
Tom Long Dong

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Alles Gute, Bubi Wie viel hat das Piano, dass du in deinem Video verwendet hast, gekostet?

Danke. Das ist uralt und von einem Bekannten meinen Eltern geschenkt worden. Unser richtiges Klavier steht ein Stockwerk tiefer... aber da konnte ich nicht wirklich aufnehmen.

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why did niko get banned ?

So appearently he does not know. He also says the "official" reason is multiaccounting.

Niko banned for multi accounting? don't you find it ridicolous?

After getting my DiffCalc removed for being "malicious software" nothing can really surprise me anymore.
But I feel with him. Sucks to loose years of work for something stupid, I went through the same.
He could probably get it back with a PM where he apologies though.

Is it good that my fingers are hurting now because of osu? lol I think I exhausted them too much... Did something like that ever happened to you?

Never for more than a few minutes.

Would you forgive me if I masturbate to Milkshake too?

I got the real deal, you only have an image in your head. I'd rather pity that than be angry.

this is two weeks late but how is a teleportation device realistic I mean think of it on particle level... yeah no that doesn't work man

You clearly have no idea of quantum mechanics and Einstein's relativity theory. Actually we already know how one would work, it would just require an impossible to obtain amount of energy. (That is until we start getting access to the energy of stars themselves or whatever other crazy things we might discover.)

do you fap with your avatar?

You mean like... print it on a piece of paper, wrap it around my *meow* and fap with it? No.
(Once again: Proper english is important!)

microsoft defender keeps telling me your diffcalc is a trojan whenever i open it :( also why does it need to access the network? it keeps asking for firewall access

It neither asks for firewall access nor tries to access the network. You can confirm that through wireshark.
The fast that libmysql.dll is in there is just me being stupid. You can delete it and it will still run.
If you get those errors then you probably got the diffcalc from someone else and fell for his attempt to put a trojan on your computer. Here is a virustotal link, you are free to upload my diffcalc by yourself and confirm it.

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Milkshake Milkshake Milkshake Milkshake Milkshake Milkshake Milkshake Milkshake Milkshake Milkshake

Can you post a pic of your tablet area (here or in osu profile)?

Still full. Why do you need a pic for that. D:


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