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so i feel like guys are attracted to me but they never approach me its like they only like my stuff on social media but whats up with that

Do you go out to new places enough for them to approach you? Social media is very accessible so it isn't the same.

My bf started to show he cares about me in the beginning of our relationship, now that has stopped. His excuse now is that he doesn't know how to show he cares and its not me its him. Should I believe him or think otherwise ?

Explain the things he did at the start that displayed he cared. Don't settle for excuses as his behaviour will stay the same if you don't address it.

Still here about the friend who's not talking to me. It's clear she has told something to one of the other girls I live with. Now they are both acting wierd. I can't think of anything that I've done to attract this tension. Do I continue to leave it even though I've already asked her why she's being

Give it some time then perhaps try again.

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In what ways can a relationship work without sex?

When you find out, let me know.. No I'm messing. Not all relationships see sex as a big factor, it can work if you're both determined and know what you're working towards.

My bf told me I've been acting 'clingy' recently. It scared the hell out of me because it's just not me. Now I don't even want to contact him at all. Am I overreacting?

Yes you are. Talk to him and ask what made him say that.

Been seeing this guy now for a month and we've been on a few dates and stuff. Hes a gent & calls me babe/baby, a gentleman but when he compliments me saying things like you have an amazing body or flirts I feel weird. I love love but I've never been the affectionate type. How do i overcome that?

Don't worry! It's only been a month, the longer you date, the more comfortable you will become. :-)

I want love again, but I don't know how to show emotions. I'm so use to being cold, feelings just don't seem to run with me anymore

You need to find out whatever it is that's stopping you from loving again. Is it fear or hurt?

I've been single for two years now and the breakup was so messy (a lot of make-up/break-up sex, name calling and what not) and now I'm ready to move on and date but I'm stuck in a small boring town with the same faces and same dull personalities, how do I meet someone new?

Use the internet it's 2014. Also don't you have friends who live out of town?

My friend has randomly stopped talking to me, we live together as a group of 4. I've already asked her if there's a problem to try & address it. She says no but it's so blatant that she doesn't want to talk to me at all. What do I do

You can't force someone to talk to you if they don't want to. You did the right thing by addressing it. You're going to have to leave her and wait till she's ready to talk. So many people keep malices and dont even realise it. Just be cordial and try not to let it bother you.

Oloni can I guy ever be TOO NICE. I want to date this you. He's a sweetheart but I feel I would get bored

Why wouldn't you want a nice guy? You dont sound ready to date.

I do not value my self worth how exactly do you learn to love yourself. I tend to give it out to quickly and the guys won't stick around I feel like I am not enough for th

Learn to love yourself by adding more to your life, learn new things, do new things. The more you learn & do the higher your value will become, a man won't leave a diamond.

I always seem to have feelings for men who have just come out of Long term relationships and are emotionally unavailable. What is wrong with me?

Nothing. You're just around the wrong type of men, remove yourself from those situations quickly.

How can I tell if my boyfriend is becoming disinterested in our relationship?

You'll notice the signs. Listen to your intuitions, and speak to him.

Isit bad that you sometimes don't want to talk to your bf everyday? Maybe talking every other day suits you more ?

Nope, whatever suits your relationship and makes it work, do that.

#2➡ take care of myself, but now I want to date, but how do i navigate all this? I just want a nice, smart guy who I can finally have fun with and let him corrupt me lol

Go to where nice, smart guys hang. Find NEW places to meet NEW men.

#1 ➡I'm a 22 y.o. virgin, I haven't dated much, a little by choice but mostly because a lot of the guys who hit on me are physically attracted to me, but don't try to know new before suggesting sex and shit. Don't get me wrong, I'm definitely not a prude, I watch porn and have dirty thoughts, and


I was at my boyfriends house yesterday, he was having a clear out of his room. Throwing away old clothes papers ect. Amongst all those things were old knickers, bras and sex toys from his previous relationship not really something I wanted to see. Do you think I overreacted by getting annoyed?

It's natural to feel annoyed, and he should have thought about cleaning that out before having you round & entering a rship with you. However, he was cleaning up, so it could be that he never got round to it. Be happy he's doing so now. It's no biggy!!

The guy I'm dating, has a black girl fetish (he's white) but recently he's been making odd comments about me only watching shows because black people are in it(not true).he went through my phone found texts from another guy(not bad) started blanking me until I apologised, what should I do?

He sounds insecure & that's completely fine. But talk to him properly about it as it isn't fair that he's mirroring his insecurities on to you.

I have been dating this guy that has not made it clear to me where I stand with him. He says he like me and that he likes that there is no pressure with us but I don't like that idea. What should I do?

What are the dynamics of your relationship with guy? Do you go on dates are you sleeping with him? It sounds like there could be milk he's getting for free.

If a girl has said "I dont want to lead him on" to someone I know about me should I give up?

Yeah, she's not interested.

A guy that goes to by chruch thinks I like him & then I moved to his school and he spreaded around that I liked him know we don't even talk to each orher cus it's akward we can't even sit next to each other what should I do to get rid of this awkwardness ?

talk to him about it.

1c) have sex with other men if I want to but I shouldn't tell him. I'm just confused

There's nothing to be confused about, he doesn't want to know if you sleep with other people. Would you want to know if he slept with other people?

1b) two. I haven't been with ANY other guy since I started talking to him and I'm really cut up about it. I then asked him if I should sleep with other people and he said he doesn't like the idea. He says he doesn't like the girls and they're one night stands and that I should have sex with other



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