Ask @Oloni

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This boy hurt me, how do I get him back? (Btw this is not a joke)

Wouldn't you rather meet someone who won't hurt you?

Do you think it's ok to start having sex at 16 or it's too early ?

Having sex at 16 is the legal age in the UK if i remember correctly as long as it's consensual and YOU'RE ready, have enough information on contraception do what you like!

6 years relationship

Then you need to use a condom & have the conversation of how it annoys you and give him a talk on what contraception you're using.

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Is it right to feel offended if someone you've been with for over 6 years to ask every time after sex if im on contraception? I planned everything with this guy and it breaks my heart after all these years he hasnt even thought of me as anything beyond what we are

Have you been in a relationship for 6 years or sleeping with each other for 6 years? If you've explained you're on contraception then yes this would annoying, but realise he's trying to make sure no surprises pop up, so use condoms too!!

I've signed up via your questionnaire , how do I get too hear the podcasts ?

Hey love!! Thank you so much for joining my newsletter expect it by next week as I'm still editing it! Thanks again x

My boyfriend told me my vagina smells down there there is a strong poignant fishy smell don't know what to do, to embarrassed to talk about it lol

Go to a clinic you might have VB & need antibiotics. Don't use soap on your vaginal area EVER! Just water, strictly water.

I was doing something with this guy but all of sudden he stop calling me. We are in a freibdship group, me and my friend and him and his friend. My friend went to see his friend and could iver hear them talking about me, I couldn't actually hear the words there were saying but I know for sure it was

He's lost interest & is an asshole. You & i both know you need to let this go.

Actions speak louder than words but I can't seem to let go of him and I don't know why. It's been three years and be hurt me so bad but I just forgave him like that. I know he doesn't deserve me but part of me wants to make things so I don't feel like it was my fault it didn't before

You need to let that go & believe you deserve better, because better is out there. Better will call you when you sleep together. Better won't apologise for inconsiderate things. Better will not wait 3 months & come up with excuses.
You think you like him a lot, but just wait till you meet Better!!!!

Now me being the girl that never really moved on or met or gave any new guys a chance. I started speaking to him again after he said he wanted to try again and he was sorry and we ended up having sex again. Now it's like he doing the exact the same thing. We don't talk but he says all this stuff


Three years ago I feel in love with a guy who was just starting his first year of uni I was the year below. We talked multiple times a day and skyped. Although it was long distance I loved him and eventually gave it up. After we slept together I never heard from him again until three months ago...


My boyfriend cheated on me, im pregnant & i dont know what to do. All i do is cry im so hurt 3 years with him nd his been with her for one year. But he keeps denying and she had proof. His acting weird, i love him so much bt i have no idea what to do, im so confused, all i do is pray for him.

Continue to pray for him but do it from a distance. HE IS NOT what you need, a cheater & a repetitive liar is a bad mix.
You need to talk to your mother, sister, cousin or a best friend and get alll your emotions out with them. Cry if you have to, but do not force a liar to paint you the truth.
You need to focus on your pregnancy and honestly keep yourself busy. Letting him go is hard, but loving him is unhealthy.

My boyfriend and I were having a heart to heart the other day talking about various things, straight to the point he said he gets tempted all the time to get with girls and finds it hard to resist temptation. He's very honest abit to honest thinking about it now I feel hurt because I don't get tempt

It's great that he was honest, but you also have to be honest with your feelings. Yes, he doesn't act on his temptations but how do you feel knowing he finds it hard? How does that make you feel because those feeling are what matters.

Me and this guy have been over for around 4 month but it's inevitable that I see him and chill with him and his friends because of the amount of mutual friends we have. I still fantasise that he will see sense and become serious with me but in the same sense I just want my heart to be over him so I

Try to hang around your mutual friends less if you know he's going to be somewhere. You need more time to let those feelings die so you can meet someone way better!

So me and This guy started off as friends with benefits and it was alright in the beginning but now it bothers me if he's talking to other girls, but we had made it clear that we'd just be friends.bSo it's like should I tell him It bothers me and I might like him? I don't want things to change

If your friends with benefits, you tuck your emotions away. Those are the rules play by the rules! If you do want more, tell him but if you dont want things to change just enjoy the sex & find someone else who can give you what you're completely after.

Why do guys cheat? :( especially on us good women why are we never good enough, why do they always have to be so curious of other women? Why cant they do shit when single instead of dragging us along?

Some men AND women are either selfish or just not built for monogamy.
Some want to have their cake & simply ask for seconds. It's hurtful, but you shouldn't think about those who do cheat and instead think about meeting someone who's a decent and honest!

I hate boys who talk to you consistently then all of a sudden stop talking for a bit then randomly pop up and start talking to you. I don't need part time people in my life. Only reason they come back talking is because they haven't found the girl for them. I'm not gonna be messed with like that.


My bofriend and I have been together for 3 years. All my friends know him and even refer to him as their friend. I've met all his friends. However he hasn't told any of his 'girl' friends about me. He introduces me as just as friend when we bump into them. Am I being paranoid?

You're not being paranoid. You aren't his friend & that's very questionable. It's what I call a red flag. Tell him how odd you find it and see what he says.
Liked by: Shirin

My boyfriend is Christian and I'm a Muslim, neither of us were serious about our religions until recently when he started going to church. Every time we have sex he says it's a sin and that he needs to repent, and it throws me off. I don't care about his religion but I'm scared he'll dump me soon.

Like I tell a lot of people who write to me! TALK to him! Tell him how you feel about his comments. You both need to figure out what will work if you feel it may be due to religion.

I've been dating this guy for close to 4 months. We've been very casual in the sense that we're more like friends who go to fun places with each other, but with a little more. However we haven't ever had a deep conversation about what we are, the future etc. How can I initiate this?

When you see him next talk about it! Tell him what's on your mind. It's the only way.

My boyfriend wants to keep our relationship very private. He gets annoyed when I even mention it on social media(with no name or pictures). Is this normal or should I be weary? He just gets angry when I confront him about it

That's not private, that's a secret he's trying to keep. Is it normal? No! Be very weary. This is a red flag!!

For religious reasons I do not kiss let alone sleek with the man I'm dating. However I don't knock anyone who does! This is the first time I've done anything of the sort, and it's difficult to keep a relationship energetic and fun when you're not physical. Do you have any advice and tips please?

You don't have to have sex, but kissing won't harm! Kiss a lot, kiss often hold hands and find ways to create intimate moments together without having sex. Go to the spa, go on little adventures or holidays. There are several ways my dear.


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