
Tom Long Dong

Ask @Tom94

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I am interested in contributing, but I don't know how I am able to. You mentioned that everyone who is interested gets an opportunity to join. What do I have to do for this? And are there any requirements to join?

Write an e-mail to peppy detailing why you want to join and what you want to / could contribute. Regarding pp / difficulty algorithms you could also just write some on your own.

why so much complain with 600+pp plays on std but no problem with mania ctb or taiko?

I don't know enough about those modes to be as precise with balancing. I'm afraid to do more harm than good if I do anything drastic there.
Liked by: smudgerox

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why is hvick's hoshizora so underweighted and how could it be fixed?

Fast stream buff + pattern difficulty algorithm.
Liked by: Shira

Will you ever play osu again (competitive), you were really good actually from what I saw in the owc 14 but you're not really playing the game itself anymore do you

I'll probably play in the next OWC again. I just don't enjoy trying hard for pp now that the system is made by me. How can it be fun to game the system if all it does is slap its shortcomings into your face without helping you to fix them? :p

Firstly, a pat on the back. The cs7.8 nerf was perfectly executed. You've done a great job on the pp system, and imo pp is really well balanced. But are you sure a high bpm stream buff is a good idea? High bpm maps (ie anything with dt) are already rewarding, and I don't see any need for this. Thank

Such a buff would have to come along with nerfs to certain difficulty spike patterns to not make some DT maps even more OP. They currently give so much not because of the fast streams but because of those difficulty spikes with relatively easily shaped jump patterns. That's also a reason why the speed buff takes its time. I need to fix a certain class of overweighted maps first.

I'm so happy with the state of pp. Your formula gets better with every update, and it's approaching perfection :) Probably the only major thing to be fixed is buffing flashlight. Flashlight is a most interesting mod (way cooler than hidden imo) but it just isn't rewarding pp wise. Thoughts?

Try making a flashlight score on a remotely hard map. I bet as soon as the first person uses flashlight on a ~400pp score there will be a flood of "FL IS OP" complaints on my ask.fm. ;)

you are fucking ruining the pp system way too fucking much. stop fucking nerfing shit. really? 600 pp to 500? how many other fucking people can do those 600 pp plays

There's apparently at least 2 people who can do that score. This makes the score more in line with other scores where only 1-2 people can do it.

Tom what about to play/test every mode to gain some experience that qualify you to create a perfect pp algorithm just play enough to be able to realize whats hard in whats easy ... ?

Tried all the gamemodes already, didn't get hooked. Not gonna use my freetime on something I don't feel like doing.

Don't you have a little TOO much work in osu? I mean, you have to manage the pp algorithms for all game modes. Aren't there more people who can handle these stuff so they can take some of the work load off you? That way, you can focus on only one game mode and be more efficient.

pp and difficulty stuff is mostly coming up with ideas and not raw work time. I'm also doing random bugfixing or adding other features when I feel like it, so no, I wouldn't say I have too much work. There always is something to do but I am not forced into anything.
And to answer the second part of your question: Not really. Everyone in the dev team can contribute - and getting into the dev team isn't that hard either. We usually give everyone who is interested an opportunity to join.
Lastly, I feel like even if I could disregard other gamemodes than standard I still wouldn't do a better job. I don't think too frequent changes are good because they frustrate many people (often justified, since lots of work has been put into getting appropriate scores). At the same time doing multiple changes at different aspects of pp is also bad, because that makes it hard to judge which of the changes had which effect on pp. I'm generally not unhappy with the current pp situation, so I plan on keeping the single-aspect balancing changes every now and then.

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Your pp algorithm in CtB currently is too broken.. HDDT Platters give more than HR Overdoses so DT/NC are rewarded more on lower diffs than HR on harder ones, what are your plans for this?

My plan is to look into it and change it when I find time.

The mania pp system at the moment seems weird. Maps like Black and White and Haelequin are worth ridiculous pp for being short and mashy. Is the mania pp system going to see any changes soon? Will HR ever be a rankable mod?

Mania is the top priority on the list regarding a difficulty algorithm overhaul... which doesn't mean it won't take a while for me to do stuff. As always I'd be more than happy if someone managed to build a solid algorithm that works better than what's currently there.
I can't say anything about HardRock, what does it even do in mania?

Its really annoying seeing ppl hating on you because of the changes that are gonna occur like WWW fanboys that get mad since his score wont be worth '600' pp anymore yet no one really understands that 600 pp for a score like that is complete bullshit so they decide to hype against u ._.

Don't worry, I just barely answer positive remarks since there often is nothing I can add or answer, so it seems like the majority of people are complaining. Also it's not like complaining is a bad thing. I WANT to hear when people disagree with me since that's the whole point of a ranking system which is based on the community's opinion.

would you consider having a stickied Topic in the http://www.reddit.com/r/osucommunity/ for a PP-Disscussion? or would you rather keep it to the Forum and your Ask.fm ?

Not sure how good of an idea a stickied thread is. Wouldn't the comments stagnate with always the same ones showing up at the top?

could you pls take a look at the CTB Perfomance Point Disscussion thread, because there are some major issues involving EZ+DT and HT

I'm taking regular looks and am aware of this. I didn't decide on a way to combat this, yet, though. It's really hard to do it without affecting legit other scores. :x

http://www.reddit.com/r/osugame/comments/31euet/wubwoofwolf_603pp_on_akito_sakura_kagetsu/cq0xlf6 Don't tell me it's true please, I'm tired of seeing 600+pp score being deleted because of unrank or because you nerf something :(

With things like Killer Song or Airman HR clocking around 500pp or below I can't take this complaint seriously, sorry. 600pp is meant for the impossibru. Like Gangsta DT or rainbow dash HR. Not for this.

http://ask.fm/Tom94/answer/127150430926 tom try asking any rank 22k player not using a touchscreen to get a 400pp play, even if they play the map 1600 or 16000 times its not going to happen

Getting a good rank with touch is not getting a good rank with tablet / mouse. Most maps are very hostile towards touch by containing streams.
That being said 1600 plays are plenty for gaining a very decent amount of skill. Given how much pp FL gives by now if you'd put 1600 tries in a random 300pp jumpy map with FL then you'd also have your 400pp score.

Do you think that allowing players to adjust BPM CS and OD freely through mods would reveal some aspects and trends that'd allow you to significantly improve the pp algorhythm?

Actually yes, especially OD, I think it would provide very insightful statistics by eliminating one component of variance (difficulty stars of the map). Same can be said about CS.

Opinion? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j4bvTZRnNww That seems like a legit worked hard play (1600 plays)

Pretty damn good play. He must have memorized the map more or less completely. Reading high AR with your hands in front of the screen in insaaane... and so are those triples using just touch.
Whether or not touch is too easy or too hard can't really be evaluated with just that one sample. For now I am completely fine with the score and the pp it gives and this will only change if a trend starts to establish where people are getting too easy pp using touch screens. This is a lot harder than the tag4 touch score giving 500+ pp.

Just out of curiosity, why does this https://osu.ppy.sh/b/87570?m=0 not give any pp at all?

I really don't feel like elaborating on the tag4 map thing again. Short version: Some tag4 maps could be "abused" in terms of pp with a touch screen which prompted tag4 maps in general losing their pp-giving status which they should have never had to begin with due to completely disagreeing with any sort of ranking guidelines.
If you want more details scroll down a few months. ^^'
Liked by: DroppedBass

http://ask.fm/Tom94/answer/127136515278 I'm not the person who asked this, but why not simply creating an API online, where you simply pass in the ranked mapID, and it returns a json table with all the information you may need inside? A little bit like the twitter api does it.

Akitake’s Profile PhotoAkitake
pp is calculated by an external c++ program, not within php. For such an API a whole new interface between the webservers and the pp processing client would have to be made.
Liked by: Benpoi DroppedBass


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