
Tom Long Dong

Ask @Tom94

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Can you pass freedom dive without mod?

Well, I did it already if that counts. I'm not quite at my former stream stamina though, so I would probably struggle right now.

what are your biggest worries at the time ? and what are u looking forward to ?

People, meeting people and all kind of stuff related to people who are special to me.
Can't really say that I worry about my exams... never really had problems with passing stuff.

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How much total playcount do you think you have ? In every account you played on and offline

Maybe like 55k.
I didn't play offline or on any account before I made Tom94. And I really didn't play a lot throughout the past months.

Would you rather have $50,000 free and clear or $150,000 that is illegal?

As I always lived in good circumstances and never learned how valuable money is, I would take the $50,000. I understand people who are in a tougher spot though when they take the illegal money.

http://img2.ask.fm/assets/034/908/127/normal/unbenannt.png what's the story with your avatar? what is it supposed to represent?

A long time ago, when the cherry blossoms... blossomed. I've come to realize the great evil that resides within each and every individual living on this planet. That's when I first got a rough idea of what I wanted to accomplish.
It all manifested far later, though, but that is another story. Fun fact: I worked on the eyebrows for more than 7 months.

your accuary on afterlife is stunnig, hope you fc it soon maybee hr/hd

Well, the OD is really know. As soon as you got the speed down scoring high accuracy is no big deal.

Do you know in poland vs japan match, the password for the room is Pancake. What is your response to that.

I feel honored.

Who is Lily-Kun?

She was unlucky with love in her previous life (she was born in 1945) and got sent back to earth, getting a 2nd chance. Appearently she only has time until the turns 13, so one more year.

I am about rank 2,500 in the pp rankings and I can get about 3/4 of the way through Scarlet Rose with flashlight and about 1/2 of the way through the big black with hard rock and flashlight. I also SS'ed deathstream compilation recently (after almost 1,700 plays). Do you think I am a good player?

You didn't SS the deathstream compilation.

Ich hab gerade aero ausgeschaltet weil ich hörte es würde Verzögerungen verhindern..... Mein cursor ist uf einmal ganz wooosh D: Wie lang brauch ich um mich daran zu gewöhnen?

kA. Bei mir ging's sofort.

tollerierst du cheaten?, bzw findest du es OK, ich finde so ziemlich jedes online game wird dadurch zerstört, osu ist ne ausnahme weil es anderen keine nachteile bringt, wie stehst du dazu (natürlich finde ich es in osu auch nicht ok) ich finde man sollte in jedem fall hart sein auch wenns nie aufhö

Gerade Spiele wie osu! werden dadurch zerstört. Wenn eine einzelne Person in einem MMO hackt macht das nicht viel kaputt. In FPS games hingegen ist es wiederum ziemlich extrem.
Meiner Meinung nach kann allerdings jeder tun und lassen was er möchte. Und auf eine Weise habe ich auch Respekt gegenüber denen, die die Hacks machen, denn sowas ist verdammt harte Arbeit. (Und benötigt nebenbei eine extreme Bildung.)

"I am faster and more accurate than cookiezi" - Tom69 2012

More like "Tom69 had no fucking clue 2012".
Yes, I was wrong. So damn wrong actually. Moral of the story: Never underestimate Cookiezi.


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