become routined and boring. Yet I don't know how to make it exciting... I love my bf, but these fears always linger, leaving me to think about what it'd be like in the future.

Talk to him about it and work harder to discover new ways to make it exciting. You have to try!

I'm still in love with him,I've seen other guys but I love him..I feel like I'm still a virgin because I only want him

You have to detach yourself especially if he doesnt feel the same. Don't you want to be shown love??

Is it possible to be in love with someone that isn't in love with you? Been in love with this guy for 2 years and recently he keeps referring us to "friends" and it burns me whenever he calls me that :(

It is possible & extremely painful! But love yourself more and remove yourself from a situation which isn't mutual.

Haven't spoken to my ex in two years but I have been thinking about him all week,should I holla?

Two years? What would you holla to say?
Liked by: Breanna


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