
Tom Long Dong

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what is your top 10#?

I am probably forgetting people. I am very good at forgetting. Also this is always changing and a mere personal opinion. :p
#1 Cookiezi (obviously the best aim ever)
#2/3 rrtyui (he jumps better than me)
#2/3 myself (I am faster and more accurate than rrtyui)
#4 Niko- (crazy fast, extremely accurate, awesome jumps)
#5 White Wolf (best 2keyer that I know, very good allrounder)
#6 Rucker (also very good allround player)
#7 Torein 13rd (crazy jump and HD skills)
#8 Reisen Udongein (awesome aim and accuracy. pretty fast aswell)
#9 wobeinimacao (awesome aim, accuracy and speed)
#10 thelewa (wtf is that guys accuracy. also his aim and speed is quite good, even though he claims otherwise)
I feel like KeigoClear is worth mentioning aswell. Crazy stream accuracy (maybe the best) and insane speed and endurance.

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you did the streams with single tapping of your tablet +1 finger KB? at the same time.. right?

The fast ones yes, slower ones KB only.


Good joke. Not going to happen, ever. 240 BPM streams with that spacing while having those patterns are plainly impossible. ^^"

beatmania is really fun and addicting isn't it :) so how good are you right now? are you playing 7k already?

aqocyrale’s Profile PhotoAqo
Playing 7k all the time, I'm not that goot yet though. Barely passing Insanes. ^^"

Your thoughts about Remilia-Scarlet ?

One of the fastest KB-only players. A shame that he can't jump that well. Also he is permanently touching the tablet surface with his pen.

some day White Wolf maybe lost 1# rank by performance, who you think will stole 1# of him?

No idea. Probably some Hard-Diff farmer... OR peppy optimizes the formula further and someone who actually deserves it gets #1.

when you started play osu, you played easys and normals 1 week+, or in 1 week you started pass insanes? how much time you take to fc for the first time 1 random insane?

Never tried to FC anything during the first months. I passed my 5 star map like... 1 week after starting?

How do you sync your osu! videos where you show your tablet gameplay?

Just... move the timelines until it matches? D:

For me Rucker is The-Guy-Who-Smack-His-Head-On-The-Desk, because he always does a stupid mistake somewhere. For the question : If you had to choice, do you prefer to have amazing jumps or streams skill ?

I'd go for jumps... probably because that's what I lack.


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