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(3) He hasnt called me to comfort me properly even though wen he asked if i was ok i told him yes but i feel as though he should know better. He can be caring but tbh i dont know why his acting like this... is this something that should make me think twice about wer the relationship, wat r ur views?

You told him you were fine when he asked about your job. You should have said how you really felt. 'I'm sure i'll feel better in time' that's a better answer than what you gave. As for him going out with his friends, he's a guy who is socialising with his boys when he isn't completely busy. If you spend time together but not OUT together agree too see him next when you can organise a date together.

(2) All he does is apologise nd tell me it bcoz he doesnt spend alot of time with his friends nd i shouldnt 'nag' bcoz i spend alot of time with him anyway. My point is why does he tell me his busy with uni work wen the next day his out clubbing??...nd i just told him that ive lost my job nd he...


(1)Recently whenever i ask my boyfriend if he wants to do something together he tells me that he has a lot of uni work to do. But when it comes to going out clubbing with the boys he always goes!! But this is the same person that said their busy kmt. Ive told him how i feel but he keeps doing it...


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Hi oloni,I emailed you about a situation I'm in a month back but I still haven't got a reply..

Resend it please! I get so many x

What is your take on friends with benefits? Or if you've written anything on it feel free to send the link :) x

It's in my new e-book #100Questions! Comes out April 12th xx

(2) whether to leave it or not. Slow replies is Avery Ankouinf when getting to know someone knew. I texted him 2 days ago and no reply sigh. Should I just call him up and text again for the last time?

His words & actions need to match. If he likes you as he says he does, he will call, text, facetime & all sorts.

So oloni I'm talking to a nice guy atm, we get along but the only problem is that he has slow replies.. Like between 4-12 hours he says he's very busy and sometimes he just forgets to reply but it's been happening for a while now.. He's hinted he likes me so there's interest but I don't know (1)


I'm in a relationship atm but I think I still have feelings for my ex. Getting back with him would be an absolute no no! He cheated throughout, I gave him chances upon chances & he kept on cheating but I still love him. I'm happy w/ my new partner, he makes me happy. But what do I do about my ex?

You've answered your own question. 'I'm happy w/ my new partner, he makes me happy' don't lose something good remembering the past, a very bad past might I add.

I've been living with my bf for 2 months now and one thing I stated before moving in together is that I can't stand mess and clutter he agreed to try and be more tidy...something he isn't currently doing I confronted him about it whilst clearing his stuff and he got defensive and told me not to touc

You speak about it & not when he's irritated you at that very moment. When things are fine, you explain how you fe and remind him of what you both agreed to.

Is 17 and 23 an okay gap for a relationship?

A romantic relationship? Yeah. 18 should be the age where anyone much older considers dating that person.

I'm talking to 2 guys but having sex with one of them. They both like me but I don't know if what I'm doing is morally right lol. I understand 'don't put all your eggs in one basket' but is this too far?

It's entirely up to you. If you're not exclusive with either of them you can honestly sleep with whoever you choose to. I understand you want to keep your options open, so remember on focusing to get to KNOW the dudes who could turn into more of an interest.

I was talking to this guy for while but then he didn't reply to my last message it's been a week -should I message him or call even though I don't wanna look desperate

You can try messaging again. If it gets ignored I'd say let it go.

3 months in and he wants me to tell the family and I'm not really ready to. Thoughts ?

The family what? Your pregnant, together, engaged? What??

To go through phones in relationships and we should build trust properly. He said he'll show me eventually. But i dont like that he promised and didn't keep to it. Things have been good but now, its making my trust issues worse as it seems he's hiding something. What to do?

If you're going to make it work. You HAVE to try & learn to trust him. But he has to give and show you a reason to.

My boyfriend lost my trust. Flirting inappropriately with other girls. I decided to forgive him &he offered to give me access to his phone in an effort to regain my trust. Now, he doesn't want me to touch his phone&is saying he doesn't have anything to hide but it's not healthy ...


2) i think one or two is enough tbh. I do admit i get jealous when they have his attention. i feel he defo needs to drop a few coz he doesnt need that many... am i being unreasonable??

This is something you'll have to compromise about however I do touch on this in my new book coming out soon. So read more on it there. Out April 12th #100Questions

1)Hi, my boyfriend has 4 female friends. All who he confides in and they also in him. I understand that males and females can be friends but i feel thats too many. Ive to experessed how i feel to him but he says theres nothing to worry about. I just dont get why he feels the need to have 4!!!


I'm getting slyly bored of the same moves in bed, and routine, anything to spice it up?

More foreplay & toys?

I want too come of birth control , I don't even think he knows that I am on it, we use condoms all the time anyways. Should I tell him that I am going too stop taking it, I don't really feel like I need too tell him

Have this talk with him. It's extremely important!

Are there any side effects to mastrubating ,( found that I cum really easily like after 5 mins ) I worry that I won't enjoy real sex , should I stop ?

There are no side effects to masturbating nor does it determine how long you will last when having actual sex.

2. I have so much more of an emotional connection with this new guy & my ex dislikes me talking about how I feel and emotional things and feelings. How do I end things with my ex who still won't let me go?

You stop talking to your ex! By him being in the picture, you're not allowing yourself to move on properly. Block him if you have to.

1. I've met someone so lovely, we have great conversations, great banter and he seems to truly understand me like no guy ever has. However, I have an ex I really love who has fucked me over many times who doesn't want to let me go but wouldn't make our relationship serious again.


Like do boys really sit you down and tell you yep today you are my girlfriend and we are going to be exclusive from today onwards ? Or it it okay to assume your bf & gf if he gives you every reason to think that way or should you ask for confirmation after a while lol

You have a talk about it & both mutually agree. The conversation can go many ways.


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