
Tom Long Dong

Ask @Tom94

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how come you dont get a osu!dev tag

No clue. Probably because it's not really needed.
Would be cool to have some forum permissions, though, to lock some of the question threads popping up when it has been ansered, so the answer doesn't get lost in the spam / flame.
Liked by: DroppedBass

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I haven't played all day and last night I had 1555pp but when I loaded osu I had 1525pp with my same rank. Why did this happen?

domidiawk’s Profile PhotoDomi
There was an update to the calculations, changing things slightly. Firstly I fixed a bug with the small HD and FL bonus of accuracy applying to aim instead, and secondly a headless version of the osu! client is now used for difficulty calculations, making things like CircleSize more accurate than their reverse-engineered counterparts in tp.
Liked by: DroppedBass

Have you considered giving 50s an extra penalty? Currently, each 50 is 16.67% of a 300 in terms of the accuracy value given by the game, but, for example, a score with 5 100s and 100 300s seems to be better than a score with 4 50s and 101 300s.

It should not be considered better. 50s and 100s are weighted exactly the same as in accuracy for pp.
Liked by: DroppedBass

In pp, I am #69xx, and in tp I am #34xx. Should I trust pp more or tp more? My ppv1 rank was also closer to my tp rank. Only asking because I am confused as to which one is more accurate.

All depends on opinion. Ranking is a big opinionated mess after all!
Liked by: DroppedBass

Does HD or HR have different calculations when awarding tp or are they awarded the same?

The map has a different "difficulty", that is aim, and accuracy when using HR while HD simply adds a bonus to your aim score. HR usually gives a lot more than HD.
Liked by: DroppedBass

It appears to me that ppv2 weight maps with alot of stream more. My top peformance consist mostly of streamy maps.

Most likely because you didn't get good scores on jumpy maps / good accuracy on high OD.
Liked by: DroppedBass

http://ask.fm/Tom94/answer/109631847374 What do you mean by 'gave it out'? And I didn't mean for community activity, I meant maybe we could play a game together sometime or something.

Various people have been adding me. Well, I barely am online and I don't really have the time / motivation to do random steam multiplayer at the moment. Sorry.
Liked by: DroppedBass

Are people allowed to send you friend requests on Steam, or do you only accept people you know well?

I wonder who the hell gave out my steam name in the first place. I don't even use it for ANY kind of community activity, just for gaming.
Liked by: DroppedBass

Why is it that in the Within Temptation - The Unforgiving mapset, the In the Middle of the Night diff is rated higher than the marathon diff on osu!tp.net when it's part of the marathon?

Read previous answers. It's a rounding issue.
Liked by: DroppedBass

How is "mediocre performance" defined? I find that getting 88%acc on OD9.8 with circle:slider ratio of ~3:1 is considerably harder accuracy-wise than getting a 94%acc on OD7 with similar slider ratio and map length. Usually, in a map I get ~95%acc on OD7, I get ~80%acc if I change to OD10 in editor.

Mediocre performance means bad accuracy, a few misses, lower combo and so on. Unlike what you're assuming it is not connected to map difficulty.
You can get an okay accuracy with OD7 - 94% - and you get rewarded for that depending on how hard the rest of the map is. But if you change the OD to 10, then you are essentially playing another map, a harder one, on which you can't perform as good. While map difficulty is taken into account when rating your performance, the reward you get quickly diminished when your performance quality goes down. One shouldn't get an equal amount of pp for a 20% NoFail score on The Big Black versus an S on a [Hard] map after all (as an extreme example).


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