
Tom Long Dong

Ask @Tom94

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thelewa is awesome, one of my favourite osu players. I like him moar than Cookiezi. (Kinda dun liek him)

It's because he is finnish. They all moe.

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What Rank would ShadowSoul have in terms of skill (not dedication)?

Can't say for sure. It's hard to rate players accurately below the top20.

So, you want get unbanned you know right ?

Unbanned actually not so much I want. Not very important it is, you know right?

What's the first thing you notice in a person of the opposite gender?

I notice that the other person is, in fact, of the opposite gender.
Liked by: Tshemmp

What is DiffCalc used for? (just downloaded)

It was meant to test if sliders are calculated correctly and was NOT meant to get into public. I don't know where it slipped through and I guess I can't do more than apologize.

Kannst du mir ein Training "vorschlagen"? Wenn es dir keine Umstände macht. Ich kann 190 gut halten und kann maximal 230 streamen.

Deathstream compilation all day every day.

what's your full name ? thomas ? tom ? ò.ò mine is pretty similar but the italian version.

Thomas Müller. The most common name in Germany, so I can feely state it without worrying about anyone finding me. \o/

why won't you tell me who she was

Because I am very silly. If you tell me who you are to think to know her, I'm fine to do the same. :>


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