
Tom Long Dong

Ask @Tom94

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If you're "that cool guy", I tell ya you should not play in OWC. If you want to be that "faggot", go a head and play.

I've sunk hundreds of hours into making osu! better to get to the point where I am now. I'm not going to step back from the third OWC in a row to make those people feel more comfortable who won't ever change their opinion about me in the first place. If that makes me a "faggot" then so be it. I don't see what's wrong with homosexuals anyway.

if I were to like all the answers in your ask.fm will you hate me?

I honestly don't care. It's not like I get spammed when you like stuff... but then again, unless you actually like all my answers it wouldn't make much sense, would it?
Liked by: DroppedBass

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why do you get to play in the OWC when you hacked, but multi-accounters don't?

Firstly I want to make sure you all know, that neither do I make the rules, nor did I have any influence in them. I'm not discussing the validity of the rules in this answer. Now that this is out of the way, according to the rules for the OWC only infringements in the past year (12 months) lead to disqualification. Since I cheated 2+ years ago and have gotten official amnesty (due to reasons you can find everywhere) over a year ago I am allowed to participate. The people who supposedly multi-accounted - keep in mind nobody but themselves and the people in charge know to what extent their actual infringements were - only got denied if it happened in the past year.

http://puu.sh/cufv4/8226f02edb.png hvicks Remote Control HDDT score is 8pp less than an Airman HR SS. But I'm sure Obama could HDHR Airman and Freedom Dive for 600pp Airman and 700pp Freedom Dive, since a HDHR SS Airman is 628pp and HDHR SS Freedom Dive is 798pp.

Thanks for the clarification. Those numbers seem to be in the right ballpark so I'll just assume they are correct (taken from for instance cheated scores or some 3rd party calculator). :p
When considering the planned buff to small circles expect some pp to further get added to these scores.
Liked by: aXsEpSiLoN James

http://ask.fm/Tom94/answer/120653267662 How would be HDHR comparing to HR ?

I just took a wild guess with the 800pp, so it may be off by a hundred or so. HD would prolly up it to 900 assuming my 800 guess was correct (for a 99.X% fc btw). That all being said, Obama's Airman HR FC would in all likelihood be the most giving score in existance if it still existed. So even an actually real score beats out all other DT scores.
Liked by: Kyouko DroppedBass

http://ask.fm/Tom94/answer/120512290510 So you think that players aren't playing FreedomDive HR over Remote Control DT cause it's their choice? I can see most players handling the second but failing instantly at the first for the same ammount of pp so why iven try?

Nomod freedom dive gives as much as Remote Control. If you add HardRock you can prolly reach over 800pp on freedom dive. That being said Obama had >1000 combo on freedom dive with HD + HR on a random play. I'm sure players like rrtyui could get quite far if they actually tried it a lot.
Liked by: aXsEpSiLoN

Because my questions are always so dam long: http://puu.sh/cu1F9/abd478097d.txt Sorry if the question is a bit unclear =\

MrPotat’s Profile PhotoEyal Fridja
Will be calculated on the entire map (this is something that otherwise is only possible in limited scenarios if per-hitobject data isnt available, which it isnt). The misses at the part in the end and the (small) combo loss would still bump the resulting pp down, though, probably to a similar value or even a lower one than FCing only the 5 star part.

http://ask.fm/kriers/answer/120748537260 http://ask.fm/AzerFrost/answer/120490461602 Tom, what do you make of what they're saying? Do you feel osu is heading in the wrong direction? If so when are you gonna pull it up???

Firstly, kriers is very unspecific about what is bothering him in his answer, so I can't really go in-depth with my answer there. I can however say, that it's up to the playerbase to decide which meta-game to pursue. I'm fairly confident, that the pp system rewards similar efforts in terms of accuracy and aim compared to speed in a similar fashion. Many people just tend to prefer trying hard by going as fast as they can with DT rather than going accurate in jumpy HR maps and reading high AR.
I do agree with Azer, that the current scoring system isn't optimal, but I disagree that basing it on combo is bad. osu! is not a game like most other rhythm games. Having to aim and hit things means, that leaving out a hit object can severely reduce the difficulty while still leaving the accuracy fairly intact. I do agree however, that combo is too relevant and hope that to be addressed in a future scoring system update.
Sliders might not make the most sense, but I personally came to accept them as a partof this game that I quite like actually. It's fun to do tricks with them and they can help to keep perfectly synced with the rhythm of the song due to slider ends giving perfectly timed hitsounds. In any case, changing sliders would mean invalidating _all_ existing scores and that's not very likely to happen I think.

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I was pleasently surprised when you said in your interview that you modded teeworlds in the past. I do not find teeworlds players often. Do you still enjoy the game and do you think that modding this game is a good way to become a better programmer and learn about game development?

Fudgyking’s Profile PhotoFudgyking
I didn't touch / look at the game for years now. But I do think that any form of programming makes you a better programmer as long as you actually try to do a good job.
Liked by: DroppedBass Yano

Regarding the length nerf, what's the logic behind it? Length should be worth a lot, considering the adrenaline rush and bigger choke chance when you have a high combo, which makes long maps challenging to FC for most players. That's my opinion though and I'd love to hear the other side!

I never said longer maps shouldn't be worth more than short maps. I buffed long maps in the last update, and it seems to have been overshot for very long maps. Check out thelewa's best performance and you will see.
Liked by: DroppedBass Kynan

Can you give a rundown on what's in the works now? For clarity's sake

Alright then, I wish I could pin it to the top of my ask.fm. Sorted in no particular order. Also keep in mind, that those things don't implement themselves, so it might take some time until you see them. :)
- Rework pp + difficulty algorithm for Catch the Beat and osu!mania.
- Slightly increase difficulty of small circles, slightly reduce weight of long maps again, improve aim scaling with very big jumps in standard.
- Rework the scoring system (and mod boni) to be strongly correlated with pp while still remaining simple.
- Keep highscores for each used mod combination.

If you have no time at all to work on pp when the community wants it , why are u even osu dev? Shouldn't we have someone that would work when the community wants it as a scheduled time instead of having a ETA?

If you think I wouldn't gladly have someone willing or capable of doing the pp work take over, then you're mistaken. pp is one of the things I hate doing the most, so I'd be happy to hand it over to someone else. That being said I already have discussed mania difficulty with Blaizer and he is currently looking into improving its algorithm.
Also, why would I stop being an osu! developer if I have to get a bit inactive for some time? It's not like I don't plan to keep doing stuff in the future and I am still submitting small bugfixes now and then.

When the new leaderboards system kicks in, will it affect all previously achieved scores? Meaning that if someone has a worse score that gives more pp now, he'll get the pp?

Only the currently available online scores will be kept.

I understand that dt and nomod is completely the same thing and just treated as a different map. However one thing that DT has that nomod doesn't is extra points for the AR being 8.6 or higher. Back then you only added the bonus because there were very few AR 9 maps that were 1/2

The bonus isn't the same for 8.6 as for 9. It's scaling properly.


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