
Tom Long Dong

Ask @Tom94

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kannst du mir mal auf deutsch erklären was UR ist, verstehe das auf Englisch nicht. Ist das wie viel man mit dem Pen zittert oder was?

Das ist wie normale accuracy, nur dass anstatt 300, 100, 50 usw. genaue Kommazahlen genommen werden.

thoughts about this site http://osuskills.tk/user/tom94

Looks awesome. I feel like the terms used for rating skills aren't exactly intuitive... might be better to just refer to what they are (i.e. "stream stamina" instead of "tenacity"), especially when you have ambiguities such as "stamina" vs "tenacity".
Also I can't really say much about the quality of its ratings without having ladders for players. Hopefully that'll come soon. Keep it up, Kert! :D

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will staff remove my top performance plays if i told them i want to derank to see a different side of the osu! world

So by decreasing a number in your profile you will see a whole "different side of the osu! world"?
No, scores generally are not getting removed. Sorry.
Liked by: DroppedBass

if the new hd system go out to stable, is there any chance to hd get buffed?

Depends. On many maps the new system reduces clutter and thus makes things easier to read. On the other hand some sliders may become harder. Will have to wait some time to see how it affects the difficulty of maps.
HD+FL will certainly become harder.

Are the separated rankings for aim, speed and accuracy going to be released this year or next year?

Most likely not this year. Can't say anything definitive about an ETA. As long as I am busy with degree work I won't be doing this for osu!, so at least from my side please expect nothing for at least the next 5 months.

My computer runs the new osu version with higher fps when the compatibility mode is on. Is that supposed to happen? I'm using a GTX 860M graphic card and i7-4710 MQ CPU.

Yeah, that's normal for your setup. NVidia optimus really hates OpenGL and refuses to play well with it. :/
Liked by: DroppedBass

That's not the skin I wanted. The Skin I had with your name got a single light blue cursor without that border.

Must be some uuuultra old version. Sorry, I never kept a version history.

Can you link me your Skin called " Tom94+Skin ". I played with that Skin and it was awesome but I had to reinstall my Osu and now I can't find the skin anymore.

It's in my profile.

A lot of people don't even want this new score system though, not that developers even care. I made a thread about it, which was deleted for no reason except that they didn't want anyone asking the question if the people actually wanted the new system.

As far as I remember it the thread was deleted because we want to try it and see how it actually goes, rather than debate it beforehand. See the previous answer - if it turns out not being good it'll be reverted or improved upon what makes it bad.
Also http://osu.ppy.sh/forum/t/220119 shows that indeed many people want it.

If the new scoring system turns out to be not as exciting, entertaining or fun to watch, is there potential for the changes to be reverted? Or is this one of those "what I say goes whether you like it or not" sort of things.

The former.
Liked by: DroppedBass

Returning to the basics: What made you guys feel that a change in the OWC score system is needed this time? As a player who played in the German team, what do you feel is particularly important in this new system that merits the moveover?

evrien’s Profile PhotoEvrien
I wasn't even part of the people who decided it's be a good idea to switch here.
The new system allows for more player aspects than just combo to count (accuracy!) and it reduces the carry potential of a single player (max score is 1m, you won't get 10x the score of someone else, ever) which emphasizes the team nature of the OWC.
I think those 2 points are equally important and both merit the move. One potential downside however is, that matches will be less "swingy" as they were before, as in, combo breaks won't affect the end results of a match as much as they did previously. I don't know how much of an impact this will actually have and only time will tell.

Would you guys do an all score reset for scoreV2? Because I'm totally down for that... but that would mean all the good scores too q_q // I was thinking if there was some kind of separate score system, but I would find that unnecessary :/

There's no point debating how ScoreV2 would replace the old scoring system. This is super far into the future. We know as little about how exactly we want to tackle it as you do.

I have a touchscreen problem where two taps with a bit of overlap between them (so using multitouch) is occasionally interprrted as a swipe from one point to the other, so I miss the second note. Any ideas?

Try disabling "OS TabletPC support" in the osu! options and see if it helps. If not, try additionally enabling raw input. If that still didn't help, then try finding settings for your driver that might improve this.
Liked by: DroppedBass

Why is there a need to keep OWC plays unranked? Can't the normal scoring system be run in the background in case some player does something amazing on a ranked map?

There's no reason apart from implementation overhead. Maybe if you bug a dev enough he will implement it. (Please don't bug me, I won't D:)
Liked by: DroppedBass _bloo Cl7n

do you think the hard pattern pp problem will ever be solved? ._. (coming from a pattern player)

Yeah. I think machine learning could probably do a good job. I'd try if I had enough time. Should be relatively simple to implement a regressor using sliding-window-type features (a feature vector is n consecutive hitobjects).

Since the new scoring system is 70/30 on Combo to Accuracy, does this also mean that there will no longer be a stupidly gross pp difference between the 97-100% accuracy scores? Making sliders accuracy dependent would kill a lot of accuracy and would probably cause a huge PP disparity.

Woobowiz’s Profile Photo이우람
"No longer"? This is already the way pp currently weights stuff. Accuracy has a noticeable impact, yes, but it's still just about a third of the total pp assuming the map is appropriately hard in terms of aim and speed.
Liked by: DroppedBass

Can you explain the ms and red dots in the bottom right for cutting edge and what ms is good?

ms = milliseconds = how long each frame takes. Less is better. Whenever a new dot appears it means you had a stuttering frame, i.e. a frame which took abnormally long compared to the others. It's okay to happen everywhere but during gameplay.
Liked by: DroppedBass


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