
Tom Long Dong

Ask @Tom94

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Could you give us some F2 replays of what you feel are your best plays, so we can have something to remember you by?

Deleted all my maps several days ago, so I can only serve you with what I have in my replays folder: (I have no idea if they are actually good replays, only judging by what I remember roughly. Just picked a few you might find interesting)

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why banned ? -_-

I had used a cheat on three scores several months ago. Talked with peppy about it yesterday and I guess this is the result. I can understand him though. ^^
Actually this is good, helps me to quit. I guess the recent liveplays show that my newer scores are legit anyways.
Liked by: DeadLoser

tooooom, what is a blanket cheating? xD

pi3141592’s Profile PhotoPi
I warmed up covering my legs with a blanket. This is fool play and has to be punished.
Liked by: ann Pi

Kennst du eine Map, bei der man dass Streamen üben kann?

"Do you know a map where one can practice streams?"
Stream compilations obviously.

Who's the best in term of accuracy now ? you or thelewa ?

Can't say that for sure. There are some scores of him that I just couldn't beat and vice versa.

Do you practice any sport ? If yes, which one ? o3o

Used to do judo and swimming... but nowadays I only excercise a bit on a daily basis.

im so fucking sick of this, playing for 11 months with tablet now and havnt got a good hold that is stable without shaking, i hold it like u, give me some tips, do u rest ur pinky on the surface or not

I do.

cheating or not, i hope you can continue to enjoy osu :). dont let the witch hunting faze you

I like the comparison to a witch hunt. However I hope I can't. I want to quit this waste of time already.

Since you are already busted, may be release hack to public, so everyone could have fun?

I don't remember being busted in any way. o.o

I'd like to try tap + x, but whenever I tap my pen tablet there is a cursor effect which lags the game - I don't know how to disable this. I assume you did, could you explain how please? <3

Go into control panel, then pen- and touch input (not the bamboo driver settings) and disable rightclick by holding AND disable all the stuff on the 2nd page aswell.
You will most likely still experience lag when tapping in rapid succession... I had to change some stuff in my registry to fix that. It's too complicated to explain here... So I'll just explain what to do: Change the minimum time interval of doubleclicks to 0 in the wisptis registry, then go to your user config registry and set the actual time interval to 0 in your user registry.

is there actually a song you cant beat atm?? and your hrhd skillz are so amazing, do you even play nomod anymore??

I usually don't play nomod... unless it's a map by thatguy0108 (anti you, eighto, g-garden or whatever) or another extremely crazy map like gotsta terrify.
Also: The only map that at least one person passed and that I can't beat is: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=taWGXA8hJ5UTom94’s Video 10607874510 taWGXA8hJ5UTom94’s Video 10607874510 taWGXA8hJ5U
There might be others of which I don't know though.


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