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If your man is not on the same level as u financially and is not ambitious, do u leave him? I've tried for Nearly a year now to motivate him and help him with his life but no changes. His still Unemployed & no education. I have plans for the future but don't want it to affect us as a couple. ???

It seems like you've given him a chance. Asking to get a job seems very fair, even if it's a short term 9-5. You can't help someone who does not want you hand. Don't allow someone to hold you back if you have dreams of your own.

I'm talking to this guy and I've just found out he's close friends with someone I've slept with, he doesn't know yet but if it gets serious I'm guessing he'll find out, do I tell him first or wait until he likes me more to minimise risk of him leaving.

The right thing to do is tell him. How he takes it is up to him, sometimes these things happen and isn't your fault. Telling him later will only damage the relationship you build.

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2)....His cheated once before by kissing a girl at the club and i forgave him. But now i question could the decrease in calls be somethin i should question or is he really studying...i dont know wat to do.

If you've forgiven him and still with him that means youre going to have to learn how to trust him again too. He coukd just be busy & his exams are not forever. Be patient.

1)My boyfriend is in his last year of uni and has one 2 many exams comin up. He says his become busier so calls have decreased and recently we've started texting alot but sometimes wen he responds the responses are a bit "dead"...


I'm dating a Somalian guy and im not Muslim. I feel as if I'm in a dead end relationship because I feel that one day he'll leave me for someone from his religion. We really do like each other I would say he likes me more but is it worth staying (he's not that religious but his family is)

Speak to him about it if you feel that way. Ask about his family & religious values within a relationship.

I'm really into this guy. I've known of him for roughly 1 year but only through mutual people. We follow each other on Twitter. I like him & he seems like my type just from tweets. Should I DM first? I just fear I'll look desperate since I'm the woman & it's not "tradition" to initiate. Should I?

DM him! :-) you won't look desperate at all.

So if he doesn't cut ties is this something I should be worried about ?

No not worried but if he doesnt you either put up with it or leave. Only two options.

My boyfriend had 2 female friends but he had slept with both of them in the past and I let him know that I'm not comfortable with this situation. Am I being reasonable ?

Yes you are, however if he doesn't listen and cut ties it then becomes YOUR decision to walk or not.

is it acceptable for your man to comment on other girls pictures all the time on instagram? with lovestruck faces etc

Some people care others don't, I wouldn't say it's a huge deal, but i can see why it'd bother anyone. A simple 'like' can suffice. If it annoys you just say!

My boyfriend has close female friends and they get along quite well. These girls have never had a boyfriend and i feel as though sooner or later one of them will catch feelings and something will happen. Am i paranoid??

A bit, their feelings don't change the dynamics of the relationship with you & your boyfriend. They may never have been kissed and it still wouldn't matter.
He is with you. Not them. If you have a problem with how many female friends he has, then that's a different dilemma which you can sit & talk to him about.

Are daily affirmations basically just saying positive things to yourself everyday?

Saying, reading, thinking, whispering, believing. . Yes.

Thank you so much for taking the time to answering everyone's questions Oloni! :)

Aww no pralemmmm :-) xxx

Can you talk about the law of attraction? How can you use it to get what you want

The law of attraction works by affirming the things you want. You use your tongue to speak into action what you wish to achieve or have. It's all to do with positive thinking.

Any tips on how to become confident and sure of yourself?

Yessss. I'd say daily affirmations and working on yourself and not on the outside alone, inside too.

#qotd do you let your partner kiss you after oral.

I always feel like people who ask this question have not had that much experience when having sex.

Since when did you become such a relationship guru? How old are you again?

Since I started writing about it 8 years ago. I'm 25 in a few months :-)

I think my ex was a Fluffer. I kind of messed her around emotionally but she helped me become a better man for this girl I'm seeing now. Should I be guilty that she helped me become a better man for my current girl? That relationship was clearly not working and I see way more potential here btw.

Your ex-girlfriend wasn't a fluffer is she WAS your girlfriend. You were a couple & grew. Maybe not as a couple..but you grew and it seems like you learned to be better for someone else. Is she a type of fluffer? Well yes if you marry thew new lady. Should you feel guilty? No you both served a purpose in each others lives

He introduced me to many of his friends and church members and has a good relationship with my mum and i think marriage is on his mind but its a bit too soon for me as i am still at uni. I'm 19 and hes 28 btw. what do you think i should do because he keeps telling me to do the role of a wife?

I can see why you think he's moving too fast. You need to discuss these feelings you have as he can't read your mind.
He can't expect you to do things a married couple are supposed to do if you do not have his last name. That's not how it works. The stages of dating can't get skipped! Let him know this.

Hi, i've been dating this guy seriously for 7 months and although we've been through our ups and downs i know he loves me but he is taking this relationship to the next level a bit too soon. He has been telling his mum about me, his sister knows me and is very supportive of the relationship....


My gf cheated on me with my friend and then I still forgave her because of how much I love her. She then turns round while we were trying to fix things to tell me she doesn't love me anymore. We've been together for 3 years. How do I handle this? I'm shattered

Three years is a long time so the hurt she has caused after everything will not be easy at first. You don't handle it, you get through it by detaching yourself from her. You need space and you need to be around supportive friends. You'll be fine if you choose to be.

#qotd maybe ? My boyfriend is much older than me he doesn't have any children and would obviously want some soon. I would say in 5 years I would start having children but now because I'm dating him it's dropped down too 2 years. In rships you have too compromise right ? Is this a good compromision.

This is a form of compromise, yes. But it carries on too. Such as how many you want when you want them etc etc. it's great that you're both talking about it and communicating. Carry on!


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