
Tom Long Dong

Ask @Tom94

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how did you get the name change?

I asked peppy. It also makes a lot more sense for me to have the name that people know me with, when officially working on a part of osu!.

Did you work with peppy on ppv2? It's pretty much the exact same as tp.

I made the new pp processor, incorporating some good ideas peppy had for ppv2 to make it more casual friendly in the lower ranks.
Liked by: Yoeri DroppedBass

Just curious, did you make your own osu! hacks? Similar situation with the FlyFF stuff?

Yeah, it was a simple autoclicker - nothing complicated at all to make compared to the FlyFF stuff.

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http://puu.sh/6y9hA.png from bubby963's userpage. how do you feel about this?

That avatar, though. WTF. From what I am seeing he is just pissed, that FlashLight seems to be worth less now.
"osu! community has no clue about difficulty of maps and mods" sounds pretty elitist to me.
I believe peppy said it already in some post: Change will always piss off a certain group of people. You can only hope to minimize it. :p
Regarding what he actually said about me: If it was about getting ranks for playing the game, then I agree - I'd understand if I wasn't allowed to do that anymore. Everything else doesn't have so much to do with it.
Liked by: Enwho DroppedBass Mike

The changes to the best performance system seem to be quite interesting! It is clearly more skill-dependant and the fact that ALL score data is gathered reveals some interesting stuff. WWWolf seems to have a really good non top 50 Remote Control DT score as his best performance.

Fucking remote control! Why can people DT this shit anyway?
... I wish I could. :(
Liked by: DroppedBass

I know that's impossible for most players but (Shizuru also FCed it with DT)... still seems too exagerated. Even rrtyui himself has no way to beat his aim score from Remote Control or even get close to it with other maps. I think tp gives too much aim points to these huge jumps.

I'd classify this as the same problem, that Tag4-maps suffer which would be fixed with per-HitObject data. The map itself gets weighted way too hard because of a few hard parts.
And yup, I'm convinced now and agree with your point. As I said I am very busy in the next two weeks, though, but I will be collecting a massive amount of feedback in that time to work hard afterwards. Also: Taiko, CTB and osu!mania HYPE!

Don't you think DT on Remote Control gives too much aim points? It's even much much so much higher than rrtyui's any other records. Have you considered about fixing the algorithm?

Nobody that I know of came even close of FCing remote control compared to rrtyui - don't know how H4ppySt1ck does on it though. I'll be too busy to work on tp in the next few weeks due to examinations anyway.

Have you ever considered using top 100 ranks instead of top 50 to calculate tp?

domidiawk’s Profile PhotoDomi
I always try to state, that I _can't_ use more than top50 ranks due to limitations by osu!... yet people still keep asking this question. Come on, read the info page! :p

Why Russia have more country tp than Korea?

It seems like banned players are considered for country rankings. Will fix when I find time... currently very busy with exams by the way.
On a side note: Got the server back, yay! \o/

I got a new score (#22) and wanted to update my tp page, but it says pending since some hours now

The tp server expired... I'll have to look for another server to run the client on - might take a few days, please be patient.

Thoughts on the PP Disable + PPV2?

Couldn't care less. peppy at least doing something is still better, than keeping the malfunctioning previous one - regardless of outcome.

Hey Tom. I'm really fond of osutp. I've got one concern though. Recently I've started doing some records on "qualified beatmaps" which later becomes ranked. So far none of the maps I've got decent scores on, showed up on osutp. Is there some kind of trouble detecting them as ranked in later stages?

It seems there is. I will have to look into how qualified maps and their transition to being ranked is reflected in the osu! api.
Liked by: DroppedBass

I was wondering, is 1 300tp score (100|100|100) weighted more than 3 100tp scores (100|0|0, 0|100|0, 0|0|100)?

Since every category is calculated seperately, no. Those two scenarios would result in the exact same tp.

What about making total tp: (Aim*Speed*Acc)^(1/3). That way players that have good stats in all aspects would get ranked higher in overall rankings than people who just excel in one or two of the aspects evaluated.

This is already indirectly reflected in the exponential nature of individual "skills". What I mean is: It's way more than twice as hard to reach 1000 speed/aim/acc tp versus 500 in the same category. Therefore it's way easier to reach for instance 500 in each category vs 1000 aim, 500 speed, 0 acc for instance. Of course those examples are extreme, but the same logic applies to all situations.
Your suggestion would only make it harder for people to grasp how the system works and in addition to that I think it'd shoot way too far into the wrong direction and totally undervalue players who are even slightly below average in one category.
Liked by: DroppedBass

Do you ever regret spending all that time on osu?

Well, I can't deny that osu! is a lot of fun - and that's the whole purpose of a game. Plus if it weren't for osu! I wouldn't have met Milkshake!
I'd be insane to regret spending my time in osu!.

You once said that playing piano gave you an advantage over other osu! players in terms of improving, but how can it actually help in getting better at osu? You obviously can't learn to read ar10 and moving your cursor from playing piano. osu! is more like an aim game and not rhytm game.

Piano helped me with the rhythm part. I was capable of getting high accuracy even with hardrock from the very beginning.

hey tom, how is progress on your game? (If you're still developing 1) do you think it matters what language a game is written in?

Depends on which part of the game you are writing in which language. I wouldn't recomment writing your graphics engine in anything else than C or C++ (or any other systems language), but for the game logic pretty much any language does fine.
Since I am currently on vacation in Israel and my exams will start shortly in the future, game development is stalled. :p


Language: English