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1 - My ex and I were together for a year. She was my everything, I thought I'd known what it was like to be in love before her but with her it was magical. I worshiped the ground she walked on and would do literally anything for her. We had a rough patch towards the end and she cheated on me...


However, when we made our decision he said it was because he didn't want to lose a friend he regards so highly (me). We are still very good friends so how do I get rid of/get over my feelings for him?

You can still be good friends by sticking to your plans for now. Detaching yourself for a while doesn't mean you'll never speak again.

Hey! My good friend and I recently decided to stop sleeping together because of deeper feelings (I have them, he doesn't). I was initially planning to just slightly lay off contact with him so I could stop thinking about him...


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To end things. Honestly sometimes I question is he really does care about me because he seems to be rubbish at showing it, but in the occasions he does, he seems to be sincere. I don't wanna break it off with him too harshly because I know he's had a few bad relationships in the past. But how do i?

His bad relationship experience is none of your business. You sit him down and tell him how you feel.

Hey. I've been dating this guy for over a year and there has been little progression in the relationship. I've realised that I don't want to even take it further, because ive realised he doesn't actually posses any of the qualities I would like in a partner. however, I'm unsure of how


...In love with one another. Maybe the feelings have always been there but because we were dating other people and pretending to be just friends we didn't acknowledge them. Now it's obvious on both sides but neither one us wants to have a conversation. We just want to go with the flow.

You can go with the flow, but if neither of you can have a conversation where will this flow go?

My best friend and I have always been close and acted like a married couple. He calls me wifey and I call him hubby. It has never been a problem before, we're just super close. We've always been in different relationships and asked each other for advice. Now we both single....


Where do u think I can meet sum nice guys this summer? I'm hoping that Prince Charming will be about :) and sweep me off my feet

My mingling soiree :-)

I can't stop having sex with this guy as in it feels so good but the situation we are in is not good , how do I stop ? I don't even know why I like him anymore , is it the sex ?

Yes, being dickmatised is very real. Cut each other off.

Why do guys lie that you've had sex with them when the truth is they've only kissed you or touch your bum or just sucked your boob.. None of these are sexual intercourse

To have a better story to tell.

I'm a think I'm a bad kisser lol any advice? (I'm a girl)

Relax! And take your time when using your lips. Start off with gentle kisses and let the rest happen naturally. Eyes closed too lol

This guy I've been talking to says I'm growing on him but messages me randomly and then just stops replying after a while, I keep getting annoyed but don't want to cuss him yet Loool what should I do?

Ignore him the next time he messages you he's bored.

Guy I'm seeing rarely contacts me anymore. He's been travelling for work for the past 2 months and we talk every week or so.. I have to initiate conversation. Went from lovely to dead. What should I do? It's not been long so I'm worried he'll say 'it's not that deep' if I confront him.

Don't confront it, he's just not that interested and that's okay! Meet a new person :-)

What do you do when you really like a guy. He is perfect in every way but a bad kisser?

You teach him! Bad kissing can be solved with practice.

I made it clear that that wasn't what I wanted so we stopped talking and it's so awkward when we see each other, he don't talk at all but I really like him and think about him everyday! What do I do please Xxx

Thinking about him every day will soon change to every other day. Give yourself the chance to move on if you dont want the same things.

Hey oloni, I was seeing this guy from my uni for like a month, we didn't have sex just kissing and touching etc. I wanted a relationship and I thought he wanted one too, he complained that I'm not sexually forward enough and we gradually stopped talking. I called after a few weeks and asked where we


Sometimes I feel like if I was with a girl it would be a lot less complicated but I can't imagine myself with one lol

Both sexes come with some form of 'complication' try finding someone you're compatible with instead.

I'm in a relationship which my partner has cheated on many occasions , the last time he made sure it'll be the last time. But I'm very much attached to him, and I can't seem to let go .. ?

Then be prepared to be sharing your boyfriend and risking your sexual health if he's sleeping with other people and yourself. Look, a man who cheats once? But several times & swears it'll be the last ( or last time, you catch him) will never end well.


Language: English