
Tom Long Dong

Ask @Tom94

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People seem to have gained around 50-80 pp having no FL or high CS plays, did something else happen that isn't in the changelog?

As with every pp update the average pp amount is supposed to stay the same, so to compensate for the nerfs the amount of pp maps give has been slightly increased. If you gained pp it simply means you part of the players who profited from this change relative to others.

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When I enable raw input and map raw input to osu window, and I bring the cursor near the edges of the osu window, the windows cursor will appear outside the osu window, and if I click, it will minimize osu. How do I fix this?

misteremub’s Profile PhotoMister Emub
Can't really be fixed. osu! can't just steal the windows cursor away. What would people do who actually mean to move their cursor out of the osu! window? What you are seeing is the very nature of scaling absolute input.
If you don't want this to happen you will have to increase your cursor sensitivity (inside osu!) until the osu! cursor reaches the borders of the osu! window before the windows cursor appears.

Do you expect to have to eventually remove the small circle bonus you just added in? Just like the bonus aim pp for AR10.3, is the small circle buff just because people aren't used to small circles?

Maybe? Only one way to find out. :p
Liked by: DroppedBass

How long until you won't lose pp from beating a score? I think this needs to be a top priority to be fixed really, I'm sick of not being able to beat nomod scores with DTEZ plays.

For the 1000th time: It's already implemented and will be activated as soon as the necessary server power is available.
Liked by: DroppedBass

I understand your reasoning for 10.3 to be nerfed but why are certain maps I won't name being allowed to stay as is, certain.. aim maps...?

There hopefully will be further adjustments to certain maps that give far too much pp for their difficulty. Sadly most of these issues can only be avoided by adding some sort of pattern difficulty algorithm which is in general very hard to come up with.
Liked by: DroppedBass -cr1mmy-

Hi! I'm a player around rank #25k and I was wondering why acc is so much more dominant over speed? For example when I FC a easier map like a 4 star map it gives more pp then when I pass a 6 star map with a B. I feel like passing the 6 star map is a lot harder and should give more pp.

The intention behind pp is to reward players for doing very well on maps. While the difficulty of maps plays a role in that reward first and foremost it is important for the map to have been played well.
pp are called "performance points" and not "skill points" after all.

You said something about the removal of the aim bonus on 10.33, I'm really happy to hear that. Does this upcoming update includes what i've heard of hidden bonus aswell? Let's say hidden bonus on 10.33 being less than AR9 or AR8 alone for example?

That isn't included (yet, it's something I want to add, but it won't be a big change).

"--around a 15 to 20% bonus to its aim difficulty component." Depending on the map?

Yeah, obviously maps with barely any jumps won't profit as much from the bonus.

Isn't that pretty ad hoc? I think the bonus shouldn't start at some specific CS, even if the bonus for CS4 and lower were irrelevant (<1%). CS5~5.2 should get at least a 2~3% bonus, hands don't get any less shaky and potentially imprecise when you play it compared to CS6.5.

It is very ad-hoc. Just like the entire difficulty algorithm. Also as long as a linear bonus scaling does fine I don't see a reason to overcomplicate it for no reason. I honestly think CS5 - 5.2 doesn't deserve a buff. Those scores are giving fair pp, especially with the upcoming removal of the Aim pp bonus for AR 10.33 *spoiler spoiler*.
Why remove that pp bonus? So many people can sightread AR10.33 by now. For the relevant people playing these maps often that AR actually helps them play the fast patterns properly instead of making it harder for them.

Difficulty: [Tom94] Increase the star difficulty of very small hit objects in standard mode. - Could you share some more details of this change?

Starting at circle size 5.2 (that's 4 + HR) there is a growing bonus, larger the smaller the circles are. This means CS4 + HR is unaffected, CS4.5 + HR gets a bonus, CS5 + HR gets a larger bonus, and so on.
To give out some approximate ballpark, CS5 + HR which is CS6.5 gets around a 15-20% bonus to its aim difficulty component.
Liked by: DroppedBass Rafacar

Have you fiddled around with Haskell before? I've used it a little over a year, and it's pretty mindblowing stuff.

Fiddled around, yes. I'm not exactly versatile in the language, though.

How come sometimes me and another person will have same top scores/same weighted stuff but he'll be higher rank/ higher pp than me?

He may have a higher overall playcount. You can get up to ~417 pp simply by having a lot of scores to make pp more rewarding for newer players. Don't worry, at around 1000 scores you already are very close to the cap, so it doesn't affect the higher ranked players at all.

http://ask.fm/Tom94/answer/125127637198 Slightly too long for this box http://pastebin.com/GNXt0s7L

That'd require a change of behaviour with clicks and would conflict with the single-input => single-action concept. It'd basically mean to make any additional touches further than the original one release a mouse button, then press it again and still track the original contact point.
A side effect would be jumps made by using 2 hands failing when not completely releasing the touch of one hand before using the other, again making things like the beginning of kanojo almost impossible.
Chances are low, that the behavior changes from what's currently being used.
Liked by: DroppedBass

http://i.imgur.com/HXx2fF2.png Why this? Most localizations of Windows use \ instead of / for file paths.

All windows versions support / while linux doesn't generally support \. \ is actually a valid letter within linux file and directory names, not making things easier at all. :p

I dunno, i think doing that would still improve your aim and enable really easy full screen jumps.

You're talking to someone who played a lot with a touch screen. I think I _know_ better than you _think_. :p
Liked by: DroppedBass

The guy talking about spaced streams probably means using a touch interface as purely a cursor and still tappign with the keyboard. I'm sure there must be some software to make that possible.

If you did that you'd lose the entire advantage of touch over cursor, being that you can use multiple fingers / hands on the screen at the same time. Only using touch to aim with 1 finger would be beyond pointless and inferior to tablets.

raw input is for mouse and the absolute thing is for tablet yes/no? or does raw input affect tablet too?

Raw input is for everything, including tablet. The absolute thing only works with tablets AND then having raw input on. It constrains your tablet area to the osu! window assuming you use a sensitivity of 1 and no custom area via drivers. It's for those people who can't change their area via drivers and want easy compatibility with osu!. (Mainly osu!tablet users.)
Liked by: DroppedBass


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