
Tom Long Dong

Ask @Tom94

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Why there are so big differences between the calculated difficulties of osu!DiffCalc Web and the client? For example in the client Shotgun Señorita is Level 123 (too high IMO), Shotgun Symphony+ is Level 139, while on the website Shotgun Señorita is Level 74 and Shotgun Symphony+ is level 54 (too lo

The client is ooooold. I should remove it, thanks for reminding me. :>

Do you participate in chats if someone messages you, or do you just ignore it and close the chat? Only asking because I would like to talk to you, but I know that you are a top player and probably get too many messages to want to respond to any except ones from your friends.

I don't mind writing, but I dislike the common smalltalk while gaming. As in: "hi- hi- how are you- fine thanks yada yada". That's not exactly beneficial if you want to play a game, you know? :3
Aside from that I try to always respond... sometimes I don't realize that I got messages though... so if I don't respond just spam me.

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Do you think friendship can be made over the internet? Did you do so? Who would you consider your best internetfriend then?

Of course it can. Actually I met most of the friends that didn't turn out as scumbags in the internet first and only later got to meet them irl. My best "internetfriend" would certainly be my girlfriend.

http://pastebin.com/tjNuBsU2 My thoughts on how to make scoring more fair. Sorry if it's something you already do or thought of and discarded. Just wanted to throw my pair of pennies out there!

I've experimented around with those and didn't quite end up where I wanted it to. In the following screenshow you see the per-hitobject strain value approach that I am using right now. To gain beatmap difficulty I split it into sections of fixed length, take the everage of each, order them with decreasing value and add them up, weighting the first sections in the order the most.
If I had access to per-hitobject data of player scores I wouldn't even need that folding step and I could directly apply the strain values to each 300 / miss / etc of the player, resulting in even more accuracy measurements.

Do you feel like Cookizi's HR score on FD[another] giving more tp than his nomod score on FD[4D] makes sense or is it a flaw in the tp system?

Considering his extremely high accuracy with HardRock it kinda makes sense to me that the total tp value of the score is higher. However it gives him less speed than his other score, which in this context is more valuable. I just finished adjusting the scores page, so you can now see those things yourself.
Here are the highest rated accuracy scores for example: http://osutp.net/scores?s=3

Why not show aim/speed/accuracy for each individual score?

Will come. At the moment I am still thinking about how, because if I'd just add them them table would literally overflow with content.

Accuracy is valued way too much

Accuracy is valued just as much as aim or speed. In my opinion that's perfectly valid - but hey, ranking systems will always stay subjective. You can sort the list however you like and decide for yourself who is the best.

You should explain the changes to the system.

Dw, when I am done with all the little tweaks I'll make an info page explaining everything.

Why tp scores ''Shotgun Senorita''+HD > ''hypnoSpirA''+DT ?

Because shotgun senorita requires a lot more aim and accuracy. hynoSpirA's speed difficulty is higher, but both others lower. Don't worry, internally the fastest scores count for player speed rating, etc. etc.
I'm still looking for a way to properly display the new score value (which now consists of aim, speed and acc) to public.

http://puu.sh/380Y2.png Don't you think DT is being favored too much in tp? I don't think DT on this map is difficult enough to make it worth more than twice HDHR with 6% lower acc...

DT was not being over-favored. However accuracy just gave a multiplier, which resulted in slow maps remaining easy, even with high OD. However I completely overhauled the tp algorithm, now counting aim, speed and acc seperately (thanks for the idea, jesse <3) and this appears to have fixed the problem.
Liked by: kriers Tshemmp

Does "Perfect" give more tp then if you FC with 100's on sliders?

It does indirectly, since your combo is below maxcombo by 1 and because you made an additional 100. But there's no special "bonus" for perfect or SS like there is in pp.

If I click on two spots that are near each other with my ctl-470 it automatically makes a movement which connects them. HELP MASTER!

It probably has to do with double click behaviour. Had the problem on my old tablet... you'll have to find your wisptis settings in the registry and set the time interval for double clicks to 0.

I can do more combos than the maximum due to a bug. Can I win more tp with that ?

No. The combo scaling maxes out when you reach the max combo. (This is important due to some old maps having allowed higher maxcombos back then than what is possible right now. You can check that yourself. ;) )

That's too bad, i thought it'd be easier than the scores update since there's only ~4000 users in tp right now.

There are almost 70,000 users in tp and about 1,500,000 scores. There are only the top 5000 scores displayed because of performance matters.

Keine Ahnung ob's schonmal gefragt wurde, aber wird es dein tp-System in Zukunft auch für Taiko (CtB/mania) geben?

BrokenArrowww’s Profile PhotoBrokenArrow
Sobald meine anderen top-prio Ziele abgeschlossen sind... was sie nun fast sind. Werd mich wohl bald mit ein paar top-Spielern der jeweiligen Modes auseinandersetzen um den diffcalc auch dafür tauglich zu machen. Habe den Update prozess nun komplett auf dem Server laufen und auf vlt 20mins gekürzt, sprich logistisch wäre der 4-Fache Aufwand durchaus machbar. Eventuell sogar mit mehr updates als 1mal täglich. :)
Liked by: BrokenArrow

I looked through the first few pages of the score rating and there are quite a few scores of players that have already been banned like these users; 2204373 2668110 2648948 837569 2717049 Please find a way to remove these scores!

Problem is, that I can't check which players have been banned efficiently. This means that I can either throw away -all- scores which aren't present in scoreboards anymore, or some cheated scores will remain. :/

Eine Frage hätt ich noch, wie warst du früher in der Schule? Gab es manchmal eine Zeit, bei der dir die Motivation fehlte?

Hab 2 Klassen übersprungen. War immer relativ schlecht in Deutsch / Geisteswissenschaften / Fremdsprachen und top in Naturwissenschaften / Mathe.
Ich hatte nie Motivation und hab generell nicht gelernt... nichtmal für's Abi. Wenn meine Mum mir in den ersten Jahren nicht ordentlich in den Hintern getreten hätte, wäre ich wahrscheinlich in der Sonderschule anstatt im Gymi gelandet. ^_^;
Liked by: TomWinter

Denkst du, dass du dein Limit in der Programmierung schon erreicht hast? Oder wirst du dich eines Tages selber übertreffen, was denkst du?

Man lernt nie aus, vor allem beim Programmieren. Es gibt immer Design Patterns oder schlaue Algorithmen, die man sich aneignen / herausfinden kann.
(Die Sprache selbst perfekt zu beherrschen ist dabei kein Problem und schnell erreichbar.)

Is it possible to lose tp other than overwriting your old score?

No it isn't. What you said is the only way to lose tp. I can't implement a system, that keeps your previous score though, since changes to the tp-algorithm would make that system inconsistent.


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